Possible Oak Island Solution

Research is your friend.

Besides that, Dunfield dug up parts of that area that you are claiming contains a, “secret tunnel” and NOTHING was there but dirt and water.

One member once posted that the money pit contained a space/time portal that took templars and their treasure to Mars. Good luck topping that one!

Have fun with your unsubstantiated fictional tales.

You are not the first nor the last to be fooled by the hoax of oak island,

All I'm saying is, find where I'm wrong and post the evidence that proves it.
Theories about Oak Island treasure are a lot like Flat Earth theories. The vast majority who view it as nonsense aren't going to waste their time debunking nonsense. This leaves you arguing nonsense theories with other nonsense theorists. That, in essence, it what a lot of treasure forums are all about.

Theories about Oak Island treasure are a lot like Flat Earth theories. The vast majority who view it as nonsense aren't going to waste their time debunking nonsense. This leaves you arguing nonsense theories with other nonsense theorists. That, in essence, it what a lot of treasure forums are all about.
I completely agree with you. I readily accept that I am ignorant. I have a casual interest in Oak Island because of the TV show. Like everyone, I've noticed discrepancies, but it is television, and it has to be entertaining or no one watches.

It is exceptionally easy to debunk something, especially when evidence isn't used in the argument. It gets much more difficult when evidence is required. Especially when you have no idea what knowledge and skills are already on this site.

I suggest that you read, Saul Alinsky’s 13 Rules for Radicals. Amazon, $12.99, paperback. He points out that if you are in a debate, it is always best to use provable facts. He then states that if your opponent has the facts on his side, attack them personally.

I am ignorant so I'm posting my ignorance on this site for everyone to see. I hope that someone will find something in my drivel that gives them the victory. Maybe someone else will share their ignorant ideas that will help me

I'm looking forward to your next comments. FYI, I'm working on clandestine team communication, smuggling, concealment and operational security techniques

I completely agree with you. I readily accept that I am ignorant. I have a casual interest in Oak Island because of the TV show. Like everyone, I've noticed discrepancies, but it is television, and it has to be entertaining or no one watches.

It is exceptionally easy to debunk something, especially when evidence isn't used in the argument. It gets much more difficult when evidence is required. Especially when you have no idea what knowledge and skills are already on this site.

I suggest that you read, Saul Alinsky’s 13 Rules for Radicals. Amazon, $12.99, paperback. He points out that if you are in a debate, it is always best to use provable facts. He then states that if your opponent has the facts on his side, attack them personally.

I am ignorant so I'm posting my ignorance on this site for everyone to see. I hope that someone will find something in my drivel that gives them the victory. Maybe someone else will share their ignorant ideas that will help me

I'm looking forward to your next comments. FYI, I'm working on clandestine team communication, smuggling, concealment and operational security techniques
Maybe Singlestack Wonder and you can work together on your next comments

Mark Write stated: "He points out that if you are in a debate, it is always best to use provable facts."

Please provide your facts that anything (tunnels, treasures, etc.) exist on hoax island.

There are volumes of facts here that prove otherwise. You need to do your own reading.

Research is your friend.

Besides that, Dunfield dug up parts of that area that you are claiming contains a, “secret tunnel” and NOTHING was there but dirt and water.

One member once posted that the money pit contained a space/time portal that took templars and their treasure to Mars. Good luck topping that one!

Have fun with your unsubstantiated fictional tales.

You are not the first nor the last to be fooled by the hoax of oak island,

WOW! Thank you very, very much! Your post proves that the basics of the Constellation Theory may be true. There is an entrance to a mine somewhere near the “Underground Entrance”. Maybe not in the water but somewhere within 2 to 300 feet. I didn’t know that Danville ever went west past the swamp. He was running out of money. Apparently, he had some kind of information that was good enough that he spent both time and money digging in a new area. Are there any pictures or maps? Do you know anyone who may know where to look? Can anyone on TreasureNet look for anything that helps find where Danville dug? Again, Thank You very much! It looks like my time isn’t being wasted after all. 😉

LOL……This proves the OP is just here seeking attention.

Perhaps a previous OP who is coming back with a different user name once again attempting to gain relevance thru fictional story telling.

Nuff said….

Read the book. Personal attacks don't work when the recipient is aware of the tactic.

I am taking your advice about reading the previously exposed hoaxes. I've downloaded about 20 that you have criticized. You have a definite style

The attached document contains 21 pages of information that identifies a precise location to a possible tunnel entrance. I'm certain that I've made mistakes, but I hope others will get something of value out of the document.
I don't think that treasure will be found on Oak Island. However, it would be interesting to learn what enterprises were in motion there over the hundreds of years of use.

I don't think that treasure will be found on Oak Island. However, it would be interesting to learn what enterprises were in motion there over the hundreds of years of use.
I'm in the camp that has one treasure on Oak Island and something bigger somewhere else.

Check out my other thread:

Oak Island Treasure in the US​


" FYI, I'm working on clandestine team communication, smuggling, concealment and operational security techniques"

ROFL! I've seen and read bent stuff like this before. This has to be some kind of wind up.

Who is doing this?


Is there an administrative reason why no one has commented on my "Oak Island Treasure in the US" thread. I suspect it's because I said the treasure wasn't on Oak Island. If so, I want to thank someone for not letting me know.

Funny thing, all I have to do is reverse the wording so it's US clues to an Oak Island treasure.

Based on virtually no new views, it could be admin or maybe the posts were not interesting.

