Peralta Stones translated by the Blindbowman ...

Sweet! Can you share some photo's of your sites you've found and some of the treasures you've found in them? Nothing that would give away there location of course.
that's funny , i have posted pics here of the shaman stone that has fine wire gold all threw the stone and i have shown pics of the Black Platinum /Carbon with diamonds and that has gold in it as well i posted pics of the shaman stone and the bone knife . i did not post pics of the early 1800's pack mule stick used to tie down heavy loads . or the broken 1950" mason jar use for water in the old timers days ..i showed pics of the Crystal SO3 deposit, and i have shown pics of the painted art work on the rock wall no one really cares about the small details and those are the most important clues of all ...this has nothing to do with pics it has something to do with trusting other people . after having people track me into the mountains i now have to go way out of my way to make sure they don't track me in and out of the mountains ...i have over 700 pics in 800FPS speed and in very fine detail ,no thanks i don't another bulls eye on my back .. its already there ...

."there were two main groups the first was around 1302-1304 they came in threw the Hudson bay area down into Lake Superior"

There seems to be no written reference to this passage.
Please can you provide me a link to this claim, or book, map something documented.
history channel did a full video of this and a lot of the detail are out there and documented and you are correct ,it believed that a full sailing ship if not a few ships came threw from the Hudson bay area and work their way down to the north western land fall point where it is believe they burn the ships to make no trace of them being in the new world . some say the group then slit into two parts . but i don't share that theory my self just because evidence was found of two groups much latter dose not mean the first group slit up . power in numbers lets look at sailing ships of the times . the Templar had a state of the art set of war ships ..the could easily bring over 100 men and supplies , so it's logical we would be looking at a group of around 100 men and these are not just normal men they are war tested Templar ...if they entered the northern planes . they would have found native tribes and those tribes would send them to the most powerful tribe known , that's out right the seven caves shaman . they ruled all the tribes in north and south America's .latter there would be another group of Templar that came in threw the eastern St Lawrence & eastern coast line ..and one of those groups would try to locate the first group and i believe did in fact cross the Ohio valley area and crossed the first groups path and that's where i believe the confusion started ... i think your dates above are showing one of the second groups the first would have come threw around the time of 1260-1290's ..see back then it took time for news to get back to the starting point and then years to get everything together to send more ships it was not uncommon for ships to be send 6-10 years after a ship sailed away ..and then years before any news was gotten back if news got back . this is also seen in the case of Roanoke.

that's funny , i have posted pics here of the shaman stone that has fine wire gold all threw the stone and i have shown pics of the Black Platinum /Carbon with diamonds and that has gold in it as well i posted pics of the shaman stone and the bone knife . i did not post pics of the early 1800's pack mule stick used to tie down heavy loads . or the broken 1950" mason jar use for water in the old timers days ..i showed pics of the Crystal SO3 deposit, and i have shown pics of the painted art work on the rock wall no one really cares about the small details and those are the most important clues of all ...this has nothing to do with pics it has something to do with trusting other people . after having people track me into the mountains i now have to go way out of my way to make sure they don't track me in and out of the mountains ...i have over 700 pics in 800FPS speed and in very fine detail ,no thanks i don't another bulls eye on my back .. its already there ..

Can you repost those, must have been quite awhile ago you posted them as i dont' recall seeing them?

Also, can you post up some of the actual treasures you found, i've seen you say quite a few times you've found vast treasures, would be cool to see some of them!

Keep in mind, posting pics of them won't put any bigger of target on your back as you've already publicly claimed on the worlds largest public treasure forum as to having found them, so the word is out and documented ad infinitum.

history channel did a full video of this and a lot of the detail are out there and documented and you are correct ,it believed that a full sailing ship if not a few ships came threw from the Hudson bay area and work their way down to the north western land fall point where it is believe they burn the ships to make no trace of them being in the new world . some say the group then slit into two parts . but i don't share that theory my self just because evidence was found of two groups much latter dose not mean the first group slit up . power in numbers lets look at sailing ships of the times . the Templar had a state of the art set of war ships ..the could easily bring over 100 men and supplies , so it's logical we would be looking at a group of around 100 men and these are not just normal men they are war tested Templar ...if they entered the northern planes . they would have found native tribes and those tribes would send them to the most powerful tribe known , that's out right the seven caves shaman . they ruled all the tribes in north and south America's .latter there would be another group of Templar that came in threw the eastern St Lawrence & eastern coast line ..and one of those groups would try to locate the first group and i believe did in fact cross the Ohio valley area and crossed the first groups path and that's where i believe the confusion started ... i think your dates above are showing one of the second groups the first would have come threw around the time of 1260-1290's ..see back then it took time for news to get back to the starting point and then years to get everything together to send more ships it was not uncommon for ships to be send 6-10 years after a ship sailed away ..and then years before any news was gotten back if news got back . this is also seen in the case of Roanoke.
You said I was correct
I have made no claim of any historical significance regarding the topic.
The first lines were from your written post #21.

