Season 7 - The story goes on...

Tonight's finds were more of the same: wood, wood and cribbing spikes. But it depicts the realism of the search - and the challenge of dealing with nature's eye of the storm.
I think that was the most pointless episode so far of the whole 7 seasons. They did nothing...

They just are stretching out nothing.. finding nothing.. Then trying to get people interested in a few rocks at the bottom of a swamp!

So sad....

The thing I find most frustrating about their last few episodes is how they are basically only drilling one hole per week in getting closer to where they believe the original money pit to be. It is obvious that all these test drill holes would of been dug in one or two days. So they must have also drilled test holes in what they believe to be the pit. Yet they are simply dragging it out episode after episode....

I posted this in another thread but they are too busy arguing with each other so I'll post it here as well..

For those that watched this weeks show did you notice how far away they are currently drilling holes compared to where their past 60'' holes are. I'm guessing 30' or so. They claim the exact MP location has/had been lost 100 years ago. So if that is the case that explains why Dunfield dug such a wide hole since he didn't know exactly where he was supposed to dig and with his hole while it was deep it wasn't very wide as it got down to any real depth. Regardless if there is any treasure he could have been off by alot in his digging. Also back when the Laginas where drilling the 60'' holes and Dan Blankenship was still alive they asked him what his best guess was for the MP and they drilled there. Which was apparently off by 30' or so MAYBE... Granted this only works if where they are currently drilling is at or very close to the original MP area. Regardless of treasure being in it...

I posted this in another thread but they are too busy arguing with each other so I'll post it here as well..

For those that watched this weeks show did you notice how far away they are currently drilling holes compared to where their past 60'' holes are. I'm guessing 30' or so. They claim the exact MP location has/had been lost 100 years ago. So if that is the case that explains why Dunfield dug such a wide hole since he didn't know exactly where he was supposed to dig and with his hole while it was deep it wasn't very wide as it got down to any real depth. Regardless if there is any treasure he could have been off by alot in his digging. Also back when the Laginas where drilling the 60'' holes and Dan Blankenship was still alive they asked him what his best guess was for the MP and they drilled there. Which was apparently off by 30' or so MAYBE... Granted this only works if where they are currently drilling is at or very close to the original MP area. Regardless of treasure being in it...
Yep.. I wish they would show us a floor plan showing where they have dug before (including the pattern drilling)and where they now think the pit actually is.

To me it would seem if it was a previously un-dug area they would be showing us this as it would of been huge. The fact they are not showing us does make you wonder....

I think that was the most pointless episode so far of the whole 7 seasons. They did nothing...

They just are stretching out nothing.. finding nothing.. Then trying to get people interested in a few rocks at the bottom of a swamp!

So sad....

Yeah, this episode was a waste of time. IMO, the crew has already given up on finding any real treasure. Their main motive now is to keep dating material they dig up to try and convince the general public that they have proof templars visited North America sometime in the 14th century. Also, I'm not sure what the big deal is about ships using the island as a rest stop during the 17th and 18th centuries to fix their ship. It's like saying that since I used the restroom at the local gym, more than likely I dropped a couple of hundred bucks behind the toilet.

What a waste of TV time (I watch the stream version and skip through repetitive talking ) They found some more lead... That was the whole episode really.

I think the whole lead story is funny. They keep finding lead but never a natch to their database so they jump on the bandwagon " it has to be spain , france , or italy ". Then quickly link it to templar activity with zero proof of anything. Sounded to me like they were trying to save face from the " That's silver , baby " fiasco.

I would tune in to see this LOL


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At least tonight's episode didn't offer a new whacko theory - it was only an association. But a reasonable association that the Oak Island works might have been done by the French using techniques similar to Fort Louisbourg. But the swamp is the usual dud, when considering that it might have been a 'ship'. And what of all those big metal objects that the early metal detectors found?

It doesn't explain the money pit, but the rest of it could match.

Could the so-called "Money Pit" actually be nothing but a man-made reservoir to hold the water from the Swamp when the Swamps plug is pulled.. And then to refill the Swamp AFTER those who created this ingenious system were done either depositing, or withdrawing the Treasures under the Swamp when they were done doing what they needed to do. This is precisely why the creators of this unique "Bank Vault" didn't even bother trying to hide the "Swamp Water Holding Tank Hole" (Aka: Money Pit) Has anyone else thought about this possibility before I just now thought of this myself? Just curious.


The fact that the wood they sent for analysis was cut down in the 1740s does not mean the wharf was built then. That wood could of been repurposed from something else. They did not even consider that possibility and that all the other wood used was cut down 20 years later..

Even so.. The idea that the French come and buried a treasure there using the Knights Templar previous treasure safe is just pure unsupported wacko.

