Legends in the Grand Canyon

Wow... this thing just erased my post... something about 3 messages waiting that I might want to read first. No... I had already read them... doggone it.

Cubfan64, Cptbil and Buck, thank you.
Cubfan, check out this article I think it confirms some of my ideas. This shut out is one of many.

Cptbil, if you're in area let me know where. I'm on a tight schedule, but it sounds interesting, ant THANK YOU, the pics would be awesome.

Buck, your suggestion sent me back to some interesting searches I have had and I'm still having fun with... I-40 took the place of Rt 66 (tho its still there) and all along I-40 are caves, lots of them.

A couple of years ago MOd had an embarrassment, some of their elite were 'trapped' in a cave in Mexico without permission.

Most of these incidents are brushed under a rug, but the news got out. Mexico's President was not amused.

Here is a blurb about G.E. Kinkaid,
"Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and has been an explorer and hunter all his life, thirty years having been in the service of the Smithsonian Institute. Even briefly recounted, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque. "

At first I thought the language was over the top for a newspaper article, but thetas the way they wrote back then. Quite Victorian.

Sorry I haven't figured out how to do the URLs but if you copy and paste it will take you there.
Janiece :icon_study:

Gossamer said:
Wow... this thing just erased my post... something about 3 messages waiting that I might want to read first. No... I had already read them... doggone it.

Cubfan64, Cptbil and Buck, thank you.
Cubfan, check out this article I think it confirms some of my ideas. This shut out is one of many.

Cptbil, if you're in area let me know where. I'm on a tight schedule, but it sounds interesting, ant THANK YOU, the pics would be awesome.

Buck, your suggestion sent me back to some interesting searches I have had and I'm still having fun with... I-40 took the place of Rt 66 (tho its still there) and all along I-40 are caves, lots of them.

A couple of years ago MOd had an embarrassment, some of their elite were 'trapped' in a cave in Mexico without permission.

Most of these incidents are brushed under a rug, but the news got out. Mexico's President was not amused.

Here is a blurb about G.E. Kinkaid,
"Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and has been an explorer and hunter all his life, thirty years having been in the service of the Smithsonian Institute. Even briefly recounted, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque. "

At first I thought the language was over the top for a newspaper article, but thetas the way they wrote back then. Quite Victorian.

Sorry I haven't figured out how to do the URLs but if you copy and paste it will take you there.
Janiece :icon_study:
Thanks but no thanks on your offer over the I have read most of them out of some to do and maybe one day check them out but I only have loves now my wife, my kid and my three dogs oh I am sorry one more the thrill of the hunt so if I can help you solve any thing give me a yell will try to help plain ole Buck


April 8 Coast to Coast show (George Noory) had an interview with David Hatcher Childress.

Egypt & The Grand Canyon
Author and archeologist David Hatcher Childress discussed his research into artifacts found in the Grand Canyon that suggest Egyptians may have visited North America thousands of years ago. He also talked about his investigation of the Olmecs and amazing technologies possessed by people of ancient times.

"The more and more I've looked into it over the years, what I've concluded is that, yes there is something to it," Childress said of the famous story, from 1909, of a Smithsonian-sponsored expedition into the Grand Canyon to find Egyptian artifacts. He shared one possible piece of evidence: a Southwestern roadside attraction, dubbed "The Thing." This odd mummy of a woman and child together was "privately purchased in 1910" according to his sources. Childress theorized that it "may well be one of the artifacts from the caves."


Hi Shadowed_Blue, thank you and yes David Hatcher Childress is the go-to guy on info. His work is brilliant. Mr. Hatcher IMO is the Indiana Jones and does go at things skeptically, with field work and research. :thumbsup:

Loved the info on the mummy, hadn't heard about this particular one and would love to go see ... that is my point though, everyone is talking about it, but where is the beef? I want to SEE one of these mummies, I would take anything someone standing next to one, someone I know, anything that is going to confirm that its possible that something/anything was found in the GC or anywhere else in the state of AZ for that matter. ;D

Everyone has a book and theory, they claim to have seen... I want to see, the only thing about this story is that the one in the GC was very specific, in that GE Kinkaid said he felt it was a barracks, specifically stating that no evidence of women or children. He did mention mummies, but all male. Somebody tell me where this mummy is and I will break my neck to get there. This is the most important part of my pulling together a docu.

