Kinzlis is back!!

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

:thumbsup: :hello2: :icon_thumright:

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

:icon_sunny: :thumbsup: :icon_sunny: :icon_pirat:

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

Just checked

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

sorry don't know...what is Kinzli's :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: :help:

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

(kinzlis) registered on and there is no way to reply back to any post, add my avitar... it says to go to the preferences button but there is no preferences button on top of the page :icon_scratch:
what is with kinzlis forum :help:

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

You guys, I think the link posted for kinzli's CA forum site, is not working for you because you are required to be a member, to see the main pages. And that link apparently goes to the main pages, not the "beginner" section (where non-members can view). I don't have the link to the non-member's section (since mine is bookmarked for the regular pages, as was this link posted here).

I know I know, sounds like a hassle, but it is well worth it: simply pick a name and a password and PRESTO, you're on :) Click to "sign up" and follow the steps.

The kinzli forum is, to my knowledge, where all CA specific exchanges are going on. Any other ones (like this one on T'net for instance) get no posts. But on the kinzli site, you'll see people posting from nearly every end of the state. :headbang:

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

the link that is shown comes up you can register on log in still nothing is there a different
web page to go to :icon_scratch:

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

nothing works >:(

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

Outdoors, you say yourself that it gives you the option to "register", right? Well that's what you need to do: register! Just click there, pick a name and password, set up your account, etc... Easy. Then you'll be able to go to the main pages.

Jeff (the forum creator) made it where participants had to sign up, because of something to do with spam or something.

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

Tom_in_ca I did register with name and password just like you are suppost to I
can go in to the forum read them but there is no place to click on and reply back
to the topic that I'm reading :icon_scratch:
and there is no preferences button to click on to add avatar or change information if need be...
what it says to do you can't do it I have tried time and time again...
never had a problem with forums like this until now...
click on quote it tells me (I can't reply to topic that I have not started)...

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

Outdoors, you are doing something wrong. If you got to the main pages (and can read others posts on the regular main pages), then you got that part right. But as for not being able to post, reply, etc..., you are doing something wrong. Without being there at your computer (to show you the icons you must not be seeing), I can't help you. Have you tried scrolling with the bar at the bottom, to make the right-hand side of the forum show up? Ie.: to "see to each end"?

What city are you in? Maybe there's a forumite you can hook up with that can get with you on your own 'puter to figure it out.

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

yes I see the icons there but they give me an error when I do click on them
no matter what I click on I get an error

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

Outdoors, since you repeated yourself, I will repeat myself again too:

1) you are doing something wrong.

2) without being there, no one can diagnose what the problem is (like trying to get a mechanic to fix your car, by describing a "funny noise" to him over the phone. He's going to say "I'd have to drive it, hear it for myself, etc...")

3) I asked you what city you live in, and if you'd be interested in having a forumite from your area come show you how to post, reply, etc.... You have not answered that, and not said what city you're in.

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

outdoors said:
yes I see the icons there but they give me an error when I do click on them
no matter what I click on I get an error

Ok, try it now...

Re: Kinzli's is back!!

kinzli said:
outdoors said:
yes I see the icons there but they give me an error when I do click on them
no matter what I click on I get an error

Ok, try it now...

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