Preble county ohio hopewell indian site


Jr. Member
Nov 12, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi ive found an untouched indian camp in the past year ive found over 50 points 30 hammer stones one axe and one celt is there anyone that has experience in this??? I would love to get someone who knows what theyre doing so we can start moving some dirt.. this is my first year hunting and honestly have no idea what im doing serious inquiries only please…anything anyone find they can keep i only ask for your knowledge flint types, time period best places to look ect thank you for reading

Upvote 7
Post some pictures in our Indian Artifact Forum, we have over 3000 years of indian artifact experience.

Don't post a couple pictures of all of those found, post in smaller groups with pictures that are in focus and helps to post both sides.


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I Moved your thread to our Indian Artifact Forum.

You do have some nice artifacts, but also have some naturals mixed in.

I don't see any artifacts in first group of pictures.

2nd post first frame mostly artifacts, 2nd frame some broken pieces and maybe shaft straightner, picture is bad so can't tell for sure, bottom row, third from left is that a groove?

I Moved your thread to our Indian Artifact Forum.

You do have some nice artifacts, but also have some naturals mixed in.

I don't see any artifacts in first group of pictures.

2nd post first frame mostly artifacts, 2nd frame some broken pieces and maybe shaft straightner, picture is bad so can't tell for sure, bottom row, third from left is that a groove?
Yes it is and it goes all the way around sorry for the poor picture i just posted some of what i had atm

I agree some natural some artifacts. I’m sure you might get some assistance on your site. It’s important to get permission which I’m hoping you have. I do have to tell you a story about a guy advertising in a site similar to open forum. He was inviting people to come hunt for treasure with him to his lucky spot. They would go in hopes of finding treasure. Well most would never come back. The guy was tricking them so I’m sure you can speculate why they weren’t coming back. You have to be careful when advertising for all to see. I have met some people online and gone hunting with them. I usually meet at an open place for breakfast kind of like an interview. If it doesn’t feel right I apologize and excuse myself. Just saying be careful.

I agree some natural some artifacts. I’m sure you might get some assistance on your site. It’s important to get permission which I’m hoping you have. I do have to tell you a story about a guy advertising in a site similar to open forum. He was inviting people to come hunt for treasure with him to his lucky spot. They would go in hopes of finding treasure. Well most would never come back. The guy was tricking them so I’m sure you can speculate why they weren’t coming back. You have to be careful when advertising for all to see. I have met some people online and gone hunting with them. I usually meet at an open place for breakfast kind of like an interview. If it doesn’t feel right I apologize and excuse myself. Just saying be careful.

No and im completely open to having breakfast or something.. ive been hunting arrowheads for a year now and what ive found has been on the surface… ive got permission to over 3000 acres here in preble county ohio… i know i could learn from someone experienced is all…

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