need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

Nov 15, 2006
Harrisburg, PA
Detector(s) used
Micronta Discovery 2
need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

Hey everyone,

I want to start off by saying thanks to whoever is responsible for the creation and maintenance of this site, and to everyone who has posted relevant and useful information. I have spent 12 hours straight combing through the forums in an effort to try and educate myself as much as I can before I begin to participate myself. I am very new to prospecting and metal detecting, but I have learned a great deal from this site already in just the short time I've been here. So thanks, everyone...

Now I know a lot of you are probably laughing about this metal detector I am using, I believe Radio Shack sold them... The Micronta Discovery 2... But I can't afford one and I've always wanted to try one, and finally, someone my family knew not only had one, but they were kind enough to let me use it, indefinitely.

I am lucky to live on a 112 acre parcel farm that was definitely active during the civil war and underground railroad... The house is on an old stone foundation with log, it's well over 100 years old. There is an even older stone foundation on the property which will be one of my first targets, an old spring with a man made cap on it, and probably a few other old foundations around as this area, and the property occupies nearly a mile along the Conewago Creek (which feeds the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, PA).

I have also found one of those indian looking thong trees, and a very strange "standing stone" - too large for anyone to move without some kind of engineering feat, and it's precariously placed on a small foundation of smaller rocks... I've also found what looks like an entrance to a cave, but I don't know about trying to dig that out since the rock coming out of the ground above the loose dirt is the size of a conversion van... So I am quite eager to begin looking around...

I'm pretty sure I figured out this metal detector enough to be able to use it, I've tested it on aluminum tabs, silver, and steel, getting accurate hits, but with discrimination, ground type, and sensitivity controls, I'm sure it could be fine tuned for more accuracy.

I guess what I am trying to accomplish with this post is to introduce myself, thank everyone, and get whatever advice or suggestions you might have to help me out... And if anyone can point me to a link where I could download the owners manual, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've already looked all over the internet for quite awhile for one and didn't have any luck. Maybe one of you has the manual and could scan it if it wouldn't be too much trouble? Or just tell me how to use it a little better, if that's easier?

As far as the thong tree and standing stone go, I have pics, but I'll probably post them in another topic somewhere. I haven't checked the stone for markings at all, because when I first found it, I didn't know to look for such things until I came here.

Alright, sorry to take up so much of your time already, I believe I've covered everything I felt I needed to say at this time. ;)

Thanks again for everything and thanks in advance for your feedback!

Stephen Conklin, Jr.

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Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

That's the same one I started out with! The only manual I could find was in Spanish and the only other way I could get one was to pay $10 and send off for it.


I upgraded to a borrowed Bounty Hunter Prospector. Started to find stuff with it.

I think you should bring your Micronta to a local metal detector dealer and have him show you how to use it. He should be happy to do this, because after about 1 week (if that loong) you will probably be asking him about buying a better detector.

I found the Micronta very frustrating to use.

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

Oh Yea

I'm Pisces too, but try to keep my delusions to myself!

Good luck - that 112 acres sounds fantastic.

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

thanks for the quick reply... when I was using this thing I was kind of getting annoyed by it's random outbursts for no apparent reason, you already have me wanting to search for an upgrade... all I can do is put the word out and in the meantime, hope I don't lose my mind trying to get some kind of results out of this one.

I saw those stupid spanish manuals too, and it irritated me.

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

Na na na - they're not stupid. Spanish is a great language. I took three years of it, but forgot most of it so the manual was too difficult for me.

I know you don't mean 'stupid' - just giving you a hard time.

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

true... it is actually an elegant kind of sounding language... I know you weren't giving me a hard time, but really "stupid" was a poor choice when really I meant to say that I am sick of having to deal with all of this spanish when I live in the united states. ;) cheers!

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

On that we can agree! If we take it any further, it would end up in the Rubber Room, o en espanol - Cuarto de Goma!

