Sensitivity while dowsing


Hero Member
Jul 13, 2005
Detector(s) used
MINELAB 2100, L-Rods
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
When dowsing with L-rods, usually most people use brass. Easy to make and get. But as you get better, you become more sensitive. You begin to dowse everything from underground rivers and cracks, to molecules, and to objects with very little metals worth nothing. With changing rod sizes you can eliminate some of the sensitivity, but not enough. If you have become to sensitive at dowsing objects, it's time to move on. Use stainless steel for your L-rods. With those you will learn to find only dense, solid, and man made objects. 'Treasure'... Dowser


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
dowser i tried using stainless steel rods a few times, picked up every 22 caliber shell in my yard, property stakes, 12 gauge shell ends,, along with every other piece of metal including cars, bicycles, everything in the yard................i have dowsed with many type composition rods but only had the problem with stainless steel.................gldhntr


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
forgot to mention, i usually use copper/silver alloy braising rods..................gldhntr



Hero Member
Jul 13, 2005
Detector(s) used
MINELAB 2100, L-Rods
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
gldhntr, thats the way it is for me with brass rods.. I dowse everything, even grout lines in tile.. Sensitivity is the enemy when looking for solid objects. I went to 1/4 inch 14" long stainless steel rods. Short rods are to sensitive no matter what metal. Find an underground river, or crack, or whatever they are, and use that for a comparison test. Brass will dowse it, but the stainless steel won't. It did take me some time to learn how not to pick up everything, that's where the mind comes into play..I see now that everybody is different, and i'm sure you'll find the best way for you.. You wrote you chased signal lines from a vehicle, do you use a device to create the line? Dowser

gldhntr said:
dowser i tried using stainless steel rods a few times, picked up every 22 caliber shell in my yard, property stakes, 12 gauge shell ends,, along with every other piece of metal including cars, bicycles, everything in the yard................i have dowsed with many type composition rods but only had the problem with stainless steel.................gldhntr



Dell Winders said:
Both types of Dowsing Mental & Physical, Physics and Meta-Physics are both presently? included in the broad? definition of Dowsing without distinction when Rod(s) are used.? ?Dell

The reason for this is because there is NO difference. The difference exists only in your mind, and you publish it as part of a personal agenda to sell worthless dowsing gadgets at highly inflated prices.


Hero Member
Apr 19, 2005
land of the free-taxed to death
Detector(s) used
Whites M6
Nokta Fors CoRe
It is amazing how JBlack can input his agenda on any subject at hand. I see no mention byDell or others onforum who are trying to sell anything. DROP IT BLACK- I'm sure I am not alone in the way I feel towards your postings. Take your negative, abusive nonsense elsewhere!!!!!!



gregl01 said:
It is amazing how JBlack can input his agenda on any subject at hand. I see no mention byDell or others? onforum who are trying to sell anything. DROP IT BLACK- I'm sure I am not alone in the way I feel towards your postings. Take your negative, abusive nonsense elsewhere!!!!!!

When all the LRL salesmen (and their shills) are gone.... then I'm gone. Until then... guess you'll just get used to reading the truth about dowsing.

Or, here is an idea for you. My postings are clearly identified; don't click on them and don't read them.

Rather a novel approach ---don't you think?



Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
quote ''Until then... guess you'll just get used to reading the truth about dowsing.'',,,,,,,yes you will because we will continue posting it and backing it up until you finally get tired of looking like an idiot, i never use any type generator, just plain old rods...............there is no need if you are sensitive to what is already there..........................gldhntr



deacon said:
Jblack , as usual you don't respond to a post when the curtain has been pulled on you. greglo1 is correct that you are the only one talking about selling anything.

Well, that's just not true, is it!

If Dell (or his shills) are here posting, then his presence constitutes an indirect sales pitch for his scam dowsing contraptions and his website where he pushes his scam dowsing gadgets on the "gullible" and the "technically-challenged".


