Please help me identify this rock? Crystal? Mineral?


Nov 6, 2020
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
My name is Taylor, I am new to the forum. This is my first post 😊!

I clear estate for a living and recently came across some interesting items.

One of them is a black stone crystal type rock or mineral that has goldish? color specks throughout every stone.
I have a handful of them and cant seem to find match when I search online.
They are all shaped similarly and are 8 sided.
At first I thought that the goldish brown color was dirt or dust but when I tried to clean it off the color went black for a second and the gold color came back?

Does anyone know what this could be?
Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time and help!

I am from Seattle, Washington. I don’t know if that helps but I saw someone ask about location in another post on here ...

I think tourmaline also.

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I can't help you with the rock, but Welcome to the forum from northeastern Oregon!

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Thank you all of you for the warm welcome and for your help. Tourmaline was one options that I saw but when I looked at the photos I didn’t think that was it because of the gold or brown veins and the shape of what was pictured. After reading your replies I looked again and completely agree with you. I don’t know how I didn’t make that connection before, it seems so obvious now!!
Thanks again for your help.

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If it's black it's Schorl, if they are a brown (root beer) then Dravite.

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actually, I have found garnets in the cascades by your area schist formations.

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