Possible Oak Island Solution

No tunnels have ever been found on hoax island.

Hoaxers have claimed that the natural underground waterways were man made tunnels but that has been debunked. When the laginas made the mistake of sending divers down in 10x proving Blankenship was making up claims of chests, tools, a body, etc. it was found that a natural underground waterway was the reason for water filling the hole (as well as all others they drilled).

Perhaps you are referring to holes that used to be beneath outhouses?
Singlestack Wonder: Some of us can find treasure we just can not get our hands on it. This was from what my partner, Big Ed (Bubba) Powers RIP and I found over eleven years ago.

58 Depositories of over $58 Million in gold specie and thousands of tons of gold bars. The smallest of these depositories contain 32 tons of gold with the largest containing over 1,000 tons of gold.

I also have the location of the treasure on Oak Island with three different maps spanning 419 years apart. There are another 18 shiploads of Knights Templar treasures on the North American Continent and I have their locations.

The depository we revealed on the show of $18,000 or so in a post hole after further research was actually two depositories containing $4.3 Million in gold coins each and are about 300 yards apart.


Please provide proof of your finds vs. making unsubstantiated claims based on your fictional history.

You continue to provide fictional stories with each newer version conflicting with your older versions.

Singlestack Wonder: Some of us can find treasureThis was from what my partner, Big Ed (Bubba) Powers RIP and I found over eleven years ago.

58 Depositories of over $58 Million in gold specie and thousands of tons of gold bars. The smallest of these depositories contain 32 tons of gold with the largest containing over 1,000 tons of gold.

I also have the location of the treasure on Oak Island with three different maps spanning 419 years apart. There are another 18 shiploads of Knights Templar treasures on the North American Continent and I have their locations.

The depository we revealed on the show of $18,000 or so in a post hole after further research was actually two depositories containing $4.3 Million in gold coins each and are about 300 yards apart.
".......................... we just can not get our hands on it".

In plain english, "We ain't found shit'.

Who are you trying to kid with that line, others or yourself?

I have read through this whole thread.
I have to believe that once again that I have found the true treasure in the "Oak Island" and that is....
"Not having cable TV":headbang:

Over 9 years Lagina brothers have been doing TV show Curse Of Oak island and found nothing to prove there was ever any treasure there, the only treasure found is in the advertising sold for the commercials.
Uh du fuh?
go back and re read what I posted to you before your reply. What part did you not get about that?

No tunnels have ever been found on hoax island.

Hoaxers have claimed that the natural underground waterways were man made tunnels but that has been debunked. When the laginas made the mistake of sending divers down in 10x proving Blankenship was making up claims of chests, tools, a body, etc. it was found that a natural underground waterway was the reason for water filling the hole (as well as all others they drilled).

Perhaps you are referring to holes that used to be beneath outhouses?
This is FALSE! You have posted a False Reply.

I have read through this whole thread.
I have to believe that once again that I have found the true treasure in the "Oak Island" and that is....
"Not having cable TV":headbang:
Something spectacular is about to happen on Oak Island but, there are Nefarious, Clandestine and Secret Society Agents behind the curtain who will step in and use their proxy Canada/Trudough to contain the earth shattering connecting DOTS.

Uh du fuh?
go back and re read what I posted to you before your reply. What part did you not get about that?
As stated above "found nothing to prove there was ever any treasure there, the only treasure found is in the advertising sold for the commercials."..

Something spectacular is about to happen on Oak Island but, there are Nefarious, Clandestine and Secret Society Agents behind the curtain who will step in and use their proxy Canada/Trudough to contain the earth shattering connecting DOTS.
That makes as much sense as the pile of

That this fantasy that has been going on for 5 decades.

It's there, just another 10ft.
"found another piece of wood... just under the stone road leading to the bottom of the pit".

"next to the area where the Templar railroad spike from the now theorized Templar Railroad was constructed to transport the elusive Templar Treasure".

"And in the general area where the tunnel traps were once thought to have been and now realized that in fact were train tunnels on a sophisticated railway system complete with weighing stations and rest stops"

"We also found a small gear thought to be from a Templar Railway stopwatch which leads us to the conclusion we are digging in the right spot now".

"Once again the island has teased us and kept its secrets hidden"

Excerpts from Episode # 36,459-E


PS "Were almost there"

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Ooops sorry... the above are excerpts from Episode # 36,459-EA ... not Episode #36,459-E...

Forgot the "A"....

Got the episodes mixed up... should have known it wasn't from that one.... that's the one where the brothers were buying knobby wheelchair tires as to get to the more elusive spots and longer canes to probe with.

OH and sorry.... "SPoiler Alert" !

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For that pit picture above... i had to settle on that one... FOR.... I couldn't find a picture like that one WITHOUT any land.

Just a hole in the water would have been more precise.

"almost there".


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