New Central California Member


Hero Member
Feb 9, 2009
The NO town, CA
Detector(s) used
Minelab E-trac w/ Sunray X-1 Pro Coil and 10x12 SEF, Tesoro LST
Hello everyone! My name is Kirsten I am a new prospector in the Central California area. I am in Fresno and have some questions about prospecting and metal detecting in the area. I have pestered the hell out of ole' flyspek and he has given me some good advice and spots to look at. I have tried Coarsegold Creek, Fine Gold Creek, and Broken Bridge on Friant. with my sluice. I joined the Central Valley Prospectors a month ago or so. I went to their meeting and outing last week and managed to pick up a little gold (about .1 gm) hahahaha. I recently purchased a metal detector (Minelab X-terra 70) and have been trying to find some good places to get to know my detector. I live by one of the large up scale county parks on the north side of town, and don't think that I can metal detect there. I have been reading, and it seems like most people advise against calling the parks commission and asking if its allowed. I don't know what to do now!! If anyone knows anything about the laws for metal detecting in Fresno county please let me know. I have done all the research I can, and couldn't come up with a single law or code that prohibits Metal Detecting. I know there are some guys from Coarsegold, and Oakhurst that are members, I just hope that they respond!!

watch out for sum of those guys they nice people :icon_scratch:

Kirsten, first off, thankyou for reading-back through forums, that if you ask, you can/will likely find someone to tell you "no", just because they feel like it (or imagine geeks with shovels, etc....), when in fact, no real rule exists.

I can't speak specifically for your part of the state, but my hunch is, that no county-wide rule exists there. There are no county-level rules for any CA counties that I am aware of in CA. And let's "keep it that way" :) There may be things on not hurting the vegetation that someone can morph, and of course, any park personell is given liberty to shoo anyone away that he feels is doing damage, EVEN if there's nothing specifically addressing a certain activity (as law enforcers are given latitude to interpret as they see fit). So the trick is, just like picking your nose: Don't make yourself a target, to begin with. Ie.: be discreet, and odds are, no one cares to begin with.

For example: County parks in my county are hunted whenever and wherever a person wants, and there are no rules specifically spelling out md'ing (just as you discovered for your county). But is that to say that if I went out there during an archaeologist convention, or showed up with a shovel in front a ranger having a bad day, that someone might not give me grief? Of course not. So if, as you say, there are no specific prohibitions, and if you are being neat and discreet (don't be in the middle of a hole when some busy-body approaches, etc...), the go for it.

If you are still skittish, get on the Kinzli CA forum, and perhaps there are locals in that area that no the "climate" better. To get past the beginner page, you have to sign up. But it's easy: Just pick a name and password.

Doesn't seem like anyone has used kinzli in years. Thank you very much for your help. I will try to be descrete, and avoid altercations with busy bodies.

I have been to a few county parks, and most of the time I have had no problems. Actually the park workers either wave to you, or stop for a chat. Some will even tell you where people have lost rings. Like Tom said is be discreet, pick areas that have no people. Fill in holes, and keep all garbage to throw away.
I did have a problem the other day at Micke Grove park here in Stockton. I was working areas that had no people, but managed to run into the park supervisor who wanted to exercise his power by telling me to stop. His reasoning was 'too many people in the park- come back during the week when not busy' Okay message understood, time to leave. This tells you that they have no rule against metal detecting in county parks, just pick the right time, or don't stand out in a crowd. Best thing to do on weekends right now, is go first light when they open. Don't ask about metal detecting at the entrance gate. Head straight for the playgounds first, and metal detect them before people show up, then pick an area, and slowly detect it( I pull everything because gold falls into the pulltab range). When the crowds start coming in- time to leave.
Good luck.

Hey Kirsten,
As far as I know Woodward Park is not off limit to metal detecting. You are not going to find anything terribly old as the park has only been around since the 1980s. But may be good for recently lost clad and jewlery. I have not detected there myself and tend to stick to some of the older parks in town, hopeing for an old coin or two.

Since you joined the Central Valley Prospectors you may have heard of the metal detecting club in town. The club is called the San Joaquin Valley Treasure hunters. You can check out our website at , which I need to get updated.

We meet every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM at the American Legion Hall in Clovis.

Feel free to come check it out.


I was there yesterday, picked up a trowel and a black sands maganet, were you the younger gentlman that dissuaded me from the Gator something trowel?

Welcome to T-net.

That's the old forum. I think the old forum has a link to the new forum. The new link is (No spaces)
http:// forums. kinzlicoils. com /index/
We have lots of folks in your area that MD, old Fresno and a new dude who goes my Kings River. He posted a thread about hunting a stagecoach site hunt last week I believe. Is you last name Gum?

