Is anyone else having job troubles?

About a year ago my day job cut my hours from 40hr/week to 30hr/week then about 5 months ago they cut me down to 20hrs/week, The only good thing is before my 1st hour cut I got a night job and thankfully they haven't cut my hours but it is for half the pay/hour that I make at my day job. Long story short, I make the same amount of money that I made a year ago, but instead of just working just 40hrs I work 60hrs a week. >:(

I work in a sweatshop mig welding pallet rack systems, high volume quotas that are sometimes impossible to hit. The big boss is constantly pushing us, when you do finaly get to where you are able to hit quota........he raises it. I havent worked a job that I hate as much as I hate this place, this boss.......EVER! I just took some time off to go see my very sick father & got the feeling when I go in tomorrow I will be fired. I realy dont care, hate to say it, but I will somehow bounce back like I always have before but I gotta admit this thread, hearing your stories is kinda spookin' me. I wish every one of you the best of luck, dont give up. We'll get through this crap-fest somehow. :thumbsup:

I had that feeling at my last job, the one I got laid off from in Oct. I used to love that job but, the people they put in to help me made it soooo miserable I was glad when they said bye to me!

I've been fortunate in this area. Boss just retired (on Soc. Sec.) per se but still comes in since the gov. lets him get in X # of hrs. w/o losing his pension. By cutting back his pay, he gave me a raise (1st one in 4 years). Am on salary so still have to put in 6 days/wk to get 52 hr. Been doing this for 16 years but only two of us to run the shop. As long as the economy is bad, the better we do. (unfortunately) At 52, still have a long ways to go for retirement.

All we can do is pray that you all find ways to keep your heads above water. Heard there's a # of 70 and 80 yr old people out there looking for work as well to keep ahead of the times.

Just so you know Fun City has been affected too. I work in a big [nameless] resort on the Strip and we've laid off 30-35% of our hotel staff, some who've been here 20+ years! Luckily, I still have my job because I'm the only one who does it, but it's increasingly difficult to get things done. When a person gets laid off in another department that I've been working with on a project for two months, it creates a problem. Functionality is starting to suffer.

And it's getting frustrating for guests as well. Fewer cocktail waitresses/bartenders means longer waits for gamblers, room service is slower, most hotels have closed some, if not all restaurants, and showrooms are next. Yikes. 9/11's downturn was nothing compared to this.

Best wishes to you T-Netters looking for work. Keep hittin' it like it was Civil War battlefield. :thumbsup:

News this am some 90 year old man is job hunting because Benard Maynard or what ever his name is lost the mans $.

But I did get to sub today it was one day but better than nothing.

And if there are any teachers out there remember I said Conoco moving people out of here, well some of those people have spouses that are teachers so they are going to need teachers!

And if any of you are around Katy, TX. You will be getting my oldest grandsons teacher and she is fantastic!

Montana Jim said:
Detectingfreak said:
Yeah it sucks that the job market is in such trouble. I just found out on last wednessday that we are changing our hours. So we close at 9 instead of 10 on weeknights. :(

What do you do for work?

I am a guest service representative for hollywood video. I make $9.50 an hour. I am still in college so I am only doing this part time. I can manage to get B's and A's and still have time to metal detect and work when they need me to.

Detectingfreak said:
Montana Jim said:
Detectingfreak said:
Yeah it sucks that the job market is in such trouble. I just found out on last wednessday that we are changing our hours. So we close at 9 instead of 10 on weeknights. :(

What do you do for work? 

I am a guest service representative for hollywood video. I make $9.50 an hour.  I am still in college so I am only doing this part time. I can manage to get B's and A's and still have time to metal detect and work when they need me to.

I hope it starts looking up for you soonest!  Your main job is getting "A"s of course.

Depression is a problem during recessions... I hope all of you are keeping your "chin up" and looking forward to tomorrow's possibilities.

Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job Sha na na na, sha na na na na
Every morning about this time
she get me out of my bed
a-crying get a job.
After breakfast, everyday,
she throws the want ads right my way
And never fails to say,
Get a job Sha na na na, sha na na na na
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job Sha na na na, sha na na na na
And when I get the paper
I read it through and through
And my girl never fails to say
If there is any work for me,
And when I go back to the house
I hear the woman's mouth
Preaching and a crying,
Tell me that I'm lying 'bout a job
That I never could find.
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Sha na na na, sha na na na na,
Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job Sha na na na, sha na na na na

I have read some on getting business grants etc. Has anyone thought about trying to open up their own business? If you have what have you figured out to do? Is any one doing any batering? I spend some time on Craigs list for that. I'm disabled so not really looking for work but I feel for each of you. Uncle Sam is trying to get money flowing again I think it would be as easy or easier to get federal grants or loans to open something up now. Not sure how I can help but have gotten pretty good at reasearch online. Maybe like someone suggested a area for posting resumes etc. maybe we have some folks on here that could help writing proposals/business plans/review resumes or rewrites. Just thinking out loud here. Maybe someone has found a nitch idea that is working for them that they would share with us in other areas.

thankfully I am retired and have a set amount comming in each month. I live in Mich and looking around there are a lot
of people out of work and not many prospects of finding a new job at least in the near future so don't feel alone hang in there and things will
get better good luck & happy MD"ing

You're right - it WILL get better. People just have to do what's necessary in the meantime.

I know 'they' want you to spend, spend, spend, to help keep the money flowing, but self-preservation says - don't do that - so, we don't do that.

We are really lucky, too. We don't have to depend on my now one day a week job, to survive. (but it sure was nice to have the extra cash).

I would rather work one day a week so that the people who depend on this job (the 5 days a week people, raising kids on this job) can still get and keep their 40 hours. (which also allows them to keep their insurance - under 32 hours and they no longer are covered).


Economy must be picking up ..... Since 22 December i've been
laid off or working for $1.80 less per hour than normal and i am
laid off all this week. Just got off the phone with HR in my
company. They called to tell me that as of monday I go back to
my old job in my old department at my old rate of pay. If they
had put me back on second shift things would be perfect for me.
My son is one of 2100 people laid off indefinitely from the same
company and he uses my phone as his contact number so I know
that he has still not been called back to work. Hopefully soon.
In the past whenever construction takes a hit we take a hit. When
retail goes down we get laid off. Retail must be picking up or
people wouldn't be buying our product. Good luck to all still
looking or waiting. Figures it would pick up just when weather is
getting nice enough to use a detector BUT I am definitely not
complaining about getting $82 a week back. siegfried schlagrule

Glad to hear it, Sig. If it's picking back up in your area, your son should get called soon, too. (did they lay off according to seniority?)

Speaking of working songs - let's not forget George Thorogood:

Get a haircut and get a real job! (each of us has an individual contribution to the working population).


layoffs were by seniority and it took ten years to keep working.
Our customers are nation wide and use our trailers to haul
frieght for retail; construction and automobiles. If orders are
picking up it means that credit is coming back online. We've
had thousands of trailers ordered but everyone had their
credit lines cancelled and we can't afford to make them and
wait to be paid. not much markup in the cheaper trailers and
high material costs. We laid off about the time the car
companies started begging for money. siegfried schlagrule

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