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
your above post is just like the rest, nothing but babble...................gldhntr


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
he can't help it fellows, his idiotmotor response system has been acting up a bit lately.....deacon, the anderson rods, being as they cost over a couple bucks, i think are restricted from the conversation here on dowsing.......anything electronic, or expensive is banned from the conversation by for sensitivity, has anyone noticed the difference between dowsing during a bright sunny day, a overcast day, and late on a clear night ? if not , try it on same targets at these different times and see if you notice any difference........also if able try it in a very high mineralized area during these three will be worth the trouble if you are interested in building your dowsing experience..............gldhntr


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
deacon, you are not bothering me talking of them, i just thought i would warn you that the mediator doesn't like for black doing it, you have probably seen by now that the rules don't mean much to him as his sole intent is to have the dowsing threads deleted....there are other skeptics here that occasionally get in on the conversation but they are unlike black, and seem to be interested in facts, scientific evidence, research, and they do not insist on bashing everyone that does not believe like they fact a couple are quite nice is not interested in anything posted here as to him his opinions and deranged thoughts are the only truths there is...and his constant attacks on dell winders and his reasons for being here border on being criminal and black should be banned from these threads for this.................ya'll have a nice day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gldhntr



deacon said:
JBlack said:
deacon said:
Jblack , as usual you don't respond to a post when the curtain has been pulled on you. greglo1 is correct that you are the only one talking about selling anything.

Well, that's just not true, is it!

If Dell (or his shills) are here posting, then his presence constitutes an indirect sales pitch for his scam dowsing contraptions and his website where he pushes his scam dowsing gadgets on the "gullible" and the "technically-challenged".

Oh, but it is true!

You didn't answer the question so I'll ask again.

Any way , whats your interest in Carl Anderson equipment?

Your full of acusations and demand your questions answered but you never answer any that are asked of you.

Carl Anderson equipment are dowsing rods. Thus, it is perfectly logical to discuss it here since it is dowsing related. The fact that historically Anderson rods can be fairly expensive is also an attribute of an Anderson rod. However, since it produces the same result as a bent coat hanger, I suppose it could be argued that it is really worth no more than perhaps 25 cents in true value.

But back to your question... I don't understand what you are asking. Did I say somewhere that I had an interest in Carl Anderson devices? Please re-phrase your question, and maybe I can get you an answer. I'm very familiar with the Carl Anderson rods, especially those produced in the early years.



I looked it up and there is several days to go on it. But the name is a common one and there could be several people with the same name. Extra ordinary circumtances need.... I forgot how the rest of it went. ::)



deacon said:
This is why I am asking,


High bidder:? joeblackxxx

Could there really be more than one joe black with an interest in dowsing?

It maybe coincidental, or just pure chance. If it's not you, please accept my appology for the confusion. But if you do get them, let us know how they work for you.

Okay... now I understand your question.? No, it's not me who is bidding on it.? My collection of dowsing gadgets already includes a Carl Anderson rod, but it is one of the early versions.? Also, if I was to purchase another, it would strictly be as a collector's item and not as a functioning device.? I didn't go look at the bidding on this item, but if the bidders are paying more than about $10, they are getting ripped off.? The Anderson rods are "pretty" with all the chrome plating and all, and they were machined fairly well, but they produce the same results as a bent wire costing about 50 cents ---so in that regard, I wouldn't have much use for another one.? Come to think of it... my collection might include a couple of them.

Joe Black is not an uncommon name... there is another one just in my family.

Adder: Out of curiousity, I went over and took a look at this auction.? This is one of the very early models that Carl Anderson sold, and it included the spring handle with the Spanish Dip Needle attachment.? There were three different probe "needles" that came with this device; silver, gold and paper money.? If memory serves me right the whole kit (back then) sold for something over $300.? I noticed the seller is advertising it as a Treasure Hunter, so quite obviously he is hoping to take advantage of the "gullible" and "technically-challenged".? As a collector's item, the value could be as much as $25, especially if the item is in good shape and the Carl Anderson booklet is included.? The little booklet has considerable value by itself, since it was not written by Carl, but was written by another rather famous dowser and instructor.



deacon said:
jblack, thanks for clearing that up. I appreciate your input about the CA equipt. Since I've never seen or used his stuff, would you be willing to part with any you have?( you can PM me regarding this so we don't get in trouble). Of course just for the novelty of it, to compare with with my simple rods. Could the different materials have an affect on what they would be sensitive to?

