No coin shooting or relic hunting on BLM lands...


Gold Member
Jan 21, 2005
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Lobo Supertraq, (95%) Garrett Scorpion (5%)
Found this regulation today, quote:

Indian and Other Historical Artifacts: You may not collect any artifacts, ancient or historical, on public lands without a permit. This includes arrow heads or flakes, pottery or potsherds, mats, rock art, old bottles or pieces of equipment and buildings.

Isn't that lovely? Well boys and girls looks like metal detecting, arrowhead hunting, etc may be fast becoming a pastime of the past. Perhaps it is time for a letter-writing campaign, as these regulations are being written and enforced by people who are NOT elected to office, in other words, government without representation.


Hmmm wonder which higher official found that there is some potential in profit on some of the finds and wrote that law so they could hunt with archeologist creditials they faked.


Sorry I won't put anything past anyone. I could swear the Federal / State park rangers in states where peps cannot hunt are probably hunting like mad when they are the only ones around at night pulling guard watch.

BLM are not real bright

Where I live their are some ghost towns on BLM land and it is posted no hunting artifacts. I have hunted one of these towns that are on private property and had BLM officers stop me and try to arrest me until I proved it was private.

They say ignorance is no excuse well BLM should take a sheet from their own book. Many of their officers do not know the regulations of the land they patrol or the actual laws in effect. They would not be able to tell you the exact distance from a historical railroad grade that you are not allowed to hunt, but if you are "too close" you will be arrested.

When I go to the meuseums in the area the only things on display are the garbage that honorable treasure hunters would leave behind. Where is the good stuff? In the curators home? The govenment officials that decide these things are so full of themselves. They would not know a hutch soda if it bit them on the butt. I can not understand the propencity to protect that which you already know existed. These ghost towns hold nothing of real historical signifigance that they do not already know about. I understand the government stance on Indian artifacts in a sensitive area but I think they should be worried about protecting the knowledge and history of a area and not necessarily the aritifacts or coins. Many of these artifacts are robbed and stolen from the people who paid for the work to be done to recover them ie. the tax payer. Many of these items stolen will never be seen by the public because the "owner" knows that if it came to light that they had possesion of them they could be prosecuted. I have seen many private collections that are open to the public and they put public displays to shame. Would I rather see a broken plate or bottle or a whole example? Gee let me think. This very subject is the reason that I have tried to put metal detecting behind me but I realize that it too darn difficult and I am the one with the true passion heck I am not even paid.

When I was prospecting in the Laural Mountains in Western Oregon the GREENIES showed up and ask what I was doing. I told them that I had filed a CLAIM and was posting the Claim site according to the LAW. THEY GOT REALLY UPSET AND INFORMED ME THAT i COULD NOT DO THIS AND THAT THEY COULD ARREST ME.
I said this would be a bad mistake on their part. They then went to their vehicle and took out a Big Dog and headed back toward me. This is the time that my son and 3 other guys came out of the woods. We were all armed and I told them that if they turned that dog lose I would shoot it dead.
I then introduced one of the Guys that was with me. He was the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county I was placing my claim. He informed the GREENIES that he could have them arrested.
Needless to say they went back to their SUV and left the area. We then completed staking out my claim all 130 acres of it and I never had any problems since then.
Some times up have to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.
Peg Leg

The next thing you know,we will have to have a permit to own a MD. Your government works for you ..... Sure they do. Just remember elections are comming up.

here where i live you need a permit to MD any TVA controlled land/water .its free and good for 2 years.background check and all!

I did NOT pick up those arrowhead flakes the other day! Wasen't me...nope...never done it.


Peg Leg said:
When I was prospecting in the Laural Mountains in Western Oregon the GREENIES showed up and ask what I was doing. I told them that I had filed a CLAIM and was posting the Claim site according to the LAW. THEY GOT REALLY UPSET AND INFORMED ME THAT i COULD NOT DO THIS AND THAT THEY COULD ARREST ME.
I said this would be a bad mistake on their part. They then went to their vehicle and took out a Big Dog and headed back toward me. This is the time that my son and 3 other guys came out of the woods. We were all armed and I told them that if they turned that dog lose I would shoot it dead.
I then introduced one of the Guys that was with me. He was the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county I was placing my claim. He informed the GREENIES that he could have them arrested.
Needless to say they went back to their SUV and left the area. We then completed staking out my claim all 130 acres of it and I never had any problems since then.
Some times up have to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.
Peg Leg
Didn't know you could still do that nowadays. ??? What kind of claim? To prospect that particular area?

Yes you can still file claims. Its not all that hard. A mining claim gives you the mineral rights to a particular area. It does not give you the rights to the land, and restrictions do apply, but you can mine gold or silver or any other mineral with value.

Best bet is to do lots of research to figure out how to file the paperwork, cause if you make a mistake on it, your claim is null and void.

