NO texting.....

My wife and I went out to eat tonight and there's a kid not over 4 years old with a blasted tablet. I think of all that I would've missed learning from my daddy if I had been staring at that crap all day instead of listening to what he was telling me or watching what he was doing. Today's parents never want to be interrupted from their own self-focused lives to actually raise a young'un. Of all the hundreds of times I interrupted Daddy from his work, or from his reading or dozing after supper, did he ever, in the slightest, show any irritation with me bothering him with a question or to show him something. What a blessed kid I was. (Mama was tops, too!)
Really sucks getting old, doesn't it? :laughing7:

Wow certainly struck a nerve with me! As an only child, with a Dad who lived at the bar and ran the house with his mouth and his fist..I spent more hours on my 20" BMX than off of it, riding was my life..Redline, Raleigh, Tuff Wheels etc...and those Tuff Necks were nice but they was some sharp-edged buggers, required a nice pad or risk ripping your nads off when you went a** over apple cart! Lol..thx for the memories..Ddf

Kids today are conditioned to be “soft”. If we had a 3ft board and 6 red bricks it was on. These days, if they even ride a bike, they put a helmet on to go to the conner. Can you imagine what would have happened if you put a helmet on to ride a bicycle in the 70’s early 80’s. You would have differently be called a ******. Lol

Yeah, Daddy would save any countertop sink cutouts, so we'd grab a couple and some concrete blocks for jump and landing ramps. Probably weren't jumping 3 or 4 feet, but it felt like we were sailing a mile!

78 in a few days and have a flip phone. Don't care to know how to text. If I don't answer my message is "I do not talk while driving. Please leave a message". My older Sis told me once that I sure did drive a lot.:laughing7:
I use it in Department stores as a Wife locator.

After I forgot my flip phone was in my pouch and drown it in the lake while detecting a couple years ago I moved up to a slider phone. This allows me to easily text when I need to (rarely) and the phones battery lasts about ten days on a single charge. It is coupled with a TMobile $3 a month for 30 phone calls account and I am as connected as I need or want to be when I am away from home.

After I forgot my flip phone was in my pouch and drown it in the lake while detecting a couple years ago I moved up to a slider phone. This allows me to easily text when I need to (rarely) and the phones battery lasts about ten days on a single charge. It is coupled with a TMobile $3 a month for 30 phone calls account and I am as connected as I need or want to be when I am away from home.
My cell phone battery usually lasts a month. Yep. It only burns down when I turn it on! ╦╦Ç

I refuse to text...they have this great talk in it and the person hears you.

I refuse to text...they have this great talk in it and the person hears you.

I use the texting when dealing with contractors and it's their main way of corresponding. Plus its down in writing basically in when they're going to be doing a job, or a warranty issue. There has been many cases that I can just say a few words and it's done, no need to call or if privacy is an issue, noise levels would make calling out of the question as well.

I agree speaking with a person is the best way of communication, as a person can understand the nuances of ones communication which is totally lost in a text.

How you use your phone is a matter of respect. Text is not always a bad thing. My brother and I both have busy lives, and texting is a good way for us to communicate without disturbing one another's day. He will read it and respond or call me at his convenience and I don't feel like I'm interrupting him. Same goes for my friends. How you choose to use it is what matters. If you are busy, don't read or respond, then to me that is the whole point.
I'm a general contractor and texting is a great way to communicate with subcontractors and the like. I have sent and received schematics, pictures of panel boxes and many other things that you need a visual of. It has saved me and others lots of time , and like mentioned above, it's great to have things in writing.

There are situations where texting makes sense, general conversations by texting are goofy to me...if you text while driving you are an idiot in my opinion...I think its dis respectful to send a happy birthday text.

Maybe texting is a precursor to humans learning to communicate using a thought process.
Ya know I just don't want to know what most are thinking. ~(.)(.)~

I use the texting when dealing with contractors and it's their main way of corresponding. Plus its down in writing basically in when they're going to be doing a job, or a warranty issue. There has been many cases that I can just say a few words and it's done, no need to call or if privacy is an issue, noise levels would make calling out of the question as well.

I agree speaking with a person is the best way of communication, as a person can understand the nuances of ones communication which is totally lost in a text.

