πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2007
North Carolina
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My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

I was recently contacted by a guy about a month ago that saw the article about me & my metal detecting hobby in the paper. He asked if I would be willing to look for his lost wedding band at the house he & his wife previously lived at. He thought he lost it in the back yard, but that was 10 years ago. :icon_scratch: He had tried for almost ten years to find it, and had rented three different metal detectors, but still couldn't find it. He said he raked for days looking for that ring, but nothing. :dontknow:
Of course I'm always up for a challenge so I said "heck yes". ;D

The arrangements were made with the new property owners, and I finally made it over there yesterday after work to look for it.
Folks, I was only there for 5 minutes and on my third signal I dug up the ring in the back yard. First in that hole was a rusty nail. Then I rescanned the hole as we all know is a good idea. I had a second signal in that hole, dug a bit more and saw that beautiful site of gold we all love to see shining back. ;D :icon_thumleft:
I'm glad I found it quickly because it was hot, humid, and the darn mosquitoes were tearing me up!
I called the guy up right away and he couldn't believe it. Actually the phone went silent for a minute. I think he was in shock? :dontknow:
It will be exactly 10 years this Saturday that he lost it he said. He was overjoyed & speechless.
He and his wife are very religious and he told me he never gave up hope of finding that original ring.
It is 14k and engraved "Trina to Tim - 9/19/92".
My wife & I dropped it off to them tonight & got I got a picture with them which is all I ever want as my reward.
Before we left, he said a prayer and said I was sent from God to do this good deed.
Now I don't know about all that, but I'm glad I could at least end their search for the lost wedding ring.
That makes #4 for me on the lost & returned wedding bands, but I still haven't found a class ring yet. :-\
Thanks for looking folks,


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Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

tymcmurray said:
You are THE MAN!!!

I love the new avatar! ;D :icon_thumleft:

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

Exactly what I would expect of you MM!!! These deeds make up for the negative things some detectorists do. Is that a UT VOL Orange shirt??? HH.

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

I was going to say the same thing Tye said. Doug, You the man :notworthy: WTG on doing a good deed for them as well as yourself. God will truly reward you in a good way someday. Thanks also for making the metal detecting community.............. as small as we may be, look good in view of the public eyes. My hats off to you tonight :tongue3:

PS. Check out my new avatar. That must have looked like you when you found the gold ring :laughing9: :laughing7:

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

What a great story......and a great feeling to give them their ring back!!! Good job!!

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

Thats just fantastic Doug! :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

Nice job......hat's off to ya...!!!! :wav: :wav:

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

VOL1266-X said:
Exactly what I would expect of you MM!!! These deeds make up for the negative things some detectorists do. Is that a UT VOL Orange shirt??? HH.

Thanks buddy. :icon_thumleft:
That IS a UT orange shirt too. Good eye. :laughing9:

crazyjarhead said:
I was going to say the same thing Tye said. Doug, You the man :notworthy: WTG on doing a good deed for them as well as yourself. God will truly reward you in a good way someday. Thanks also for making the metal detecting community.............. as small as we may be, look good in view of the public eyes. My hats off to you tonight :tongue3:

PS. Check out my new avatar. That must have looked like you when you found the gold ring :laughing9: :laughing7:

Thanks Ron.
I spotted your new avatar right away. ;D Is that Captn Dan from Forrest Gump? :laughing9:

The guy had never given up hope of finding that ring so it meant a lot to both of us really.

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

There's no feeling like returning a ring to their long lost owners. Good job MM. :notworthy:

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

Way to go :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: That has to be an amazing feeling. i hope i get to do that for seone someday ;D

Thanks for sharing the story.

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

I know how you feel there MM.I was able to do it myself this past spring.There was a group of marines fishing here at the beach with their wive's and girl friends.And I just happened to be there that afternoon MDing.When one came up and said that he had lost his wedding ring.Young couple couldn't been married long.Anyway asked if I could help him.I said sure asked him to narrow down the area he thought it was and in about five good swipes Ding-Ding!Found it was a huge 18kt white gold wedding band looked weird on his little hand.But that feeling of helping and overall knowing I kept there time of fun,fun was well worth it to me.I know if you have done something like this it's just hard to explain but in two words (feels good)!Great act! Great deed!And I believe what goes around comes around!So I'm exspecting something you post here soon to be good! :thumbsup:
Nice MM Glad to know there are people out there willing to help!

Re: My 4th Gold Wedding Band Returned & I was blessed too!

Great Job! Congrats :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

HH Joe

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