I asked for documentation of this historical significance.

Now that you have posted it all is based on the "History Channel"
Well I will take that as your research data point and leave it as that.
Though if you have some other creditable sources I would be interested.

do a search on the topics ... you guys want everyone else to do the work ..

do a search on the topics ... you guys want everyone else to do the work ..
All the work? I did search and didn't come up with any of them. You post frequently with long, in depth posts and you don't have the time to post up a few pictures?

Could you post up some of the gold treasures you found, you indicated publicly you only remove limited amounts at a time to not raise suspicion, since you let the whole world know you are removing it, a few pictures won't divulge any secrets. We'd love to see them!

All the work? I did search and didn't come up with any of them. You post frequently with long, in depth posts and you don't have the time to post up a few pictures?

Could you post up some of the gold treasures you found, you indicated publicly you only remove limited amounts at a time to not raise suspicion, since you let the whole world know you are removing it, a few pictures won't divulge any secrets. We'd love to see them!
sorry i was not born yesterday ..

All the work? I did search and didn't come up with any of them. You post frequently with long, in depth posts and you don't have the time to post up a few pictures?

Could you post up some of the gold treasures you found, you indicated publicly you only remove limited amounts at a time to not raise suspicion, since you let the whole world know you are removing it, a few pictures won't divulge any secrets. We'd love to see them!
I'm going to do my best to stay within the rules and not comment on whether or not I believe some of the stories that often pop up on here and go on and on and on with never any pictures and simply make it known... If I ever am lucky enough to find a huge treasure of incredible value you'll not see any pictures from me either. But you'll not see me talking about it either. I'll just disappear to an undisclosed location never to be heard from again. We do have a great bunch of interesting story tellers on here though and I appreciate their creativity if nothing else. lol

great reply . i enjoyed that,, thanks NHB under stand the wording for it is not what you believe it means . " IF " you go past the 3 red Hills " IF IF iF , even the most simple clue is confusing , don't you all under stand what the word IF means ..?

so has anyone else in the last 40 years told you they had a real sighting of the Hoya . it is on the stones last time i looked

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great reply . i enjoyed that,, thanks NHB under stand the wording for it is not what you believe it means .
Did you miss the nuance in his post? He said, if he ever found one, he wouldn't show it, but he also wouldn't be telling the world he found it.

You've already let the cat out of the bag and let the entire world know you've "found" it, so there is no harm in showing a few pictures. But, i have my own well informed theories why you won't/can't and i'll leave it at that...

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i walked around springs bluff so many times i started to get dizzy , i film the whole mt from over 300 positions so i could get pictures of the top sides and lower bottom of the mt ..most of the people here would not know one picture from the next .. but the topic is not about sites found , its about the stones .. and if you got the stones you could walk out there but walking back out gets harder ever time .. people don't want it found ... they are making money off the dreamers ...and telling everyone you found it is the easiest way to make them think you have found nothing ...why do think Apache don't like crazy people .? set back and watch you may learn more then you think ...

do a search on the topics ... you guys want everyone else to do the work ..
Howlet and some other Harley riders formed Arcana Exploration and found the Dutchman in 2018.
(I did a search as you instructed.)

Looks like they beat you by three years.

Howlet and some other Harley riders formed Arcana Exploration and found the Dutchman in 2018.
(I did a search as you instructed.)

Looks like they beat you by three years.
lol then i just walk away ! ...sorry this thread is not about the LDM . look up and read the topic ... Peralta stones ... your in the wrong threat

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did you know i stated that the stones were created by a Templar/Jesuit educated in Portuguese . and that the Templar had come to the seven caves around the late 1200"s . but something you might not know is the Templar build 15 of the castles of Portugal ..and their head quarters were at Tomar what's that tell you ? see Waltz did not speak Latin ...Now ask your self how the word Hoya on the Peralta /Ruth map and is a Germany word ? yet none of the words on the stones are German , they are early Portuguese.... and Latin if you believe the Latin heart insert ... so you tell me why i am pointing this out to you when i already told you the Hoya is on the Peralta /Ruth map and on the stones ,yet the LDM is not on ether ...think about it ....two Templar set a pone a horse , yet on the stones we see the horse Pasto ..this is where the Templar lighten their loads ... !their horse pastor here ...where they put their treasures ...

