Obscene Abe, Another Flipper, and Ewwwww Dirty Nails!


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
Boy! The things one can find whilst metal detecting! This hobby is just one adventure after another! Surprise surprise surprise! Well gollllll LEE! <Gomer Pyle impersonation>

Today was a day off. It was gorgeous outside.. if a little dry, but nary a cloud in the sky, warm but not too hot, a light breeze blowing and not a thing on my honey-do list to worry with! My better half was off to a function with her Volunteer organization so I had the whole day to do whatever! And you KNOW what that means! <grinning>
I loaded up my little truck and headed to the park.. well, "A" park anyway. One that I've been hitting pretty regularly whenever I get the chance. It's relatively close to my home, VERY big, and sees lots and lots of people on a regular basis. Especially the Soccer "complex" portion. Like I said it's HUGE! I've only detected three, no make that four now, of the playing fields out of what.. oh twenty or so? Today I tackled < no pun intended > my fourth playing field at this park. Since it was a school day, in the middle of the week, I pretty much at the park to myself save for the guys mowing the lawns. And they had already mowed the field that I had in mind to detect today. Cool!
As usual, I start swinging my detector as soon as I walk away from my truck..even before reaching the playing fields. Those grass parking areas are a gold mine in and of themselves I find. And today was no exception. I started finding targets in the first few steps away from my vehicle. Clad mostly, a few pull tabs, and some can slaw of course. <shrug> I recovered (dug) probably 15 or so targets before I ever got to the plank fence that separates the parking from the fields. Just past the "gate" or opening in the fence for people to walk through, I got another target that I almost didn't dig.. sounded an awful lot like more can slaw.. but I did, and I'm glad I DID.. BLING! One lone earring. It's kind of heavy, especially for a "clip on" type. It looks like gold or at least gold plated maybe, but the stamp on the back of the clip is nearly illegible.. even after blowing it up I can't read it. Maybe I need to start setting up a small tripod for my camera when taking these pics. <shrug>

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Ewwww.. would you look at those dirty nails... GROSS! Even with gloves on the dirt gets under your nails. *sigh* the perils of metal detecting I suppose. <grin> You can see what I mean about being blurry. I don't think it's got a K stamp there, looks more like a brand name or something. The earring is probably just some cheap junque or costume jewelry. Oh well.. another addition to the bling bag, the ziploc bag that holds all my miscellaneous jewelry finds. I've got bags for keys & locks, tokens and foreign coins, "bling", tags and pins, bullets and shell casings.. one bag just for wheat pennies.. of which I found two today. Nothing spectacular but I still like finding them.. a '41 and a '49.

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I found another one of those "Official" or Referee coins that are used for the "coin toss" for each game. I love finding these things! Seen here with the earring I found and a car key, Ford according to the logo on the opposite side..

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... and here with a composite picture showing the front and the back side by side.. <grin>

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You know a lot of this clad and stuff is found close to the surface and some even on the surface. The stuff I have to dig, has obviously been there a little while, but it all starts out on the surface. And on the surface a lot of things get run over and mutilated by lawn mowers. Hence the ever popular "CAN SLAW".. But coins get whacked pretty often too. I find a lot of coins that get nailed by the lawn mowers.. today I found another penny that had been nicked before sinking into the Terra firma and having the grass grow over it. Before you see the picture though, I have to warn you.. it's almost obscene! I didn't notice it till I had taken the picture and was editing for size so that I could post them on line here with TNet. This DINGED Memorial Cent has lost the "1" in 1990.. or rather had it obliterated by the blade strike. The "T" in In God We Trust seems to have gone missing too.. so it looks more like "In God We rust" <rolling eyes> but the "Obscenity" is in the shadowy imprint from the lawn mower blade strike.. it looks.. well.. rather phallic.. <blushing> Be forewarned and don't let the children look!

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See what I mean? <blushing> Some historians alluded to suspicions or even outright scandalous accusations that Old Honest Abe had a slightly bent attitude in his "orientation".. but that's neither here nor there..but this "BENT" Lincoln Penny is well.. BENT. <raised eyebrow>

Ok.. enough with that.. "oddity". I had another "oddity" find today too. Something considerably less inflammatory or risque'. What rang up on my detector as a 50 cent piece turned out to be a rather large disk of copper or copper alloy.. a piece of horse tack I believe. The slide or "bar" on the back has been mashed down, and the disk itself has been bent and deformed. I'm thinking it's a cheek slider for a bridle rig, or halter. It's not engraved or decorated in any way that I can tell, so it's probably off of a simple draft horse rig.. you know, farm implement. <grin> More of a "Tractor" accessory, than a Show car ornament.

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Of course there were the usual finds.. stuff you find most anywhere you detect it seems. Pull tabs, can slaw, odd bits of metal and even some wire. I did find this big washer or ring disk thing. It was another "50 cent" target reading.. so it's not all iron, even though it's rusty. <shrug> I found some sheet metal, another cleat from someone's shoe.. and a wrench FOR the cleats. I found the tail end of a matchbox or hotwheels car, the bottom of a lightbulb (flashlight or car tail lamp) ? And, there was a lipstick tube. I find a lot of those too it seems.

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Here's the whole pile.. raw.. before I even drove home.. Oh yeah.. I found a pencil <grin>

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And... here's all the clad after separating it from the other stuff.. and counting it.. Not bad at all.. $10.22

And that's not counting the two wheaties..

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... Just a little more cash for the vacation fund.. Got to love a hobby that pays you to indulge!

I hope everyone gets to get out and enjoy the weather sometime this week.. and to indulge in this hobby themselves. But watch out for those OBSCENE coins.. <laughing>

Happy Hunting!


Upvote 0
Great finds again. Guess I need to get off here and get out and hunt more. Keep it up...and hmmm..yep..might need a manicure.. :thumbsup:

Way to go, Fro! :thumbsup:. Looks like exercise to me, you're making me tired...... :tongue3:.....NGE

SC_hunter said:
Great finds again. Guess I need to get off here and get out and hunt more. Keep it up...and hmmm..yep..might need a manicure.. :thumbsup:

Yeah.. <blushing> at least a good nail cleaning with a nail brush maybe. I don't think I'd look good or feel comfortable with a "french" manicure. <laughing>

Happy Hunting!


You sure find a load of different stuf Fro. Great hunting - again.


rtde3 said:
Cool looking Ref coin!

I've got quite a collection of these "Ref" or "Flipper coins". They are a blast to find, going to have to build me a display box or something soon. <grin>

Happy Hunting!


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