It is so frustrating that they did not even show their efforts at discovering the location of the original pit this episode. Probably the only really treasure related thing they have left to do.

I just skipped past all the French fort stuff. The idea that the French could of built a fort there when this land was controlled by the British and inhabited with people who were farming and fishing the siland but no record of such a fort ever being built is in existence is just crazy.

The stones in the swamp "if" man made (and to me that is still an unsubstantiated claim) does not show anything other then someone/s dumped a whole load of stones in the swamp at some time in the past. It for example could of been earlier treasure searchers trying to explore the swamp. It could of been something to do with the Naval Stores operation as theorized by J.Steele. It could of been someone trying to make a road across that area. It is pretty difficult to come up with a treasure related reason for dumping a heap of stones there.

Gary is just rubbish these days. It was obviously an axe head so most likely dropped by someone cutting down trees on the island. NO reason at all to put the very early dates on it as a possibility. I have no faith at all in Gary's guesses about stuff. He could not even tell the difference between lead and silver. Every piece of crap he finds he tries to make it out as something significant.

Marty told us what he thought of the cross.... He also does not believe it is significant or proven old. He basically said anyone could of dropped it there recently.

A pretty rubbish episode again.

Gary is a joke, his explanation of what a rigging axe was and what it was used for is about as wrong as you can get.
when he comes on, I get up and leave to take a piss, hehe

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Yeah, this episode was a waste of time. IMO, the crew has already given up on finding any real treasure. Their main motive now is to keep dating material they dig up to try and convince the general public that they have proof templars visited North America sometime in the 14th century. Also, I'm not sure what the big deal is about ships using the island as a rest stop during the 17th and 18th centuries to fix their ship. It's like saying that since I used the restroom at the local gym, more than likely I dropped a couple of hundred bucks behind the toilet.

It’s no different than truck drivers pulling off to the side of the road at a rest stop, or a wide area of the road to sleep, or check their loads. They keep trying to prove this false narrative, and they won’t quit with the shenanigans over the lead, the ship planks, or even ship nails. Do they not think the ships had to pull in somewhere they could work on their ships? If they had a warped/broken deck board, or side board there is Oak planks that could be cut out from the island to repair the ship. The lead in my opinion is stupid. They keeping trying to prove a Templar case that’s in my law enforcement experience just SPECULATION. Gary Drayton doesn’t help matters either by his half ass guesses on what he found. He is a seasoned detectorist, and knows better to assume before proving what it really is. The iron spikes that were found were likely from the rails from the rail cart system they had there in the past. They also did a fake video of Dave acting pissed that Jack asked if the spike could be from “Dave and his dads rail system, or some of the earlier searchers”. What they tend to forget is a lot of Canadian spikes compared to US spikes are shorter, and the iron spikes for a tiny rail system would be that short

Did the railroad carts dump all of their stones into the "Swamp?" Also is that the area in the swamp where Dumfield brought his heavy equipment or crane across to get to the money pit? He would have needed a stone causeway at least 20 feet wide to get across the "Swamp."

It's possible but, if so Fred Nolan and Dan Blankenship would have known about it along with pics or stories of it..

The stones in the swamp could have been placed there to build up the area by early inhabitants or the farmers. Or even a causeway as Franklin stated. The whole show was a joke and the biggest joke of all is Drayton. The guy is shown passing over all kinds of iron signals but when he gets fooled and digs up iron his remarks before the item is even clean is " that is old , gotta be 1700's or earlier "... he can't even tell the difference between lead and silver.

Now they take a sample of a piece of wood and all of a sudden it is a head scratcher because it is red spruce... which is common on neighboring islands. WOW. Maybe the money pit was dug as a deep hole to build an outhouse on top of ... who knows.

It is so frustrating that they did not even show their efforts at discovering the location of the original pit this episode. Probably the only really treasure related thing they have left to do.

The original pit is the last unanswered question. There may be more Gary-style above ground metal detection zones to investigate, but if they don't find anything unusual from a can drop this year, I'd be inclined to finally believe there's nothing to be found, and what's more the original money pit mystery will never be solved, assuming the 10 foot log interval story was accurate.

The head scratching part if it wasn't just that it was red spruce, but the fact that is the first time they've found any of it and it is older then the wood used in the other areas near by that they have uncovered.. Plus it is further out into the water...

