When I was in middle school I had about a 2.5 mile walk to school uphill both ways in the snow and 100F heat.... Wait that's a different story. I had a 2.5 mile walk to school and there were 5 or 6 banks along the way. I had a whopping $10 bankroll and would stop at the first bank and get a roll of halves, trade them back in at the 2nd bank, buy halves at the 3rd, and so on and so on as I walked home. In total I'm thinking I probably found a half dozen or so 40%'s and maybe one 90%. Fast forward 20 years. I didn't realize what I was doing was done by others. I check my change (found a '40 wheatie) and have found a couple of silver dimes over the years but haven't hunted halves since back in the day. I spend a lot of time on tnet mostly in the north american artifact forum and only lurk in the background of the CRH forum. Anyways today I finally broke down and dipped a toe in the water again. Bought $100 in halves from my local credit union. Every roll was ended with a '71 or '74. Between 10 rolls I found no keepers, but it was odd because there were only 3 halves from the 2000's, and 12 from the '80's. The rest were all '71-76, a few late '70's and and a bunch of mid-'90's (mostly '94P) in close to UNC condition. I also saw two different marks from CRH's, one edge mark and one mark on the face. So I guess I'm joining a crowded field in the Richmond VA area - hello to any area hunters out there. Anyway, it was good to break the seal again and I'm looking forward to making a 2013 a good CRH'ing year for me. I need to find a dump bank at some point I guess. Good luck to everyone and happy holidays.