Quote from Kings River:
A few years ago, I searched the original Fresno City site. It was one of the Butterfield Stage Stations and located at the head of the Fresno slough. This site has a duel historical value to it because not only was it one of the old stage sites but also was a destination for steamers that would run up the San Joaquin River from the San Francisco bay. The site was at a location that was as far up the river that the steamers could maneuver. Freight was then hauled by teams to Visalia and into the gold mines of eastern Tulare and Kern Counties. In the spring of 1865 a William Parker located there engaging in staging, general merchandising, etc... He built a large two-story house/hotel that was called "Cassa Blanca" The devastating floods of 1868 flooded him out of the place.

I headed to the site to see if I could determine who owned the property and when I arrived at the site would you believe it, the owner was there feeding his cattle. I asked him for permission to use my metal detector on his land and he kind-of let out a giggle and said "sure, but you ante gonna find nothing" He said that the "University" had spent some time there a couple of years previously and had dug holes everywhere, that still remained.

I spent a couple of Saturdays detecting the site and found a lot of broken pottery and china. A hand full of square nails and many lead strips that today I know were the surviving solder from "tin" cans and buckets. There was also lots of little iron junk pieces and a few musket and minnie balls. The irony of this story is that at the time all I found of any value I thought was an 1854 Seated Liberty Quarter Dollar. What an idiot! I was as dumb as the "University" people that were there before me. I obviously keep the SLQ and the minis and a pewter/lead buckle and three buttons (see attached picture) but overlooked the historical and archeology value of what I thought was junk. I have not been back to the site since that time but have a gut filling there may still be a lot of relics there for someone that has the right concept of historical value. A value I understand today.

There are a couple of lessons that I learned from this experience, one is anything from an early California site of this time period has a great historical value, and second do not ever listen to the guy that says; "you ante gonna find nothing".

If any of you are interested in working this site (and can get permission) it is: 1.12 Miles north of the intersection of S. James and Colorado Road outside of the city of Tranquility, then a little over 3/4 mile west on Levee (very rough dirt road). The GPS cord is: Lat. 36.671414 Long. 120.251183.....................good luck

And the photo he posted:


No my last name is not Gum, and I am a male, sorry guys not the same Kirsten. I have heard some stories about that area west of town. Maybe once I figure out the detector.....

I will definately have to do that. I didn't realize that there would be other MD'ers in my area that were as young as I am. Its glad to know that the younger generation hasn't been excluded. long have you been a member of the sj treasure hunters club? Do you normally get out of fresno to do your MD'ing?

I have been a member of the club since about 2006 and was the youngest member there till recently. There is a good mix of members of different age groups at the club. A few of the members of the club are also members of the prospectors club.

Lately I have been pretty much detecting in town. I have a 14 month old son, so a lot of times I am able to only get out for a few hours at a time. Also I am just starting to really dig into researching some older places to go hunt. There are lots of neat olders places in and around Fresno, just have do do the research to find them.

Ant is right: you must be checking the old server/site. Jeff changed to a superior service provider, but never bothered to take the old one down, since it was free. He just left a link there "moved to such & such".

well i guess you have some questions answered. Will be waiting to see your future posts. :thumbsup:


Welcome to Tnet, I wish you great success in your hunting endeavors.
Happy Hunting :thumbsup:

Now if the X-terra 70 would just show up in the mail, maybe I could get this thing started!!

Welcome to the forum Kirsten,

Several of the forum members live in your area, Steven, battery and a few others. I live close and can show you how to use your X-Terra 70, Used to own one.

I do have experience with using the nugget coil, And if you like I can meet with you in Fresno and help get you started with settings and such.

Paul (Ca)

Hey guys I have taken Kirsten out twice now and we got gold each time only little flyspecks though LOL we high banked with the G-1 and used my gold king high banker last weekend with the 2" suction nozzle at coursegold creek we just couldn't get to the bedrock in an area I had wanted to check to much over burden there but we did learn a little something interesting at the spot and will go back later and try some bigger machinery if the water ever gets up higher .

Kirstens a good guy kinda hard worker LOL but he's a learner I know he wanted to metal detect yesterday but the week caught up with me that day and I needed to get home and rest, to dang much work lately it's time to play. love meeting up with a few guys here one day myself.

Why thank you Vincent!! You ain't half bad yourself. I hope to meet up with Old California (Paul) sometime soon to learn the ropes of the new X-70. We need to get some guys together and kick some serious butt up in the motherlode region, who can organize this whole thing???? Anybody have any good ideas for a big ole shin dig??

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