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

Don't go knocking that old Micronta! I STILL use mine. Bought it wayy back in 1980! AND>>>>>
it STILL works like a charm. I went looking for a manual a few years ago, too; cuz I had 'lost' mine. And all I could find was Spanish, too!
HOWEVER>>>>>>>>>>>> I found mine last spring. I sure as heck don't wanna scan that puppy, but if you want I can send it to you>>>>>IF>>>>>you PROMISE to send it back to me sometime.
Lemme know,

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

well Ash, I have to thank you for helping to give me some peace of mind about this machine... I plan to try it out some more tomorrow, and will probably keep going until I find something... I doubt I'll ever stop after that! Eventually I do hope to upgrade to something else, but then again, if I can get relative success with this thing somewhat occasionally, I'll be able to deal with it longer.

It probably would help if I had the directions for the thing... I would be willing to pay for mailing them or reimburse you, whichever you prefer and will scan and return them to you promptly. I will also go a step further and make an Adobe PDF file out of it that will be available somewhere for download, for someone else in the same situation. That will take care of the Spanish version woes.

Thanks again for your help, Ash. I was not expecting someone to have the directions the same day I requested them!

I suppose for anyone else who might wander in here, I'd still like to hear your feedback about this machine as well, so any other input from anyone is appreciated!

It's certainly no rush, and let me know if you want me to paypal some money to send them over beforehand, or, at your convenience, you can just send them to me at the below address and I will reimburse & promptly return them. I promise. Scout's honor. ;)


Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

No problem...I think I can handle the postage:)
Will send it out tomorrow. Glad to help :)
And hey>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
happy hunting, man :)

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

Just remember it is a manual ground balance detector. I'm pretty sure that you need to go through and air balance and then a ground balance by pumping the coil near the ground each time you turn it on and adjust so you get some background noise, then the other adjustments can be made accordingly. Good idea to test it on some coins, jewelry and trash to get an idea of response. Don't be afraid to dig a lot when you are starting out even if you end up digging a lot of trash - it helps with the the learning curve.

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

I remember seeing something somewhere about ground balancing a few months ago when I first started researching MD's... I tried to perform what I thought was a kind of balancing and threw down a piece of clad to test it but tomorrow I'm gonna try to get it to hone in more precisely as I am specifically looking for coinage, gold & silver. There's a ton of clad around in various places, this was a working farm for a good 70 years, probably more, so there's lots of stuff I haven't even begun to scratch the surface. With all that clad laying around, I could be digging everywhere. Hopefully I can make fewer digs of more value once I learn this thing.

When I get those directions in the mail, I will be able to properly balance the unit and hopefully get a better understanding of how I want to set it to find what I am looking for.

Thanks for the input!

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

Sendin is right about the ground balancing.
I mailed the manual out late this afternoon. With any luck, maybe you'll get it Saturday.
Good luck...AND...have fun :)

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

I have a manual for the Micronta Discovery II. Let me know.

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

I am also looking for a manual for Discovery2. If the person who said they would make a copy and post it somewhere has done so I would really appreciate directions to the info!
Thank you so much.

Re: need manual for Micronta "Discovery 2"

dloree said:
I am also looking for a manual for Discovery2. If the person who said they would make a copy and post it somewhere has done so I would really appreciate directions to the info!
Thank you so much.

I am looking for one also. Anyone able to help? I know the previous posts were from 2006, but can anyone help? Thanks so much!

I know this is an old thread but, it popped up when I did a search for my Micronta "Discovery 2". I was just curious to see if anyone else had one. I loaned mine out one time
to a friend so he could locate his property pins. I sent the manual with it. Got the machine back about 2 years later, yup, you guessed it, no manual! "I know it's around here
someplace", he kept saying. That was about 10 years ago. Anyway, only trouble with mine was the screws that hold the arm support kept coming lose. I ended up putting in
some much larger ones, that solved the problem.
I like and still use the machine occasionally. Just have to remember to set the ground base for the area that you are in. Not a bad unit at all for the 200 bucks it cost.

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