Nice stemmed point, interesting material


Full Member
Nov 27, 2012
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Found this one today. Coastal massachusetts. I find the material to be pretty interesting. It almost looks rust stained but it's obviously not.

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it could be stained from something on the beach....natural oil seeps and the like, I often find things that look very similar.

That's what I thought at first until I got it home and washed it off. It seems like it's really the stone, not a stain.

I have one kinda like that and its porous and looks like rust stains. Nice find Pancake. Know you are glad to be out there.

Hard to tell from the pics, but the material looks like it might be schist (weathered). A very common mineral in schist is garnet. When garnets weather out of the rock it can resemble rusting, as well seen in your second picture. Also, if you'll look at the top of the point in picture one you'll see several small dark dots. These may be garnet. These garnets are the iron end member of the group, called almandine.There's a lot of schist outcrops in the eastern US where you find the metamorphic belt of the Appalachians.

The garnets are typically this size in any of the Appalachians schist I've seen, but I have seen garnet in schist the size of ping pong balls in Alaska!

Nice find Pan I believe rush has nailed the type of material it is made from.

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