Please help the Newbie


Jr. Member
Jul 8, 2008
Detector(s) used
A cheap one
Hey there folks! I'm completely new to this.......don't beat me, but I don't even have a detector yet. That's kind of why I'm here - do you guys have any advice on buying one?

I was looking through websites but seem to be at a slight loss.

I came across this one; - it's a starter pack so I figured that would be good for a newb, yes? Like I said, if you have any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I was just wondering how y'all got into this yourselves. Your stories will be read with interest.

Cheers, people!


First use a company from the list of sponsers here. That way you'll have some recourse if things turn ugly. Next talk to the rep about what kind of hunting you wanna do, water, woods, beaches, parks, gold feilds etc...
Then what ever you do start cheap, I know allot of people will disagree with me here. But better to waist a little money rather than allot only to find you don't really wanna continue in this hobby. There's allot of detectors gathering dust in people closets out there. Course you could buy a top of the line detector and hope for a good resale value. But that's allot riskier in this economy. :wink:

Hey dude, thanks. I will definately check the sponsors - got any from the UK though? I'm guessing postage to Scotland will be about half the price of the detector!

And that's a good point about starting cheap - I've heard alot of stories from people who forked out lots o moolah for a hobby only to give it up after a week or so.

I may be wrong, cause I've never dealt with them But I believe Kelly Co. is world wide and they carry pretty much every kind of detector. :wink:

Still think you should call them and get their input first as to what type of hunting you wanna do vs the prices etc....

Hmm Bad move on her part. Got a Rep right here at T-Net that should be able to help you out. Lemme see if I can find her and get her in touch with you.

My own 2 cents, are that the Garret Ace 250 is the best starter detector. But there's plenty of others, I'm just not sure what your soil is like and what your looking to hunt and where ?

Hey! I'm here! Got a message, sent a message, and I def. know that Scotland is NOT in Australia!!!! No need to spend a grand to have a good time! I do tend to recommend the ACE 250 to people, but that may just be because it was the first thing I took out and its super easy.... hope to hear back from you!

I only can say one thing for you, get a XP from the UK don't mess with the people over in the US when you can get good deals in your own backyard!! Talk to Regton, they can give you a good deal quite often.

I would not say an ACE 250 for this location KellycoChick. The GB is set and they have problems with coke (unburnt coal) etc.

I highly recommend quick recovery speed and good iron disc then dig all none iron as you have hammered coins etc there. The ACE 250 would be a very bad choice, slow recovery speed and how the senitivty to tiny object are I don't know.

If you have the ££ buy a XP Goldmaxx Power why?

if you're not happy sell very good and for quite a fair price even used (Look at
good recovery speed
good iron rejection/discrimination
Wireless headphones (no cables to annoy you)
Sensitive to small objects (high Khz machine, aka high frequency)
Very popular in Europe (there has to be a logical reason?)

Also :thumbsup:

Best Regards,

Holy crap, citizen. That's alot of good info there, cheers!

I'll let y'all know how I get on.

Thanks again :wink:

No problem. Don't hesitate to ask me or anyone else here if you need more help.


Awesome advice Eu_citzen! Thanks for sharing. I need to brush up on what's good for MD'ers outside the U.S. and you just provided an awesome lesson. I'm still learning and that was a great post! Thanks a bunch!
Kellyco Chick

I think you were right about the coal :D
Pretty sure I just found a wee piece.

Thanks Kelly for the kind words. :)

HellCat the idea is if you find a piece, ground balance over it this can cancel out some hot rocks and may work for coke to.

Though the XP has a special 'UK' version of their metal detectors specifically because of the coke this is a very big issue for some detectors like the ACE series.

Much of the coke is magnetic to; this is a good hint if it's coke or not.

Have you made your choice yet?

My "starter" was a bounty hunter, I had it for about 6 days and then bought my tesoro, I have never looked back. I do see inherent problems with the tesoro cortez with your coke issue tho'. If you set it to disc out the coke, your still gonna read it, the machine just won't beep. Also, most magnetic objects are read as silver, but you may be able to do something about that with the manual ground balance. All in all, the cortez is a good starter in my opinion, good disc and solid depth, a well balanced, mid price($750-$850usd) machine. Just another option for you to consider. Good Luck.

If you're looking for a Tesoro look at the Lobo and Tejon, both work well even in the UK.

But my vote still goes to XP.
You can't beat the GoldMaxx Power for your hammered coins.
(the nickname of this detector is "Hammered Hover" or something like that, in the UK that is)
You can't go wrong with one, except if you want one with display then the T2 Teknetics would be better.

Read about it HellCat, I did not find many bad reviews about them and all I have talked to said they are good detectors. :thumbsup:

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