Likely bottle tip?


Jr. Member
Dec 20, 2012
Detector(s) used
Garrett Euroace
Teknetics EuroTek Pro
Garrett Pro-Pointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi everybody,
I know this 1800s cottage near my house,but there is a relatively new house built beside it.I have found dozens and dozens of modern(60s and 70s) lucozade bottles,etc,but I want to find old 1800s bottles from the cottage.The whole area is absolutely littered with junk from the newer house,but there are clumps of nettles growing nearby to the old cottage.I have found a handful of (what look to be old) cork-top bottles in amongst newer bottles.There is almost 100 years of bottles in this area,but If I dig where the nettles are,do I have a good possibility of making older finds?
Thanks in advance,??????

Remember, you can fling a bottle in any direction you want whether 100 years ago or today - so, dig dig dig collectorconor.

Hi everybody,
I know this 1800s cottage near my house,but there is a relatively new house built beside it.I have found dozens and dozens of modern(60s and 70s) lucozade bottles,etc,but I want to find old 1800s bottles from the cottage.The whole area is absolutely littered with junk from the newer house,but there are clumps of nettles growing nearby to the old cottage.I have found a handful of (what look to be old) cork-top bottles in amongst newer bottles.There is almost 100 years of bottles in this area,but If I dig where the nettles are,do I have a good possibility of making older finds?
Thanks in advance,??????

Do you have pics of the couple that you think are old? If you wouldn't mind posting them someone here will almost for sure be able to tell ya if you have broke the 19th century barrier yet. I'm not sure if the nettles mean anything or not. I'm from North Texas and those things are every where here. I would start by digging deeper at the spot where you found the cork tops. Also, those people from the newer house may very well have thrown all of their bottles in the same dump as the old house so you could dig some 2 or 3 feet test holes wherever you see surface finds. Thats how I got lucky and broke into the 1800's. The house was not abandoned until 1960 but they had always dumped in the same area. This dump was also only about 25 feet from the kitchen window. As long as the original house dates to the 1800's then they gotta be somewhere around there. They really didn't have another choice. Anyway, there is a lot more experienced diggers here who can probably give you some better ideals but I hope this helps in the mean time. Best of luck!


Heres a picture of my suspected 1800s-early 1900s bottles.

I'm too blind to tell for sure. Find the mold seams on them and follow em up. If it disappears part way up the neck then you got a good chance that its 19th century to very early 20th. There are a bunch of other things to look for as well but that's a good starting point.

No it goes fully up to the tip.

Those bottles are the era you want to shoot for! Dig deeper and they get older as a usual rule of thumb. Post all your finds on here and someone will help you.

Welcome collectorconor,

Those look like early 20th Century extracts. If you're finding this kinda stuff on, or near, the surface, there's a good likelihood of better goodies beneath. Your town's history may have reference to a tip there. If there are older shards of glass and pottery on the surface, I'd already be digging....

Good luck.


WOW nice finds! there is a 60's dump nearby the old house,if I dig deeper in it will the bottles go back to the 1800s?Ive found a few shards of the bottles I have posted above in that dump.

there is a 60's dump nearby the old house,if I dig deeper in it will the bottles go back to the 1800s?

Hello Conor,

You'll never know, unless you dig. Dumping areas have a propensity to have had multiple eras of use... Have you probed the area?

Sláinte agus táinte!


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