It’s no different than truck drivers pulling off to the side of the road at a rest stop, or a wide area of the road to sleep, or check their loads. They keep trying to prove this false narrative, and they won’t quit with the shenanigans over the lead, the ship planks, or even ship nails. Do they not think the ships had to pull in somewhere they could work on their ships? If they had a warped/broken deck board, or side board there is Oak planks that could be cut out from the island to repair the ship. The lead in my opinion is stupid. They keeping trying to prove a Templar case that’s in my law enforcement experience just SPECULATION. Gary Drayton doesn’t help matters either by his half ass guesses on what he found. He is a seasoned detectorist, and knows better to assume before proving what it really is. The iron spikes that were found were likely from the rails from the rail cart system they had there in the past. They also did a fake video of Dave acting pissed that Jack asked if the spike could be from “Dave and his dads rail system, or some of the earlier searchers”. What they tend to forget is a lot of Canadian spikes compared to US spikes are shorter, and the iron spikes for a tiny rail system would be that short

The show runners are trying to make us believe that there was this very dense fog around the island from the early 16th century to late 18th century (similar to the King Kong movie) where ships would have to use neighboring islands as a rest stop. The only time the fog would miraculously clear up was when the ship was carrying a boatload of treasure and the captain was trying to find a place to hide it.

Did the railroad carts dump all of their stones into the "Swamp?" Also is that the area in the swamp where Dumfield brought his heavy equipment or crane across to get to the money pit? He would have needed a stone causeway at least 20 feet wide to get across the "Swamp."

I would respect the show a lot more if they at least attempted to provide simpler explanations at first before going off the deep end and assuming anything found must either be a natural formation or something dating back hundreds of years.

The fact that the wood they sent for analysis was cut down in the 1740s does not mean the wharf was built then. That wood could of been repurposed from something else. They did not even consider that possibility and that all the other wood used was cut down 20 years later..

Even so.. The idea that the French come and buried a treasure there using the Knights Templar previous treasure safe is just pure unsupported wacko.

It is so frustrating that they did not even show their efforts at discovering the location of the original pit this episode. Probably the only really treasure related thing they have left to do.

I just skipped past all the French fort stuff. The idea that the French could of built a fort there when this land was controlled by the British and inhabited with people who were farming and fishing the siland but no record of such a fort ever being built is in existence is just crazy.

The stones in the swamp "if" man made (and to me that is still an unsubstantiated claim) does not show anything other then someone/s dumped a whole load of stones in the swamp at some time in the past. It for example could of been earlier treasure searchers trying to explore the swamp. It could of been something to do with the Naval Stores operation as theorized by J.Steele. It could of been someone trying to make a road across that area. It is pretty difficult to come up with a treasure related reason for dumping a heap of stones there.

Gary is just rubbish these days. It was obviously an axe head so most likely dropped by someone cutting down trees on the island. NO reason at all to put the very early dates on it as a possibility. I have no faith at all in Gary's guesses about stuff. He could not even tell the difference between lead and silver. Every piece of crap he finds he tries to make it out as something significant.

Marty told us what he thought of the cross.... He also does not believe it is significant or proven old. He basically said anyone could of dropped it there recently.

A pretty rubbish episode again.
The French ordered all which is today considered mainland Nova Scotia evacuated after 1713 when they ceded mainland Acadia for good. French subjects were ordered to head to Ile Royale (Cape Breton). The remaining Acadians that were left behind were dissenters, did not necessarily identify as being French subjects and were considered troublesome by the French because they traded and supported the English outposts despite specific orders to not do that sort of thing. Much of the produce that was produced in old Acadia at this time was picked up by New England traders and resold at Louisbourg at a higher price than France would have paid Acadians for. At Chester there was an Acadian village of dissenters called Mirligueche that was occupied until the 1750s by no more than a handful of families. OI is visible from that location.

Pre 1713 there was an old French Fort at the mouth of the La Have river which is not far from OI. That had been abandoned. We know what was left in the area because the area was surveyed by Charles Morris for the settlement of Germans in the 1740s at Lunenburg in the immediate area of Chester Bay. The main population in that area in the late 1740s was German and it stayed that way until the New England Planters arrived in 1761-62. Morris hired local Germans when they surveyed the grant that later encompassed OI.

There is little to no chance that the French buried anything so close to Halifax in eyesight of a population of people it did not trust. There is also no indication that any French marines (Troupes de la Marine) buttons were ever found on OI. Where the French military had been these button are found in good quantities because they fell off like crazy on account of the very fragile shanks they had. There are plenty of accounts of soldiers being whipped because they were loosing their buttons and were presenting themselves with them missing. French marine buttons are common finds in Acadia where there was military presence in that period. French musketball was of finer caliber than the larger British ball we have seen found and exhibited in the show where were also found British halfpennies and farthings. It's just a theory. To me, it doesn't fit the historical account. You have to think of Louisbourg as being in relation to New France. It had very little interest in mainland NS after 1713. It makes no sense to bury anything in British territory either. The Germans in NS were loyal to the the British King.

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