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i guess it's a good Sunday, so i will give you a hint ! think about what i said in the past . i had a sighting of the Hoya long before i ever started researching the LDM . and now look at the stones ,the Tunnel is the main focus of the stones yet you can't find the house in the cave or the tunnel with out finding the Hoya first ...and the Hoya is now under 25 feet of rock as i was trying to point out to you all above ,there roughly about 9,000,000 possible combinations and that's just in the north to south canyons with in 10 miles of weavers needle ,and i my self think it should be more like 8 miles . but that's my own opinion. so here is the hint . if I die the mine most likely will never be found again because the Hoya no longer matches the stones and is no longer seen ..and that renders the Peralta /Ruth Map and the stones useless .and no i am not joking . if it was not for the fact i have researched and hunted those mountains to find what i saw back in 1979 this legend would be dead in the water and most likely the LDM will never be found, if i pass away .. there is a good hint for a Sunday .. its the truth and its a fact ! i did not plain this to turn out this way it just happen that time likes to play games on us all ...if you knew where all 3 of those sites were you could locate the real praying hands ..and after a few dozen hours of hard hiking and research you might get close enough to find the LDM . its not on the stones or maps . but it is within 35 yards of one of those 3 sites ..but as some of you well know 35 yards out there is just like being with in 10 miles ..

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All Dutch Hunters and Treasure Hunters are here by put on notice the Peralta Stones have been translated correctly .., after a 14 years study and research of these stones, i have a clear and full under standing of the translation , i have broken the code wide open and they are in fact real . I believe at this point in time they point out where the kings treasure is ... put away by the Jesuits or Franciscan priest .. its been a hard study and i am 60 and its been what all treasure hunters dream of .. the reward awaits .. ! stay safe stay free
Greetings Mr Blind,
I could have saved you the trouble of all your work, in 2017 me and my crew located the canyon, exact Stone Map trail which is 1500 feet long, the Latin Heart or Sacred Heart, all Nine Mines including the Dutchman while we made our basecamp in what was left of the old house foundation above the Dutchman Mine. "If I'm Lying I'm Dying", so far I have told the same exact story numerous times. My crew since 2017 have all died from one to another mysterious causes since then leaving me as the only one left that has stood in the LDM since Jacob Waltz. Jacob's caches are still there, everything intact with the Heart and nothing disturbed minus for 6 - 8, 5 gallon buckets of tailings we took from inside the mine. Its been 5 years and I need to go back to refill my buckets!

i guess it's a good Sunday, so i will give you a hint ! think about what i said in the past . i had a sighting of the Hoya long before i ever started researching the LDM . and now look at the stones ,the Tunnel is the main focus of the stones yet you can't find the house in the cave or the tunnel with out finding the Hoya first ...and the Hoya is now under 25 feet of rock as i was trying to point out to you all above ,there roughly about 9,000,000 possible combinations and that's just in the north to south canyons with in 10 miles of weavers needle ,and i my self think it should be more like 8 miles . but that's my own opinion. so here is the hint . if I die the mine most likely will never be found again because the Hoya no longer matches the stones and is no longer seen ..and that renders the Peralta /Ruth Map and the stones useless .and no i am not joking . if it was not for the fact i have researched and hunted those mountains to find what i saw back in 1979 this legend would be dead in the water and most likely the LDM will never be found, if i pass away .. there is a good hint for a Sunday .. its the truth and its a fact ! i did not plain this to turn out this way it just happen that time likes to play games on us all ...if you knew where all 3 of those sites were you could locate the real praying hands ..and after a few dozen hours of hard hiking and research you might get close enough to find the LDM . its not on the stones or maps . but it is within 35 yards of one of those 3 sites ..but as some of you well know 35 yards out there is just like being with in 10 miles ..
Your Research is wrong as is the outcome after your death. The reason the LDM isn't on the Stone Maps is because the LDM was just a Mine, the reason its not on the Stone Maps is because the Stone Maps were telling where the Heart was Located NOT the LDM. The LDM is only named for Jacob Waltz, not the Stone Maps. The Jesuits made the Latin Heart or Sacred Heart by taking the tailings from each of the 9 mines. The Heart is a created into a Vault of up to 27 individual vaults holding numerous treasures of Gold, Silves, jewels and church treasure. These Nine Mines are the in the canyon are the Guadeloupe Mines. The Stone Maps were NEVER about the LDM..... Sorry to bust your imaginary Bubble but All that you wrote is utter hogwash and I can prove every word I just typed in.

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