Jeff Gordon

Yeah..hope he hurries back..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

pretty sure he's posting in this thread

Don't think so, he told me he has the flu..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

He is pretty entertaining, I give him that!

For sure!!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

pretty sure he's posting in this thread

Word to the wise, if he is and we catch it the ban doubles and starts over. Anyone caught sneaking in under new name is re-banned.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Can't y'all trace IP numbers Treasure Hunter?

To all interested Jeff will be back August 10th...we shall do a countdown. ...:)

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

We have multiple tools to use.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

See, the rules are so dramatic. Outside of one threatening physical harm to someone, I can't possibly see the need for said 'bannings'. We are all grown adults.

And now I have to worry that there are 'multiple tools' to track me down if one wanted??!! Sheesh.

Forum rules are based on common sense. The only time they become dramatic is when people become outraged that they're actually enforced.

See, the rules are so dramatic. Outside of one threatening physical harm to someone, I can't possibly see the need for said 'bannings'. We are all grown adults.

And now I have to worry that there are 'multiple tools' to track me down if one wanted??!! Sheesh.

You are relatively new here and have not witnessed many of the problems for which rules are for.

TN has had cyber attacks by past members, members signing up under multiple names and accounts in order to cause problems and attack members thinking they want get caught .

Banned members have tried to run scams both involving money and false treasures found...

If someone refuses to stop attacking a member what do you propose we do?

Tools at our disposal are the same tools every single forum or website you visit has at their disposal....

Multi-accounting is the reason most tools are used, unless your doing so you don't have a problem....

FYI, anytime you visit any site on the net you leave a trail.....

Just ask the NSA......:D

Rules are what maintains the order and keeps it civil.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Last edited:
Hehehehe, TH IS the tnet nsa, hehehehehe :laughing7:

Sorry bout your buddy bb, I miss him, too.
I miss my Spartycat, the most! :sad10:

Hehehehe, TH IS the tnet nsa, hehehehehe :laughing7:

Sorry bout your buddy bb, I miss him, too.
I miss my Spartycat, the most! :sad10:

Not quite, all of us use the tools. You can't fool Jeff, river, TnM or Larson either....

I did spin 15 months in IT school and have a friend from that class who can track a nat around the world on the Net. Walter is an IT guru....

I tracked a bad game hacker on Call of Duty 2 down to Jakarta, Indonesia who was bragging we couldn't stop him from getting into our game server and using his aim bots and wall hack cheats... It was my game server I paid for and ran for our team....

He was wrong.... I tracked him, got his game key, banned it, then did class ban on the City of Jakarta...

He never returned to our game server...

No offense taken either Pat..:thumbup:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

These online forums can be so odd sometimes with rules and how sensitive people can get over the tiniest of things. I have been a member on a variety of forums and it really is the same way across the board.

I agree people do get overly sensitive. I use to read the survival boards, now there's some overly sensitive guys. A guy was worried about living in the desert and his water situation with flushing a toilet. I told him he could get a composting, incinerator, or use his dish water to flush the toilet(gray water). Him and his buddy got on there calling me stupid and since I'm not living essentially like a hobo in a shack I didn't know anything since I'm a city slicker. I thought this was funny since I grew up
In god middle of nowhere WV we used a outhouse, no running water and until 94 didn't have electric. Then they banned me since he was a moderator. Lol so I just made another name and went back on. But that's all them boards are are people telling rachother their dumb. Heck almost every thread is started by the same people. It's because they all control the board. They are a bunch of fruitcakes in my opinion, hoard food and ammo enough for 30
Years some of them. Building bunkers with security doors and sticking up
In guns. I mean there's prepared but these guys go a little to far. I love the ones that talk about anyone coming around they'll just shoot them, and the same to the cops. These are the ones that shouldn't own guns. There just itching to start crap. Lol no I'm not saying guns are bad or downing anyone on here. If you want to see type in survival forums and go to survivalist I thinks it's the one with shtf and that other long board. Your skin will crawl because of these people. Well another long winded post have fun everyone.

It's as simple as life itself.....everything in nature lives by rules, and rule govern how our society succeeds or fails. Without those rules, which we all signed upon entering this forum, their is only chaos. The mods here do an exemplary job, and they do it for nothing, we are lucky, some forums only foster descent and bluster, and no-one can learn, or communicate at all. JG will be back in all his glory soon, and will have tons of posts to keep all of us on the edge of our seats, but now the bounds are defined, and I suspect he won't make the same mistakes for a third time. But then again, he is Jeff-Gordon:laughing7:

Just a FYI..

Every member who makes a post on TN has agreed to follow the rules and terms of service by posting here..

Rules and TOS can be found in the link in my signature.

TN is the oldest treasure forum on the net, our rules and TOS have served us very well the last 15 years or so and will continue to so for years to come.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Ok, if anyone is in touch with Jeff tell him I gave him a parole....

This is because so many of you went to bat for him, but it is conditional that it does not start up again.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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