Native American Cave, Umpqua N.F. Somewhere up logging road from Swiftwater park?


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Aug 12, 2012
Classic Hill Mine, Siskiyou County
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When I was hiking the Umpqua trail last year I met a couple who were camping near the Swiftwater park a few miles from Glide Oregon. The girl told me that her father was a lumber jack in these woods 50yrs ago. She gave me the directions for one ancient Indian Village in great detail. The other site that she described was based on what her dad told her many years earlier though she had never seen it. He told her when they were cutting a area of timber somewhere over the high ridge just beyond the point where the paved road turns to dirt. He came across a cave that had many artifacts in it. He described a pile of broken arrowheads and concluded that it was maybe a place where children were taught the skill of flint napping. I have scoured that area but her description of this spot was vague since she had never actually been there and I have not been able to locate it. Have any of you ever heard of this place? More to the point does anyone know the actual location?:icon_scratch:

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Way outside my region, but, JFYI, if the cave is in a National Forest, collecting artifacts is a violation of federal law, and man, are they ever cracking down of late. Florida, BLM land in the western states, etc.

People should also keep in mind that federal agents have been known to monitor artifact forums. Or so I have been told, and seen discussed elsewhere. So be careful what you even suggest on a forum. It is against Federal law to remove prehistoric artifacts, i.e., "archaeological resources", from Federal lands.

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Really I just want to see it. Take some photos. It would be like stepping back in time. Since nobody except this lumber jack who is deceased seems to know the where-a-bouts of this cave it might be a good idea to record its location and contact the Davis County Historical Society as well.

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