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Guys, just heard you had mass shootings in several towns? Any info's?

I just know from Wall mart in el Paso and heard something from dayton and a another town too.

Another POS loser (POS = piece of you know what)... a spineless coward who cannot just go jump off a bridge for they just suck at even being able to even just go do that.

Senseless and the epitome of lame loser who no one will remember in the end anyway... that is except by the relatives of those harmed.

The only thing accomplished by these idiots is...

they get added to the biggest selfish POS cowards to ever exist list.

PS... This is all that I will say about this subject and the ... and hope this does not become a discussion on this thread... FOR even typing / talking about these types of people IS a complete waste of effort and time.

When I was in the great lakes I saw this burger yacht.......every piece of metal on it is gold plated. Unbelievable !! 20190723_175001.jpg
The guys not even a rap star......some kind of hedge fund guy or something !! That thing ever sinks I'll be the first to dive the wreck. I'll also have a gold plated port hole in every door in my house the next day.

I hate to say it but I don't believe it will get better with what's coming in to this country.

Bart... Gold plate it and that's it... no cleaning for no corrosion.

Bronze / brass is an ideal plating material as well.

Perfect for those who do not want to "polish the brass" anymore and want their vessel be blinging ALL the time.

Bart... Gold plate it and that's it... no cleaning for no corrosion.

Bronze / brass is an ideal plating material as well.

Perfect for those who do not want to "polish the brass" anymore and want their vessel be blinging ALL the time.

And believe it or not... not that expensive to do.

Especially if you own a plate box.

I found one brand new in the box once by the curb ... sold it on ebay many moons ago for 360.


Another POS loser (POS = piece of you know what)... a spineless coward who cannot just go jump off a bridge for they just suck at even being able to even just go do that.

Senseless and the epitome of lame loser who no one will remember in the end anyway... that is except by the relatives of those harmed.

The only thing accomplished by these idiots is...

they get added to the biggest selfish POS cowards to ever exist list.

PS... This is all that I will say about this subject and the ... and hope this does not become a discussion on this thread... FOR even typing / talking about these types of people IS a complete waste of effort and time.


correct buddy! But there are two POS at least in Dayton. One is on the run police said!

I found one brand new in the box once by the curb ... sold it on ebay many moons ago for 360.


Nice.....the old wrecker in me wants to strip that thing like a Cadillac on the streets of Baltimore. Haaa ha lol

You are too funny Bart :icon_thumright:

Reminds me of a post that I "think" Rook did. Had a skateboard on blocks in Baltimore.

Bart, I want this one (include the woman!) :laughing7:

MV5BOTU2YjI1MjUtODgyYS00MWZkLWFhNmUtN2U2NWI5MTkxMDZjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg captain-ron-1992-11089-screenshots-1.jpg looks very comfortable :hello2: specially in this condition!

Err ok ok... here ... my man cave :)


Looks like the pool in the first John Wick. Think it is big enough ?
That Cave Bar One Century BC sounds like a VERY interesting concept ARC.

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