Missouri or Kansas folks??


Jr. Member
Jun 19, 2013
Hey guys this is my first time posting on here. I'm a Kansas boy and my prospecting outings are pretty well limited to every couple of years visiting family over in North Carolina. I got hooked my first time finding a decent picker. Any how I know there's a few spots around the Missouri River and northern Kansas where you can find a few specs of color just enough to cure the itch. I've never been and don't know any locals in that area. Anyone here been there or know any folks around? Any advice? I like the places off the beaten path and away from parks. I figure it's about like it is here in southeast Kansas if you don't know land owners you can't do much of anything

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find a few specs of color just enough to cure the itch

That's funny... Because its WRONG!!!! A tiny little bit of color just makes the FEVER worse.. And a whole bunch of
color, while it may ease THE FEVER for a short bit(10 minutes) makes it far worse in the future...

I know I've read stuff about people getting gold on the east side of Misery, but if you are asking about Kansas, I'd say
you are on the west side.. Keep searching. Search box up in the right hand corner... And there is a LOT of info here.
Most times... gold in Kansas(or whatever) site:treasurenet.com on Google will pop up more stuff.

And also.. Just start searching for all kinds of things (not just here)... I still find new and interesting stuff about my area of
interest, and I've been at it for a number of years.... USGS stuff might be of help??? Keep digging.. Seems half of gold
mining in the modern era is research research research...

Also remember, the old timers didn't get it all.. There is stuff that isn't documented, and there is gold that people have never found.
Getting some boots on the ground in areas that "look" good might land you some virgin ground.


There is a very active GPAA Chapter out of St. Joseph, MO that may be helpful. Chapter Home

I am in the central part of the state (Missouri), so I am afraid I have no personal knowledge of spots in NW Mo or NE KS. Good luck!

I'm from Topeka originally. Kansas doesn't have anything but I've heard of some specks found in tributaries of the Missouri river where they possibly picked up gold from moraines up north.
The glaciers never made it to Kansas. Your best bet for gold and silver there would be metal detecting old homesteads and finding coins.

Thanks everyone for the info, I had no idea there was a club around there. I'll do some research!

This is what is so great about the TNet forum -- someone asks for some information and several folks are willing to help out and provide support and information. Kudos to all those folks who provide helpful information on this site -- and its kudos to a lot of people!


Search in tnet a little Missouri placer gold and more Missouri gold. I’ve givin some info there and yes there is gold in Kansas as I have found it.

Me to ! Our club is going to Adair Misery for a outing at "The Farm at Adair". this is primarily a 4x4 place to go muddin but we've talked the owner to include us prospector's into letting us stay for the weekend's in spite of camping in a pasture! very small gold but it's there! If you have a chance to go there this weekend or sometime tell the owner (Dwight) that your with the gold prospectors for our rate. Have fun if you go!

Way west of you, but there is a GPAA Chapter in Wichita, as well. I was going to visit their meeting this month, but they are going on a group expedition to the Arkansas River...WHERE exactly, I don't know. Some members have posted that they have found very fine flour gold in the Arkansas "south of town"...

25 years ago I searched the Missouri river shoreline from Leavenworth to Lansing. I found a some iron shackles and chains most likely from the slave era but they were deteriorated beyond saving orrestoring. I really thought I'd find some coins from that era but had no luck.

There is a recent (9/29/19) posting on the Kansas Prospectors FB page from a member in NE OK who claims to have got some color from the Verdigris River. The Verdigris has its headwaters in the Flint Hills east of Wichita, in the vicinity of El Dorado (!) and is dammed at two places: Toronto, KS, and Oologah, OK. It joins the Arkansas River near Muscogee, OK. I have read some reports of fine gold in the Flint Hills, but no specific water or location.

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