Pancho Villa Treasure

I should point out Newspapers have its uses.
It is one of many tools one needs to help get to truth as close as possible with these treasure legends.

Newspapers give you one clear thing. The date of what was being said at a given place in time. And to what was alleged to have happened at a given place. That is why cross referencing various versions of newspaper of newspaper stories are important some editors for space will delete key points from a story according to needs of the typesetter and space.

A reporter will take their take on a story and add things as fact. A lot of treasure yarns was rehashed as filled for spaces in the paper, being cut and chopped and reused to fill a gap in the paper around the needs of advertising.

Cross referencing newspapers with independent archival records. books and journals is important. Regardless with all of that it only tilts your odds a little bit better in your favor.


I should point out Newspapers have its uses.
It is one of many tools one needs to help get to truth as close as possible with these treasure legends.

Newspapers give you one clear thing. The date of what was being said at a given place in time. And to what was alleged to have happened at a given place. That is why cross referencing various versions of newspaper of newspaper stories are important some editors for space will delete key points from a story according to needs of the typesetter and space.

A reporter will take their take on a story and add things as fact. A lot of treasure yarns was rehashed as filled for spaces in the paper, being cut and chopped and reused to fill a gap in the paper around the needs of advertising.

Cross referencing newspapers with independent archival records. books and journals is important. Regardless with all of that it only tilts your odds a little bit better in your favor.


Crow - Many of those old newspaper accounts are ripping yarns. I've posted a number here because I enjoy reading them.

One should also read those versions in self-defense. Many treasure writers simply copy the work of previous scribes. Some embellish the tale, and those become part of the story in later pieces.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Well I for one love all treasure yarns regardless of them being true or not. It gives an insight into peoples hopes and dreams in the context of the times. I have enjoyed your informative posts

Cheers crow

There are obviously good odds that the collection was lost, but depending on where the library was located and who had access to it, maybe not 100%. The fire burned for days, and if the collection was considered important enough to save, possibly someone did.

By the way, have you checked this:

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You have to also consider the possibility that these fires were begun intentionally. If you consider the theory that many of these cities were creations of civilizations of the past like that of the Tartarian, which great measures have been taken to destroy and hide from the general public, it's possible that any treasure troves of documents leading to riches could have been stolen by the very elements who have been trying to hide the existence of these prior civilizations. If so we could be chasing something that only exists in private collections. Just an outside thought.

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most of records we have today a cobbled together many sources and various departments. many was lost to fire by poor storage rot humidity over time even in fading ink. today most countries are digitizing there documents. But it was not always the case. some who knows what interesting documents are lost to history?

Early researchers have not been kind to them writing over document tearing pages out. regardless there is no coherent filing system for such documents.. Not all can view or down loaded at click of button either.

Perhaps that is part the fun in the hunt for treasure.


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