I spoke with Michael Cremo several years ago in an email (check out his brilliant books Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race) I was very fortunate and he gave me some wonderful tips on researching. Its part of how I work to this day.
In going thru records I found this interesting article from 1896.

Published: March 22, 1896
Copyright © The New York Times

From the Phoenix (Arizona) Gazette.
J. A. Hansford, a well-to-do farmer living three and half miles east of Phoenix recently found the skeleton of an Aztec, a prehistoric man, one of the citizens who people this valley centuries ago, and placed it under a high state of cultivation, built cities, dug canals, and leveled the surface of the valley.
The discovery came by accident and was decidedly unexpected. Mr. Hansford was plowing, and he encountered a spot where the earth would not yield to the plowshare. As water is the employed in such cases, a stream was turned on, but still the ground would not plow.
Like a good farmer, determined to make the spot yield, he tried a mattock and began to dig the stubborn earth or cement. Presently something gave way, and soon a subterranean cavity was disclosed. This proved to be a room with walls of adobe.
When this was cleared out, a soft spot was found in the cement floor about six feet, a human skeleton in perfect state of preservation, with teeth as natural as life, was disclosed.
The skeleton is six feet, six inches in length, strong, with skull of regular shape and considerably above that of the average human being. Near the skeleton was a pretty drinking cup, evidently left by the remains to follow the custom that prevailed with the mound-builders through the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys.
Mr. Hansford did not care for the skeleton, so he reburied it, but a Phoenix man was soon out, and he secured the trophy.
The sepulcher or room was evidently the living apartment at one time of the dead man, as there were a fireplace and other evidences of home life.
In the vicinity of Phoenix there are many evidences of old ruins; in fact, a part, if not all of the City of Phoenix, stands on the ruins of a buried city and a fallen empire. :icon_profileleft:

I have gone thru so many newspapers I can practically recite them. LOL
going back to go forward :icon_study:

LOL... I guess if that were real, it would have been claimed by one tribe or another. So that would answer that question. I think. Back then this kind of thing was very popular to own. They were shipping them from Eygpt in bulk. Remember around this there was a remarkable interest in all things Eygptian, lots of trooping around digging up boy kings.

This desert is a perfect place to find remains in that description. I've also found that people would create cover stories like 'its fake' in order to not give up the goods.

I'm working as a producer for this docu. I have to pull it together and decide what direction it goes with the next year to present to the money guys.

Does anyone know what the US does about any treasure found, is it taken or like in England, they pay fair market to the finder? Yikes don't want to let them know about the 2500 yr old chinese dagger money I found. LOL



LOL... Buck, I'm glad its not just me. :newbie:


This is one place to start. Remember the desert is a perfect place for mummy remains to be found.
This story intrigues me on several levels, the more research I do the more I think there is more to the overall story. I also believe there is a system of caves/caverns that are very ancient running from S. Am. up through the states. There are many legends, more opinions... and less facts.
But I continue.
Janiece :icon_study:

Gossamer said:
LOL... I guess if that were real, it would have been claimed by one tribe or another. So that would answer that question. I think. Back then this kind of thing was very popular to own. They were shipping them from Egypt in bulk. Remember around this there was a remarkable interest in all things Eygptian, lots of trooping around digging up boy kings.

This desert is a perfect place to find remains in that description. I've also found that people would create cover stories like 'its fake' in order to not give up the goods.

I'm working as a producer for this docu. I have to pull it together and decide what direction it goes with the next year to present to the money guys.

