๐Ÿ† HONORABLE MENTION Offbeat outdoor sights


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2007
Summit County, CO
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
White's DFX, White's Classic 1 Coinmaster, Nokta Pointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I see some peculiar things in the outdoors from time to time; some I understand and others I have no clue. Here's some pics. A box of thumb tacks next to a tree stump. The stump had tacks stuck in all over it, and no idea what the person intended. A rifle butt stuck in a tree. This one got my attention real quick, but it didn't appear to have been done that long ago. A white thing that from a distance appeared to be a bee hive which I fully intended to rob, but upon closer inspection turned out not to be the type of 'honeypot' I was interested in. The best one was when I spotted currency. Small amount of bills, a DL, and a major credit card belonging to a lady from some place called Wisconsin. Why you would walked around with that wrapped up in a rubber band beats me, but people from other lands have different customs. She's in luck, cause since there's an address I'll mail it back to her.


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Haha, yes relevantchair, I understand that. However the average rabble of tourists tend to stay in their comfort zone, i.e. pay campgrounds, campsites alongside the road in national forests that you can drive into, and major attractions. I notice they rarely venture farther than a hundred yards from those areas. Which is fine. Bless their hearts, they're enjoying the outdoors, and we can contain all their trash in one place. (Weston Pass area was remarkable clean, I will add) All of these pics are in those comfort zones, except for the rifle butt in the tree. I would not have expected anybody to be wonderin around there, but it was a pretty good joke.

People do funny things some times, just put it down as who knows for sure.:dontknow:

It does make you wonder what was going on!? And so nice of you to return the woman's stuff...hope she's OK...and just dropped it? The only thing I've found while out in the wilds was this feather tethered in a tree......did post before & was told it was from a trukey...but why?


Kind of twilight zone-ish ???

So update on this. I go to the mailbox today and there's a letter from the lady whose things I found and mailed back to her. She says, 'You have restored my faith (and those to whom I have told the tale) in our fellow men, and I do hope that one day you will have similar luck and good fortune.' That's about the coolest thing anybody's said about me. She don't know, but pretty much everybody I know on here would have done the same thing.


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And when she mentions 'Thank you very much for your thoughtful note.'; I apologize, cause I did take a shot at tourists in that, sorry, I take it back, and I don't think she caught it.

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RGINN, this letter makes it all worthwhile! It's great that she had the decency to write it and thank you. It's few people today that will take the time to do this.

How great is that....thanks for updating us on it....so nice she took the time to say "thank you"! And "Thank You" again for doing that for her.:thumbsup:

It does make you wonder what was going on!? And so nice of you to return the woman's stuff...hope she's OK...and just dropped it? The only thing I've found while out in the wilds was this feather tethered in a tree......did post before & was told it was from a trukey...but why?

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Most likely used by a hunter to indicate wind direction.

Sometimes ck there are spots that have a certain spiritual significance to people so they will leave 'offerings', I guess you would say, on the ground or tied to trees. Every time I've visited the Washita battlefield I've tossed a pinch of tobacco. Silly superstition I know, but there might be somethin to it and I don't want the spirit world to think I'm disrespectful. I find a lot of memorials in the woods up here to people who have passed on. One of the coolest is in an undisclosed location beside a lake hereabouts. A small growing pine decorated like a Christmas tree with Denver Bronco ornaments. Probably hundreds of people have walked by it and never saw it, but to the credit of the ones that did, they never messed with it.

A feather attached to a limb so it blows in the wind is an old trapping trick to catch bobcats or lynx. Might be what you found. A trapper's "set". It caught your attention, curious kat. Haha

WTG on the find and return of the lost cash and credit cards. It's a great feeling to be able restore another human's faith in mankind! :thumbsup:

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