My Dad died

I have finally reached the point that when I think of my Dad I smile about the good things. I hope your sadness subsides and you begin to do the same.
God Bless your family.


I am sorry for your sad loss mojjax. It sounds as tho your Father had a very full and interesting life.

mojjax sorry to hear of your loss -- being a merchant marine myself for 27 years and "traveling" sort of person for a living -- I know that we "traveler" sort of men are often gone away from our loved ones --that does not mean we do not love them , just that we gotta work for a living and that the "normal" stay at home , dead end low paying 9 to 5 grind "jobs" just will not cut it for our type of person--- if we had to do "dead end" jobs like that for a few years , we would blow our brains out of sheer boredom --we have to see and do and go places and mentally "live" outside the 9 to 5 cage most normal folks are "trapped in" --- that doesn't mean we do not love our wives and kids , we do greatly and often we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about of home and loved ones to other men where we work , sadly most women can't stand the long amount of time alone that comes with being married to a "travelling" sort of man -- and thus we wind up divorced (par for the course it seems) -- I am glad that you seem to understand the type of man , your father was and were not bitter about the time away like many kids are -- often we hear from our children--- dad you were not "there" for me as a kid, so I hate you. --- I'm very glad that you and and father got along so well and a deeply sorry to hear of your loss.

I know the feeling because it wasn't long ago I lost my Dad. Nothing will ever replace them for us, but then I don't think I would want a replacement nor would you. Very sorry and he sounds like a fellow I would have liked to meet. The old guys are a treasure if you just take the time to really listen. Monty

Sorry to hear about your dad mojjax !

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the kind thoughts and prayers , it means a lot to us .

The doctors think it may be something called CDIF ( Clostridium Difficile) it is one of those "super Bacterias" that linger in health care facilities , kinda like MRSA .
My dad had a leg operation back in December , and he had been going to a physical therapy clinic several times a week to get the strength back , everything was going great . His doctors said he probably picked the "Bug" up there .

All your kind words are very special to us , thanks so much !

mojjak I just saw this I am so sorry for your loss I lost Jeff Thur. and am dealing there so I missed this ! I am so sorry for your loss!,

Sorry to hear about your dad, mojjax. My dad's the same age and not doin real good, but still with us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, mojaxx. He sounds like an interesting and fun man. I'm glad you were able to have a relationship with him; many don't, and it's a testament to him and to you that you did.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


I'm sorry to hear this, mojaxx. He sounds like a wonderful father. And what an interesting life! If you have the time, you may want to write down some of his life's story so it will last beyond you. One's life should always linger in some little ways. Thanks for sharing what you did. Noodle

Mojaxx, I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family. Donna

Sorry to hear about your Dads passing, he was quite a guy, and very Interesting all the traveling around to.
Thanks for sharing that.
My Prayers are with you ! Robin

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