"Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beale."

I think you switched the thread title for the post

I think you switched the thread title for the post
New to this. I will learn. Sorry. Thanks, Peyton Manning. I hope I have corrected the mistake. I also have a new book on LuLu which they were suppose to put on Amazon about the Confederate Treasury in Danville, Va. I will continue to contact them. It should have been on Amazon about a year ago.

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Amazon finally placed my book, "Secrets of the Lost Confederate Treasury, As Told by the Talking Trees"
Screenshot 2022-12-31 at 14-14-40 Amazon.com albert atwell.png


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GoDeep’s analysis was very scientific with all details explained.

I went to Lynchburg today. Was within 200 feet of the home on Hunter's Hill where Sarah Mitchell Morriss died in 1861. I also got within one mile of where Robert Morriss died at Roslin. I got permission today to go check out the home-site where Robert Morriss died January 3, 1863. Went up Goose Creek dowsing for the Beale Treasure. I also talked to a lady that has an original copy of the "Job Print Pamphlet" She is asking a little over $7,000. A little steep for me but some of you may want it. I am plowing new-ground on this treasure saga, one day it may lead to the treasure being recovered?

As stated in the actual facts from the above thread, you did not find or recover any treasure. Everything you wrote (in spite of the actual scientific evidence presented) was speculation and conjecture.

Everyone should go read the above thread and observe the excellent, detailed, analysis work performed by GoDeep in disproving the tree statements.

Believe what you will. I know what I have done and I do not need a scientific explanation. As for GoDeep, I gave the same scientific information he posted only my research was different from his research. As both are scientific it all boils down as to which is correct. I know my scientific research is correct and I do know that there are 58 Depositories of CSA and KGC Depositories out there to recover. This is not like going out and picking up coins on the school yard with a metal detector it is 1,000 times more difficult. But we will see who or whom is correct in the coming days and years.

GoDeep’s analysis and research on the tree was 100% accurate.

You presented zero evidence, just conjecture. Please present your evidence proving your theory.

GoDeep’s analysis and research on the tree was 100% accurate.

You presented zero evidence, just conjecture. Please present your evidence proving your theory.
I wouldn't give you the time of day. As I said before, even if you saw tons of treasure you would still not believe anything.

As always franklin, you like so many others with fantastical claims have found absolutely nothing and continue to invent fiction in attempts to sell books and attempt the holy grail of getting a cable tv show.

Nothing more to be said as your pattern of, “I found” and “I do not have to show anyone anything” pattern of behavior continues.

If you think that is what 64 years of my work and research is all about then you are badly mistaken. I have detailed inventories of two stores that Robert Morriss and his brother-in-law and a life long friend ran before they ever moved to Lynchburg. I have promissory notes, real estate transactions, checks. I have all the research and it is all finished about four linear feet of research. And yes I will be writing at least four more books on this information and research as it may help someone else to find the treasure. I have two really good locations for the treasure. One was found by researching Clayton and George Hart. The other was located by using and researching into a Hand-Drawn Map drawn by Thomas Jefferson Beale, himself. So keep on keeping your post live on the show but you are going to miss the big show.


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Same old Franklin…..constantly posting about more treasures but in the end it’s all fictional rhetoric with absolutely no proof of any treasure found.

Franklin has been stating he was going to prove everyone wrong for many, many years, yet we are all still waiting.

Same old Franklin…..constantly posting about more treasures but in the end it’s all fictional rhetoric with absolutely no proof of any treasure found.

Franklin has been stating he was going to prove everyone wrong for many, many years, yet we are all still waiting.
Old singles tackle is all over Franklin, he just can't stand somebody looking for something he just might find .you better quit looking before he gets mad like he goes off like fireworks at any oak island post. Single-track is just looking out for you and really hates to see you waste your time.....

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