
Full Member
Dec 21, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I believe what I have here is a pictish pebble made from quartz. There have been 19 similar stones found in the last 90 years and I believe all of them have been found in Europe. This one was found last year in the northeast United States. The picture with the multiple stones is from Painted Pebbles\Wikipedia. What are you thoughts?

-Thanks Fred Pebble2.jpgPebble1.jpgPebble.jpgPainted Pebbles wiki.jpg

Painted pebbles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pretty sure that is just natural.

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I don't see what you are is it the same as the identified ones you posted and why would it be in NA? Picts were in pre-Scotland, Scotland....

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The rare and valuable ones will have native gold in them. Be careful of those. They can eat your ears off.


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I'm pretty sure it's natural, too, but go ahead and post it in the Rocks/Gems forum - just keep scrolling down, you'll find it - there you will find someone to be more technical.

Meanwhile, keep lookin' down!! :icon_thumleft:

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