Sac Bee article on our historic win

That is amazing , honesty and objectivity coming from that extremist rag.

Great article, shared it on my Facebook. The pity is that our local gold country paper didn't even mention it. Probably would be very one-sided anyway. :icon_scratch:

Wow, that was a nice article im gonna share it too.

The WMA is/was/and right now today is fighting for your rights. WMA, Rhinehart,Walker,Pacific Legal Foundation and others are still waging a HUGE fight behind the scenes and under mandatory silence. NO MORE ALL OR NOTHING OR THIS 7 YEARS OF HELL WILL BE FOREVERMORE..... When was the last time you saw such a great dredging article...ez-NEVER. The 1994 regs rule as no color of law to that 2012 insanity so abide by the proven legal 1994 open/closed areas-John

It will be good to hear some legal interpretations of this ruling. I have been following it out of interest, but it does not affect me directly. I will probably never suction dredge in CA, because of where I live and prospect. On the other hand, never say never. That said, it seems to me that this ruling was based on the State of California restrictions being deemed a de facto ban on suction dredging, on claims where suction dredging is the only effective manner to mine the gold therein. This is counter to the 182 Federal Mining Act. It does not throw out the CA restrictions, but seems to limit them somewhat. Is that the way you read it?

The WMA is/was/and right now today is fighting for your rights. WMA, Rhinehart,Walker,Pacific Legal Foundation and others are still waging a HUGE fight behind the scenes and under mandatory silence. NO MORE ALL OR NOTHING OR THIS 7 YEARS OF HELL WILL BE FOREVERMORE..... When was the last time you saw such a great dredging article...ez-NEVER. The 1994 regs rule as no color of law to that 2012 insanity so abide by the proven legal 1994 open/closed areas-John

I ageree John. That's why I'm going to wait and see what the outcome is on the 23rd or whenever. Per 1994, I cannot dredge until July 1 anyway.

The article by Dan Walters is what you can expect from Dan Walters. He is always fair in his assessment of a subject. As for the rest of that paper.....

Walters has written some other fair minded articles on minning in the past, makes you wonder how they ever got published in a liberal bird crap catcher like the Bee

Yeah... We need more unbiased reporting on this and many other issues. When newspapers and other media are forced to toe the line of the owners political beliefs the only thing the public is going to see is what they want us to see. They say that the truth shall set you free, so if they're lying to us then it only shows that they want to keep us under the yoke of their control.

From my understanding the WMA was not involved with this case towards the end, they dropped out of the court procedings some time ago.

WMA did not drop out, they did near the end change representation to Buchall because of the success in the Rhinehart case.

I had thought it was the other way around but you are right, I did check into it. Just curious why there was no mention of the PLP or the New 49ers.

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PLP is mentioned throughout the judgement, but may have been overlooked or edited out by the Bee

Yeah... We need more unbiased reporting on this and many other issues. When newspapers and other media are forced to toe the line of the owners political beliefs the only thing the public is going to see is what they want us to see. They say that the truth shall set you free, so if they're lying to us then it only shows that they want to keep us under the yoke of their control.

There is a LONG tradition of newspapers leaning the way their owner chooses in the US of A. No diff with TV today - Fox is aligned with owner Rupert Murdock for example. For many years CNN was aligned to Ted Turner similarly.

There are a lot of people that did help but not in writeing letters or donating cash! some cant afford to send in donations anymore because of the economy. there are lots of people that have donated their time in speaking to others and groups and this kind of support is very valuable! I do applaud and SALUTE those that have /were able to go the extra mile in the support ! and they don't ask for the recognition of their efforts or want any repayment! they are just happy to of been some help! one of the supporters of this fight and support of PLP is Melvin Altis of the group and he was also the Prez of the in St.Josphe Misery Plus Melvin is the Missouri State PLP Director. a BIG SALUTE to him and the members of the Showme gold club in KC Misery! SALUTE!

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I had thought it was the other way around but you are right, I did check into it. Just curious why there was no mention of the PLP or the New 49ers.

Well, some miners don't eat humble pie very well!!!!! and would never admit that the groups they bashed the most also helped the most....I had heard several times on these forums from a very "reliable" and "all knowing member" that we would never ever have a chance to dredge again and that no matter what the takings would spread to every mining community all because of those groups mentioned. Knowing better I have always been frustrated by those comments. Pretty convenient to be the Guru now!!!!

The article by Dan Walters is what you can expect from Dan Walters. He is always fair in his assessment of a subject. As for the rest of that paper.....

I wonder what Tom Knudson's take on this is? He wrote a infamous hit piece on gold mining in 1990, but then years later came out with stories of the greed and corruption of enviro-wacko orgs. I used to have his phone number. The Bee wont let me look at any articles now, probably because of something pro miner I wrote years ago. I remember one ludicrous statement he wrote in the hit piece: "The Manson Family were gold miners!" Well they played at lode mining at Death Valley, but hardly knew what they were doing!

If we could get Tom on our side, that would be a big victory.

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