It's been awhile since I've posted on Tnet.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2013
So I've been prospecting in most of Washington. It's been a hell of a lot of fun and I can say never give up. I've met T.V. personalities and the real people that are fighting for your right to mine all the way to the Supreme Court. I decided to post some of the pictures I've taken since my last post. I'm sure there will be questions and I will answer most of them lol. ENJOY


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run into turd hoffman?

run into turd hoffman?
Nope never met him. But I have spent time talking with Steve and Sean Pomrenke. Also Derek McLarty owner of the High Noon 12" dredge. More importantly I met Brandon Reinhardt at the AMRA dinner in Turlock Ca last year. Brandon's fight against California will get them back in the water when it is heard by the Supreme Court.

Funny you mentioned Toad. My mining partner Sal met him at the Elma gold and mineral show a couple years ago. BS'd with him for a while and even told him he was lucky I wasn't there or I'd be trying to scalp that God awful beard off his chin :headbang:
Anyone want an autographed picture of the only has a few dart holes in it :occasion14: He's one guy I can't stand....for sure!!!

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