Quartz Gold


Bronze Member
Jun 15, 2014
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


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Beautiful specimen those are. Now if the host to where it came from was undiscovered and still around, that be awesome. Still there is that remote chance some old 49'er missed it.

Always great to have family along for the fun.

Nicely done, and all the best,


Beautiful specimen those are. Now if the host to where it came from was undiscovered and still around, that be awesome. Still there is that remote chance some old 49'er missed it.

snowball's chance in hell

If you ain't bleepin you ain't finding..

yep.....you know exactly how much you'll find if you're sitting at home! Almost didn't go out today but did and added 9 more smalls....

That's prospecting, most times its gone, but I still hunt for those snowballs in hell, 117 today.
If you ain't bleepin you ain't finding..


I pick up snowflakes left from the snowballs. Usually melted snowflakes. Never found something that hasnt already been found. I have not got out in a long time. Too busy making snowballs, they are big so Im not complaining. I dont beep for the money, but it is a nice perk of the hobby.

I pick up snowflakes left from the snowballs. Usually melted snowflakes. Never found something that hasnt already been found. I have not got out in a long time. Too busy making snowballs, they are big so Im not complaining. I dont beep for the money, but it is a nice perk of the hobby.

If we had a handle on what they walked away from?we?d be doing something else to make ?snowballs? as you call it. At least in my area anyway.

Those crumbs they left laying in the tailings were nothing they were worried about. They were hogging out POCKETS of gold. That?s a good descriptive term actually.

They grabbed the easy surface gold located within the very outer limits of the oxidized zone and moved on to easier pickings. A core drill would likely tell the story.

Additionally there is a very narrow string of float gold that gravitates from the original eroded outcropping?the old time miners didn?t worry about getting all of that (it was just tracks o them) nor do they usually worry about getting the eroded gold in the narrow bone dry draws located immediately below these diggings that captured thousands of years of stuff.

That’s at least true for N Cal. Pocket gold country.

I am always optimistic knowing this.

No question in my mind despite all of the BS gargly goop this forum adds to each message.

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They did dig out the low spots, thats how i find the high spots. the crawlers they chased as well, but neither of those are the main source. We are finding the left overs, end of story. Take it as gobly goop, or take is as a fact. you ever notice the size of those holes? three nuggets or even ten nuggets is not a newly discovered pocket. You show me your 50lbs of nuggets and you may change my mind

Only people finding newly discovered territory for free gold are in shafts

Only people finding newly discovered territory for free gold are in shafts

First the garble goop I?m talking about is the ? ? ? Inserted throughout my message that I didn?t type so don?t take offense.

Second the pocket miners grabbed the easy pockets (usually thin veins) till they pinched off and the rock got hard enough they needed to start spending gold to find gold.

Areas where there are numerous small 1-10 yard holes?there is more lying just beyond their reach. Nobody really takes the effort to explore underground any more?at least that?s my observation. The diggings here are located in steep inaccessible terrain. LOTS left in the ground and if you don?t believe that, I wouldn?t argue to try and change your mind. Them hills are loaded with gold still. It?s just sporadic and in pockets. Our country could be wealthy beyond belief if we applied modern technology to gold mining in our public lands.

Every draw I?ve dug to bedrock in that was located below diggings has produced cornflakes or nuggets. It?s just hard work digging trenches 3-4 feet deep in rocky root bound ground.

Your talking gold detecting in Shasta county I think….kind of like the reefs down under really.

I’m talking gold mining using whatever means accomplishes the goal. I’m getting ready to start tunneling into overburden deposits…is that new territory…and yes I’ll be using a detector as well as a trommel.

Not quite on my 50th ounce yet ;) far from it.

Funny thing…I was chatting with a fairly well known nugget shooter in the Redding area and he admitted that he really had not found much gold chasing the hard rock deposits and spoils in that area. Made me realize gold country varies tremendously out west.

By the looks of it, South Fork is got a little system going. I know there’s more he hasn’t shared. Every rake of the pile is new territory.

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First the garble goop I?m talking about is the ? ? ? Inserted throughout my message that I didn?t type so don?t take offense.

Second the pocket miners grabbed the easy pockets (usually thin veins) till they pinched off and the rock got hard enough they needed to start spending gold to find gold.

Areas where there are numerous small 1-10 yard holes?there is more lying just beyond their reach. Nobody really takes the effort to explore underground any more?at least that?s my observation. The diggings here are located in steep inaccessible terrain. LOTS left in the ground and if you don?t believe that, I wouldn?t argue to try and change your mind. Them hills are loaded with gold still. It?s just sporadic and in pockets. Our country could be wealthy beyond belief if we applied modern technology to gold mining in our public lands.

Every draw I?ve dug to bedrock in that was located below diggings has produced cornflakes or nuggets. It?s just hard work digging trenches 3-4 feet deep in rocky root bound ground.

Your talking gold detecting in Shasta county I think….kind of like the reefs down under really.

I’m talking gold mining using whatever means accomplishes the goal. I’m getting ready to start tunneling into overburden deposits…is that new territory…and yes I’ll be using a detector as well as a trommel.

Not quite on my 50th ounce yet ;) far from it.

Funny thing…I was chatting with a fairly well known nugget shooter in the Redding area and he admitted that he really had not found much gold chasing the hard rock deposits and spoils in that area. Made me realize gold country varies tremendously out west.

By the looks of it, South Fork is got a little system going. I know there’s more he hasn’t shared. Every rake of the pile is new territory.

About the question marks (?) magically appearing.....look at your keyboard. On mine the apostrophe (') is inbetween the minus sign (-) and the quotation mark (") whereas the comma (,) is to the left of the question mark. Maybe you are "fat fingering" over the comma and the question mark/working the wrong side of the keyboard when wanting to use the '/apostrophe located towards the left side of the keyboard?

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Im not trying to be rude, just stating my point. Not sure what to read into the ? ? ?.. anyways. I have talked to somebody who is probably who you are talking about and when I asked him about a certain area he said in a voice that led me to believe he had not done well there....." thats all hard rock"..... I have a half pound at this location prior to this conversation, so I knew I knew something he didnt.... success

About the question marks (?) magically appearing.....look at your keyboard. On mine the apostrophe (') is inbetween the minus sign (-) and the quotation mark (") whereas the comma (,) is to the left of the question mark. Maybe you are "fat fingering" over the comma and the question mark/working the wrong side of the keyboard when wanting to use the '/apostrophe located towards the left side of the keyboard?
Nah, it appears fine when I type it. When I hit “post” the apostrophe is replaced with a question mark.

Im not trying to be rude, just stating my point. Not sure what to read into the ? ? ?.. anyways. I have talked to somebody who is probably who you are talking about and when I asked him about a certain area he said in a voice that led me to believe he had not done well there....." thats all hard rock"..... I have a half pound at this location prior to this conversation, so I knew I knew something he didnt.... success

Try not to “read into” anything I say here. Im not that type of person.
Here in the northernmost part of the state, there is a lot of opportunity to chase float gold as well as the gold ore that got tossed out as waste rock. We have none of the tens of thousands of acres of rolling brush covered hills cut with draws that you have to detect for nuggets.

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