Does anyone know what the US does about any treasure found, is it taken or like in England, they pay fair market to the finder? Yikes don't want to let them know about the 2500 yr old chinese dagger money I found. LOL


I drive by The Thing often, it is a 'fake'. They have some sort of story regarding the mummy coming from Egypt that is intended to dispel the 'natives' claim of kinship. BTW, the mummy isn't the 'Thing" anyway!

We have attorneys and archies in the Land of the Free, meaning mum's the word, unfortunately. There's almost always folks in line for your goodies - Wells Fargo, Insurance company's, relatives, natives,and anyone with a crack pot ex use to make a claim. That program in GB is pretty cool, I'm sure there's a n encouragement there for plenty of situations.

The Kirchner Caverns Story is a good one. Randy and Gary where casual acquaintances of my mother back in the days they where searching the discovery. She saw them often on their way out, heard many stories years before the Kirchner's or Mo did. As far as I know nothing beyond the obvious was found, other than giant sloth remains indicating an opening now closed.
It's still not at all close to being all mapped, but these guys put in a lot of time looking for 'whatever' before officially telling anyone.

Gossamer said:
LOL... Buck, I'm glad its not just me. :newbie:


This is one place to start. Remember the desert is a perfect place for mummy remains to be found.
This story intrigues me on several levels, the more research I do the more I think there is more to the overall story. I also believe there is a system of caves/caverns that are very ancient running from S. Am. up through the states. There are many legends, more opinions... and less facts.
But I continue.
Janiece :icon_study:


This guy has some info on the cave system, he's been studying it for 30 years or more. You'll have to sort through a bunch of pages to find it, though. He's got some pretty heady stuff on this site, I think it may be right up your alley. Sorry but I can't find any references to the Double crib mine at all. Does it have another name by chance?

Doc & I have info on a couple of Huge Cavern Systems in CA-Nv-AZ
We'll be going into these this '08 Trip
Anyone interested in going along or have informationon any caves/caverns they'd like to "visit"
Go to our "topic/posts"....
On the "T'net Member Trips" section, "Docc & Cptbild's 08 Trip"
Drop us a line >>>> :thumbsup:

I have not found any other reference to the Double Crib, which to me means that it may have changed very early on.
I have it as a note, its something that caught my eye.. so i keep putting it out there.
As far a caverns and underground exploration, there are lots of stories, strangly... no pics that have any definition.
Van Danikan is interesting, Neil Armstrong tried very hard to get access to the metal library, but they say the politics and tribal warring and so on.
I know that just like mines, these entrances are fiercely protected and hidden, and it can be dangerous.
The Katchner Caverns are the perfect example, but I'm glad they protected the Cavern and now we all can enjoy it. I would love to speak to the guys, maybe I will get the chance.
I'm interested in the stories, the tall people that have been left out of history books... did they really exist. I don't want to just read about it.. I want to see it for myself.

have you ever watched under ground cities on the history ch?? they were showing the under ground tunnels under new york

I have watched that show faithfully... like I've said, there underground is everywhere... they either build over it, or like in Mayan Temple, build a temple over the cave/tunnel system.

Kenb... those were so wonderful... I want to go 'see' them. Thanks for the link. I had come across the drawings before but nothing else!!!
Ya' made my evening.
Janiece :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

A lot of westerns states have vast areas of Federally owned lands
Not as it is in England, it's a good thing!
You see, most of these lands are divided into either National Parks, or National
National Parks are like :
Grand Canyon Nat. Park, or, Yellowstone Nat. Park, etc
You have free access or a small fee to enter/sightsee/camp/hike, etc.
They have some restrictions ...
National Forests & BLM Land, on the other hand,
You are FREE! to prospect/Rock Hound/treasure hunt/ mine/ hunt/ camp/ shoot (Targets ! Not one another !) etc.
You don't need a "permit" to do any of these events..
Except, you'll need a State Hunting lic. or a Mining Permit/claim before staring to actually mine a mineral
In general, they are "open" & "Free!" To about any outdoor activity

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