Don't need to PM you... 'cause I'm not interested in selling any of my collection. I might have one of the most interesting and complete collections of dowsing gadgets around, and a substantial dowsing library as well. Some of my manuscripts came directly from used book stores in England, while others were obtained from other collectors and researchers like myself.

When you "tear into" a subject like dowsing, in search of the truth, one can accumulate quite a little literature and physical items.

I do have some "other" rare treasure hunting literature that I intend to part with, but am still sorting through it and itemizing it for later removal. I'll probably list most of it in the Classified area of Tnet, or perhaps on eBay.

Your question; Could the different materials have an affect on what they would be sensitive to?

The answer is no. Much as we would like to entertain the idea that like materials set up a sympathetic resonance with one another, this is Not taking place. At least it does not take place in the real world of science... of course if you ask any of the resident pseudoscientists, they will give you a different answer. If one of these pseudoscientists swears that "material" makes a difference in their dowsing, just remember that the next pseudoscientist that you ask the same question of... will likely swear differently. It's whatever "belief system" they have adopted, and whatever constraints they have applied to their own brand of dowsing.

To validate my answer for you, let me give you an example. In the early days of dowsing, in North America... dowsing was explained AS IF there were sympathetic vibrations occurring between like objects. Therefore, it was not uncommon to find that one dowser might "load" his favorite dowsing instrument (pendulum or L-rod) with a substance similar in composition to that which he was seeking. (Now please don't confuse this with a "witness". A "witness" is different from a "load"). A particular "load" could also be a specific material that was used to construct the dowsing implement, thereby causing it to react only to a like material, or in some cases a material might be chosen that was thought to eliminate certain targets, such as magnetic pockets or "ghosting".

The point is.... all of this "loading" was done because of a "belief" that there were actually sympathetic physical vibrations or fields that were in some way connecting the two bodies; one hidden and the other, not hidden. In fact, these physical vibrations did not exist, never existed, and couldn't exist; ---but it became absolutely essential that the "belief systems" (concocted during that era) and the movement of the dowsing instruments, were explained AS IF these physical vibrations actually existed.

Today, we know better... at least those of us who finished High School, and are not LRL salesmen ---know better.

But there are a few technically-challenged who will argue with the truth about dowsing... but they are few in number.

Hope this helps you..........



aarthrj3811 said:
Today, we know better... at least those of us who finished High School, and are not LRL salesmen ---know better.

But there are a few technically-challenged who will argue with the truth about dowsing... but they are few in number.

Could you please explain what the last two statements have to do with an old theory of Loading the rods ???????........

If the shoe fits... wear it!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Black......I wrote a nasty post to you but decided it was not worth the trouble. Your IQ is either to big or to small. I have found that some people with big IQ's just can't use simple tools because they can't understand how they work. Some people with low IQ's do a lot of name calling and changing the subject so no one will notice their lack of knowledge. I don't know if you are educated or not but it makes no difference. Your post have no help for dowsers and your name calling reminds me of the middle school boy's I have coached...........Art?

You verbalize whatever makes you feel good, and bolsters your ego.

The only reason you have a problem with some of my posts is because the truth about dowsing, is clearly a threat to your own dowsing "belief system". If I were you, I would not read the postings from JBlack, then you won't feel threatened.

Good idea?




aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Black.....Your IQ is either to big or to small. I have found that some people with big IQ's just can't use simple tools because they can't understand how they work. .........Art?

That is a very interesting observation you've made. Erroneous, but nevertheless interesting.

If you consider for a moment that most large corporations (where profits and quality products are a necessity) "usually" seek out, and hire, those individuals with the greatest academic credentials; ---it would seem if those same individuals could not grasp even the simplest of concepts, they would hardly be an asset to the company. Yet, they do... and they are. Which proves that your theory about IQ levels (like all of your other theories) is baseless and in error.

Here is something I want you to ponder this morning, whilst you are gazing out at the rising California sun....

How is it, do you suppose, that all this wonderful dowsing technology (pseudoscience) that you've uncovered could possibly have been overlooked by ALL the "real" scientists in this world, ...while at the same time it is ONLY understood and useful to the "gullible" and "technically-challenged"?

;D thinks there is something wrong with this picture... I'll let you figure out what it is...

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