Man made or Natural


Full Member
Sep 27, 2013
S/E Tennesse
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Relic Hunting
I wasnt sure which forum to post this on.....These are pictures that I took off of my cell phone. I was hiking a few months ago and stumpled across these strange looking rocks. There were several all together in a wash on the side of a ridge in South East Hamilton county Tennessee outside Chattanooga. I dont know if these are cut stones or natural. I believe I posted these several months ago but listed it on the wrong forum. Could these be Native American stones used for building something. It just seemed that they would have to be cut being that there is almost a perfect 90 degree and even a cut out on one of them....I will have to hike in and get some better pics....I just wanted a second opinion before I did. I know nature can do some strange things but if there is even the slightest chance they are man made I need to go back. You can see the size of one them next to my Shovel thats laying beside it.


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You probably will want to put this in the "what is it" page of tnet. Its not a NA Indian artifact.

Looks almost like a pillar or a curb, but could very well be natural. Any signs of old houses around? Could even be an old survey or property marker

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There's not a cemetery or actually anything for miles. Its not on a trail. And each rock probably weighs several hundred pounds. So i really doubt its a property marker. When you get close they really look like some kind of building blocks. If not a NA Indian Artifact do you think it could be from an earlier civilization.

They look quarried, so maybe an old quarry site. Look like good building stone, granite maybe.

I agree with Charl. That is a quarried stone so I guess you could say it is man made. It's just not very old, couple hundred years tops probably.

Ill go back and get some better pics and uncover the rest of them. Just curious Mr. Reaper why would it be just a couple hundred years, and wouldn't there be a quarry site. surely they wouldn't have carried them far. What do you think it could have been used for or would it be just scrap

To me it looks like a quarried building stone. This piece would have either been used for a building or possibly as Jon Stewart suggests a monument base....

another idea could be CCC the Civil conservation corp from back in 30's n 40's.. I live on lookout mtn. and we have an old ccc camp and quarry on the side of mountain. they built all the stone paths and staircases for national parks here. going to the quarry site and you see rocks cut like that all over and within the weight range you claim... just another idea to think about it

Has anyone ever heard of the stone post 'markers' in Kansas? I have an older friend who is in love w/ them- to her they are just way too cool. She has pics, and I don't, but I think you can look them up on line. They see similar to me. Yakker

another idea could be CCC the Civil conservation corp from back in 30's n 40's.. I live on lookout mtn. and we have an old ccc camp and quarry on the side of mountain. they built all the stone paths and staircases for national parks here. going to the quarry site and you see rocks cut like that all over and within the weight range you claim... just another idea to think about it

I'm thinking they may have been used as the retaining walls for the Blue Ridge Parkway also.

really its very dependent on the things in the area its found too, though.. i mean if you got parks aroundit with stone staircases etcthen probably for/from that or retaining walls like yousaid lists could go on, but w/o better idea of surrounding areas site etc its hard to tell but the stone definately shows cut sides indicating qaurrying process of some sort

I'd run a metal detector around the area (with permission) to see what else might be there.

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