I think it is getting pretty bad, time for a string of nasty letters to govt officials. I plan on writing some letters soon, hope you all will too.

I have couple of neat artifacts I found at the Brazos river. Ask me where and I will tell you, "at the Brazos river." As far as I am concerned seeing is not always believing. If you have something that could be some sort of a trouble maker, then, just don't give details. Until you are formally charged with something then it is none of the authorities damn business where something comes from. I mean items like points, scrapers, coins, or any other relic. I would not in any way be disrespectful to the authorities, unless it was reciprocal, but, I would just say that it really doesn't matter where my artifacts came from, because, now it can't be proven any way since they have already been removed. It is the responsibility of the powers-that-be to prove innocence or guilt and without proof there is no guilt.

Just be wise about whatever you may have and don't tell anyone, except trusted sources, where something really came from. And even in the event of questioning by the "Man" you could just tell him you lied to your friends about it's origins. It's up to them to prove you obtained something by -other-then-honorable methods.

'In a friend's yard' ought to work.

Am I wrong in any way about his? I mean. Take no crap, right?


So much for PUBLIC land...time for a major write in to all representatives...last I new WE are the public....
Peg Leg.. LOVE your reply.....too sweet having the clerk of the court right there with that is a Master card moment...:):)

time for a major write in to all representatives

Absolutely! I am sending some out VERY soon, that is as soon as I can write it without using a lot of vulgar language. I hope that everyone here does too - these are public lands, not just public lands for the bird watchers and hikers!


Oro...the greenies and archies all think the PUBLIC means them and them alone..the rest of us jsut have to keep paying our taxes to pay their salaries to "manage" the land and for its upkeep for the enjoyment of a select few...if I wait until I won't use vulgar language to write my Reps, I may never write them, for stuff like this INFURIATES me...PRIVATE land I can understand doing this on( it is the perogative and right of the landowner who ispaying the taxesto decide the lands use and access), but NOT public land!!!!!

It pays to know the law, ppl will try to manipulate you with phoney laws which suit their own agenda.

I commend you for doing the right thing!

Most ppl would have tucked their tail and ran away pouting. STAND UP for what YOU believe in, until someone else PROVES you wrong.

That's my .02



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diggummup said:
Peg Leg said:
When I was prospecting in the Laural Mountains in Western Oregon the GREENIES showed up and ask what I was doing. I told them that I had filed a CLAIM and was posting the Claim site according to the LAW. THEY GOT REALLY UPSET AND INFORMED ME THAT i COULD NOT DO THIS AND THAT THEY COULD ARREST ME.
I said this would be a bad mistake on their part. They then went to their vehicle and took out a Big Dog and headed back toward me. This is the time that my son and 3 other guys came out of the woods. We were all armed and I told them that if they turned that dog lose I would shoot it dead.
I then introduced one of the Guys that was with me. He was the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county I was placing my claim. He informed the GREENIES that he could have them arrested.
Needless to say they went back to their SUV and left the area. We then completed staking out my claim all 130 acres of it and I never had any problems since then.
Some times up have to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.
Peg Leg
Didn't know you could still do that nowadays. ??? What kind of claim? To prospect that particular area?

I detect a lot on BLM lands. Locating unpatented mining claims on Federal lands is still quite legal and common. Remember it is quite legal to detect on BLM lands for gold nuggets or for prospecting(1872 mining law). Just be certain that you are not detecting on someone's elses mining claim.


If there are any legal types out there,how about writing a draft for us ??? Something we can copy,sign,and send to our local and state governments. Lots of legal stuff,and to the point, ... Enough is Enough >:( >:(

There are gangs of grassroots orgs out there, and believe it or not, they actually get alot done! One thing I have found in all the years I have been actively involved in mining is this. You are more likely to get results from participating in the process BEFORE these results are handed down. I have sent countless e-mails and petitions to Gale Norton and Bruce Babbitt in the past, no results. When we, the local miners showed up at the meetings however, our input was validated. We successfully stopped a few crazy restrictions that they were trying to shove down our throats.

Get involved in local clubs and mining associations. Join the off road club, the fishing club, the outdoorsmans club, etc. whatever.

The problem is this. The greens have long ago learned the best way to utilize the system. They show up at round table discussions, full force. And when they are the only ones present, the BLM, Forest Circus, etc. have no choice but to implement these wacky plans, as thats the vast majority of input they get.

Its the government in action. Do your part. If you can't participate, donate. Do what you can, even if its only 10 bucks a year.

this was what I was trying to get across in my thread here most of the regulations are set by the director of the department not a law therefore you need to write your local legisators to tell them this is not right I have been writing everybody that has anything to do with the local goverment in Arkansas an I am starting to get some positive replies. start now before it is to late!!! I still need help here in Arkansas for anybody that is interested thanks

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