I think it’s interesting that individuals here who look down their noses on my methodology don’t evaluate their own. The scientific standards set by the International System of Scientific Evidence Levels (version July 2020) give your research the same research value level as mine.
Welcome to the bottom of the swamp 😉 At least I share my research with everyone instead of... well you know what you do with yours.


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When I see the treasure I will believe. But so far there has been jack shit produced and it seems to be a total folly all around. Whether Oak Island or Rhode Island: exactly what do you think has been secreted away in an impossible spot to recover and why? Who hides capital where it is inaccessible? Ever?

No one.

I think it’s interesting that individuals here who look down their noses on my methodology don’t evaluate their own. The scientific standards set by the International System of Scientific Evidence Levels (version July 2020) give your research the same research value level as mine.
Welcome to the bottom of the swamp 😉 At least I share my research with everyone instead of... well you know what you do with yours.

There was a certain eminent TH researcher whose work is a towering legacy of insight for all to look to as the pinnacle of research acuity.

His name is Roger Rantz.

You work is definitely in that league.

Mark: Above you state, “solve he problem”.

You are assuming based on hoaxers and their fictional stories over the past 200+ years that a treasure is there and the problem is finding it.

The real problem is that there never was a treasure.
Oak Island is nothing more than a normal shipping port. One ship unloads cargo. In the hole it goes till the next ship shows up a month or so later to load it up.
READ TEO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST! He almost described Hoax Island to a T! Anything that was there was transfered to another ship to continue it's journey. Read the book & it'll be clear as glass!

Oak Island is nothing more than a normal shipping port. One ship unloads cargo. In the hole it goes till the next ship shows up a month or so later to load it up.
READ TEO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST! He almost described Hoax Island to a T! Anything that was there was transfered to another ship to continue it's journey. Read the book & it'll be clear as glass!

Singlestack Wonder,
Not a returner and as you continually point out, I am irrelevant. You seem to be successfully making me more relevant with your continual and negative comments. I had six brothers and sisters so your efforts make me smile. After reading dozens of you early posts, I’m coming to the conclusion that you use your debunking solely to boost your numbers. Good Luck with that.

In general, I agree with you. If your shipping scenario is correct, then there would be no need for the Oak Island treasure hunt. Anticlimactic, but 100% true. I’m certain that over hundreds of years, cargo was transshipped.

I believe that I prove with every post that I’m at the bottom of the swamp. A lot of good stuff falls to the bottom. Maybe, while grouping thru the mud in the dark, I’ll find an old indian arrowhead or something. The older I get, the more time I go out to enjoy nature and the fresh air. The older I get, I leave my rifle in the car.

Charlie P. (NY),
I have absolutely no idea what might be there. I’m certain that a lot of people have hoaxed things for recreation.
More to your question, “Who hides capital where it is inaccessible?” That depends on how you are defining “capital” and “inaccessible”. At the end of WW2, Nazi’s hid treasure to finance the 4th Reich. I don’t know what they expected their timeline to be, but it had to be long term. People bury treasures all the time and die or dementia sets in.
My best guess is a religious relic. Pick any religion or even atheism and I’m certain there is something they are hoping to find to prove that they are right. For Christians, I’ll go the Ark of the Covenant (less than 5%), a high-resolution map to Noah’s ark (less than 1%), etc. For Atheist, I’ll go with a cross between a Futurama Hypno-Toad and a brain sucking slug. A Hypno-Toad/Slug will ensure that we all believe the correct thing, no matter how often “correct” changes.
As always, I appreciate all your insight. The nice thing that’s good about the bottom the swamp is that there is very little competition and the parking lot is mostly empty.

Singlestack Wonder,
Not a returner and as you continually point out, I am irrelevant. You seem to be successfully making me more relevant with your continual and negative comments. I had six brothers and sisters so your efforts make me smile. After reading dozens of you early posts, I’m coming to the conclusion that you use your debunking solely to boost your numbers. Good Luck with that.

In general, I agree with you. If your shipping scenario is correct, then there would be no need for the Oak Island treasure hunt. Anticlimactic, but 100% true. I’m certain that over hundreds of years, cargo was transshipped.

I believe that I prove with every post that I’m at the bottom of the swamp. A lot of good stuff falls to the bottom. Maybe, while grouping thru the mud in the dark, I’ll find an old indian arrowhead or something. The older I get, the more time I go out to enjoy nature and the fresh air. The older I get, I leave my rifle in the car.

Charlie P. (NY),
I have absolutely no idea what might be there. I’m certain that a lot of people have hoaxed things for recreation.
More to your question, “Who hides capital where it is inaccessible?” That depends on how you are defining “capital” and “inaccessible”. At the end of WW2, Nazi’s hid treasure to finance the 4th Reich. I don’t know what they expected their timeline to be, but it had to be long term. People bury treasures all the time and die or dementia sets in.
My best guess is a religious relic. Pick any religion or even atheism and I’m certain there is something they are hoping to find to prove that they are right. For Christians, I’ll go the Ark of the Covenant (less than 5%), a high-resolution map to Noah’s ark (less than 1%), etc. For Atheist, I’ll go with a cross between a Futurama Hypno-Toad and a brain sucking slug. A Hypno-Toad/Slug will ensure that we all believe the correct thing, no matter how often “correct” changes.
As always, I appreciate all your insight. The nice thing that’s good about the bottom the swamp is that there is very little competition and the parking lot is mostly empty.
Gotta say I like your attitude! You left out at the bottom of the swamp you are less & less concerned with what everyone thinks and a heck of a lot happier.

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