My two Goldies.

Urien of Rheged

Jr. Member
Mar 7, 2024
Thought I'd share some gold pics.
I did find a medal made from rose Gold but other than that these two beauties are the only sniff of the yellow stuff I've had. Both found in 2022 the Victoria sovereign in April, the Guinea in August. Both on pasture in two separate locations in Lancashire England.
I still have the Sovereign as the landowner on that one seriously rich (and kind - were talking artistocrat here, not new money) and wouldnt take it.
The other though was taken by the farmer who to be fair insisted he gave me £300
I didn't argue with that as by law here everything belongs to the landowner.


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Upvote 15
Good looking 'goldies'....that's what I'm going to look for today!

Good looking 'goldies'....that's what I'm going to look for today!
Thanks for the inspiration!
You know I haven't ever gone out intent on finding Gold as its such a rarity but there have been times when I have gone out all fired up intent on finding something and it seemingly worked.
When I first got into this hobby I wasn't finding anything yet my buddy kept finding nice coins etc. I got us a new permission one day, we went on for a session and he scored a beautiful little Charles II 3 pence.
Getting to the point of enraged I went there on my lonesome the following day in horrible weather absolutely determined to find one myself.
And bingo I managed to find not just a Charles II coin but a big fat Half crown and a William III half crown with it!
Perhaps I would have smashed my detector has I not found those coins that day and woild have found a different hobby by now but fate was with me that day.
It also happened with my first Roman.
I got up first thing, went straigjt to a Roman road. Got irritated when I found a George III shilling and initially mistook him for an Emperor. Ten minutes later I found my first Denarius.
So good luck with that intent and hope your inspires to keep swinging when all seems empty

You know I haven't ever gone out intent on finding Gold as its such a rarity but there have been times when I have gone out all fired up intent on finding something and it seemingly worked.
When I first got into this hobby I wasn't finding anything yet my buddy kept finding nice coins etc. I got us a new permission one day, we went on for a session and he scored a beautiful little Charles II 3 pence.
Getting to the point of enraged I went there on my lonesome the following day in horrible weather absolutely determined to find one myself.
And bingo I managed to find not just a Charles II coin but a big fat Half crown and a William III half crown with it!
Perhaps I would have smashed my detector has I not found those coins that day and woild have found a different hobby by now but fate was with me that day.
It also happened with my first Roman.
I got up first thing, went straigjt to a Roman road. Got irritated when I found a George III shilling and initially mistook him for an Emperor. Ten minutes later I found my first Denarius.
So good luck with that intent and hope your inspires to keep swinging when all seems empty
If I could make a call that I'd find gold on any particular day I would give up detecting and start buying lottery tickets for a living lol
There wasn't a gold coin in my pouch but a few gilt buttons and odds and ends made up for it.

I like to see that other detectorists are making great lets me know that the good finds are there for the first person to get their coil over it...dont get angry just get faster!

I have found that sometimes I have tried "To hard" to find something good. I do pay attention to what and where I am detecting and of course, I would not be detecting that spot unless I had hope for those good things. Having said that, when I'm standing there after firing up the detector, I tell myself that if I am meant to fine something good today then I'll find it, if not then not. Depends if the Treasure are willing to bestow a gift, or two or three to me. Fantastic finds you made there Urien. The 300 pounds in exchange from the farmer?, Sounds like one of the good guys, in fact both the land owners do.

I have found that sometimes I have tried "To hard" to find something good. I do pay attention to what and where I am detecting and of course, I would not be detecting that spot unless I had hope for those good things. Having said that, when I'm standing there after firing up the detector, I tell myself that if I am meant to fine something good today then I'll find it, if not then not. Depends if the Treasure are willing to bestow a gift, or two or three to me. Fantastic finds you made there Urien. The 300 pounds in exchange from the farmer?, Sounds like one of the good guys, in fact both the land owners do.
I have built up some good relationships with quite a few farmers and landowners in the area since beginning this hobby and not being particularly shy. As a tradesman its worked well for all involved. They get mates rates and are happy to get jobs done at a decent price and I get free run of their land.
The farmer who gave me that £300 just asked me how much I thought it was worth. I told him probably £500 for the quick sale and he bunged me the £300 And said the extra 50 quid was because he thinks I earned it for going out in all weather's.
I dont really get a choice though living in northern England and having rhis for a hobby. It's either get wet or rarely get out

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