new vs old


Full Member
Jul 1, 2007
If i already have a cibola and a vaquero would i be wasting my money on a silver? i read where people have both. Is there an advantage to having the silver in my stable of detectors? The way i look at it and please correct me if i am wrong the newer detectors have a ed180 disc vs ed120 and the have a higher gain. So would i not be getting less than what i already have if i purchased the silver or even golden for that matter?


I'm a Tesoro dealer and I don't see buying a Silver as a good move for you. Unless you have some reason that escapes me I don't see what use it would be when you have the Vaquero and the Cibola. What type of hunting do you do? Joe

thks Joe. I mostly like to hunt around old homesites, parks, yards, things of that sort. looking for coins, jewelry, or just anything old of interest. i forgot to ask if was to add another what do you think it should be or do i even need anything else?


Well it sounds like you have the type of detecting you do pretty well covered. If anything you might want to consider a Cortes. If you like jewelry, water hunting is the way to go. That would be a Tiger Shark. Joe

I will agree with Joe on this. You already have two fine detectors and stepping down to a Umax won't increase your finds.

hi guys i also forgot to mention one other thing. i also have a minelab sovereign elite although i hardly ever use it anymore now that i have the cibola and vaquero. but i think i am covered if i ever wanted to search on the beaches, but i really don't ever go near the water( call me strange ) . i know that is the best place to probably find jewelry, but i just have not had the desire. like i said i just prefer to hunt the yards, parks. so do you think there is another machine that would help in certain situations, or am i just thinking about it too much and should just enjoy what i have?

Sounds to me that you have more than covered it..... With what you have got, I would say that you can just about find anything...

Maybe look at excessories.... coils etc.

God bless

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