Letter to the Governator

Hoser John

Gold Member
Mar 22, 2003
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I would like to take a sec to suggest a matter of content to the governator--
THIS IS A ILLEGAL END RUNAROUND OF THE CEQA PROCESS THAT SEPERATES SCIENCE AND POLITICS TO PROTECT BOTH THE PEOPLE AND THE ENVIROMENT OF CALIFORNIA FROM POLITICAL TAMPERING. Since this is the 2nd go around it proves that the backers of SB670 acknowledge that the processes and procedures contained within this codified text are indeed tried and true and their failure to follow this process proves their inability to accept the truth of biological science.

Many MANY thanks to one and all who take the few minutes and a stamp to protect our mining heritage-much respect-John Oates-aka--da HOSER

Hey John,

Excellent point John. I'll send my next message to the governor with
that manipulation of the process pointed out.

Thanks again,

Mike O.
Northern California

thanks John. i included this info on my letter also! the more we send the better the results! but i do believe the cal. dems. dont give a hill of beans to what the truth is! they are paying the (wacoenviros)piper for their support in getting o elected, now they want their pound of flesh NOW!

DAMNEDOLDRATZ AND RETHUGLISCUM are burning down the state as they are termed out. We vetoed their pay raises and now retribution time--worthless bunch a &^%$#@ scum--and ya wonder why I call'm nothing but RATZ???John

You voted them in office. If you don't like what you see, them vote them out and get a new set of crooks in there. AND KEEP DOING IT TILL THEY GET THE MESSAGE THAT...THEIR ...JOB...IS...ON...THE...LINE.

I just gave you the definition of term limits. Use it or loose it.

I wrote three emails to the Hollywood-nator explaining the economic crisis and how it would only get worse if I was shut out of the state for dredging and my friends and I would spend our money elswhere if we could not go to California for dredging.

Personally, I could care less about what laws you pass down there in Mexifornia. I refuse to travel to a state where I have to press one to speak English with a mexican acsent.

darn i was really hoping to have one more useless person in california,its a shame we wont be graced with the prescence of someone so high and mighty." mexifornia" hey moderator why dont you do your job and squash the racism and downtalk cause it doesnt move the situation forward at all. how have people not learned that the beuracratic machine uses polariztion of the masses as its oil to keep going.the fact is politics are the same everywhere and washington has more salmon than california so if they use that to shut us down here you guys in the emerald state could be next.

by the way accent is spelled accent.

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