I unfortunately have to have two cel phones, an iPad and a company laptop. I’ll tell you what irritates the hell out of me. Texting has allowed people to avoid uncomfortable conversations. If it’s bad news about a project I get a damn text. I don’t have time to have an hour long text session when there’s an issue. I have to have an actual conversation and find a solution immediately. I don’t allow cel phones in my work sites unless you’re a supervisor. No earbuds, no cel phones or any other piece of technology. It’s dangerous and if you don’t like it I’ll find somebody who does. We have cranes swinging steel around, massive earth moving equipment and tons of dangerous equipment everywhere. If you can’t hear or if you’re distracted you are an accident waiting to happen. I can deal with people thinking I’m a d*%k but I can’t deal with somebody not going home to their family the way they left for work. I understand all of the arguments I get. “I have a family and they need to be able to contact me.” “What if there’s an emergency and I’m not reachable?” I tell them all the same thing. You need to give the number of your onsite supervisor to anybody who needs it. I also give out my number freely. I try to be as open, accessible and transparent as possible. I just refuse to put peoples lives in danger so you can Facebook or text or share pictures. We just did a review of all of the injuries we had this year. Almost all were millennials with less than a year of experience. Often they were distracted and unaware of their environment. Some of our supers are fine with the phones. I wish I could get rid of mine. I get phone calls, texts and emails at 10 pm and 3 am. No time is off limits. We do night work on certain projects and it’s constant progress updates, man power issues, equipment issues or anything else that comes up. I can’t just shut my ringer off and hope for the best.
I chose this job and deal with what comes with it but we now live in a world where no time seems to be off limits. People struggle to communicate face to face and seem to enjoy drama. That’s why I love getting up early on a rare day off and heading out in my kayak or for a hike. I get as far away from people as I can. Digging up colonial history when things were much different and things were more simple is so enjoyable. I’m glad this topic came up so I could be t a bit lol

Hell, Daddy wouldn't even allow a radio on the job!

One of my friends Dad disabled the radio in every new vehicle he bought. He thought listening to music could cause a teenager to wreck.

Texting is getting so bad in college :BangHead: that I added the following statement in the course syllabus:

Talking or Texting on cell phones during formal class lecture time will not be tolerated. If a phone call is an emergency please quietly leave the room.
All Laptop computers will remain off during the lecture portion of the class.

I have had students come up to me after a lecture (Advance Physics and Engineering courses) and asked me "what did I miss?" Those student were in the class texting or so involved in social media they do not hear a word I say.
Needless to say my answer is not what they expect to hear. :laughing7:

I unfortunately have to have two cel phones, an iPad and a company laptop. I’ll tell you what irritates the hell out of me. Texting has allowed people to avoid uncomfortable conversations. If it’s bad news about a project I get a damn text. I don’t have time to have an hour long text session when there’s an issue. I have to have an actual conversation and find a solution immediately. I don’t allow cel phones in my work sites unless you’re a supervisor. No earbuds, no cel phones or any other piece of technology. It’s dangerous and if you don’t like it I’ll find somebody who does. We have cranes swinging steel around, massive earth moving equipment and tons of dangerous equipment everywhere. If you can’t hear or if you’re distracted you are an accident waiting to happen. I can deal with people thinking I’m a d*%k but I can’t deal with somebody not going home to their family the way they left for work. I understand all of the arguments I get. “I have a family and they need to be able to contact me.” “What if there’s an emergency and I’m not reachable?” I tell them all the same thing. You need to give the number of your onsite supervisor to anybody who needs it. I also give out my number freely. I try to be as open, accessible and transparent as possible. I just refuse to put peoples lives in danger so you can Facebook or text or share pictures. We just did a review of all of the injuries we had this year. Almost all were millennials with less than a year of experience. Often they were distracted and unaware of their environment. Some of our supers are fine with the phones. I wish I could get rid of mine. I get phone calls, texts and emails at 10 pm and 3 am. No time is off limits. We do night work on certain projects and it’s constant progress updates, man power issues, equipment issues or anything else that comes up. I can’t just shut my ringer off and hope for the best.
I chose this job and deal with what comes with it but we now live in a world where no time seems to be off limits. People struggle to communicate face to face and seem to enjoy drama. That’s why I love getting up early on a rare day off and heading out in my kayak or for a hike. I get as far away from people as I can. Digging up colonial history when things were much different and things were more simple is so enjoyable. I’m glad this topic came up so I could be t a bit lol

Kind of like I said in post #37, at the business I had zero tolerance for electronics." Why don't we have music?"
Because I want you to hear me.

Hell, Daddy wouldn't even allow a radio on the job!

Once on a commercial construction job there were three trades that all had radios playing very loud on three different stations. It was just habitual noise.
The next job shortly later the General Contractor (GC) had a rule "No Radios" There was some grumbling at first but after half a day I heard comments like "It's kind of nice having things quiet." Ya, just a man alone with his thoughts I pondered.
I was happy partly because I can't do the work I did on auto-pilot. My work was rather techie and I had to think.
I also am rather picky about sound quality. I'm not an audiophile but do like my noise to have a tad more quality than a cheapie boom box. When I do listen to music it's almost always on my system.

I'm sure that the old saying "Silence is golden" didn't just come about for no reason. I've lost a lot of my hearing from being a dumb@ss as a kid, then teenager. Now, any loud noise irritates me and at times is almost painful. You'd think that you could tolerate more noise but it's just the opposite. I've kept foam ear plugs in my pocket at all times for years now. Boy does wisdom come at a price and reminds me of another saying, "Youth is wasted on the young." Sigh...

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