Sensitivity while dowsing


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
see you are still posting your untruth on dowsing,,,,,,,i have found that alot of the people that are high on the food chain due to their academic credentials oftentimes are the least learned in simple common sense matters.....they often are also the ones that end up as doctors, lawyers, politicians, and large corporation execs....beyond the fact that these type people often {not always} will be the first to rip someone off due to their position,, i have found that most of them can not even change a flat tire, much less learn a simple art such as dowsing...........................gldhntr



gldhntr said:
see you are still posting your untruth on dowsing,,,,,,,i have found that alot of the people that are high on the food chain due to their academic credentials oftentimes are the least learned in simple common sense matters.....they often are also the ones that end up as doctors, lawyers, politicians, and large corporation execs....beyond the fact that these type people often {not always} will be the first to rip someone off due to their position,, i have found that most of them can not even change a flat tire, much less learn a simple art such as dowsing...........................gldhntr

Your retorts are so predictable.? I could almost write them for you, and save you the time of looking up all those words.

Dowsing is practiced, and defended most vehemently, by those who are the most confounded by the ideomotor effect.? You're in a group by yourselves.? Look around you.? Collect all the advocate's IQs together (including the LRL salesmen and their shills), add them up... convert them to dollars and cents, and you wouldn't have enough to buy yourself a cup of coffee.

BTW, I can change a tire, and I've also forgotten more about the art and practice of dowsing, than you will ever know.? You're just jealous because I already know the truth about dowsing... and you haven't learned it yet.

Glad I've still got your attention.... stay tuned.... it gets better.




Dell Winders said:
Of course, there was a belief. That is how ideas to create working prototypes ?are formed ?and have been ? proven in the field with working physical models. Unlike the beliefs that JBlack,? conjurs up in his own imagination which cannot be proven by BS rhetoric.


Ho hum...




Dell Winders said:
I've also forgotten more about the art and practice of dowsing, than you will ever know. ?JBlack
How can you claim to be an expert on Dowsing & dowsing tools if you don't have any field experience in it's use?

I am an expert in dowsing, dowsing tools and all related and fraudulent dowsing contraptions ---such as those you attempt to push onto the public. I have years of field experience and tons of documented materials and data from which I have drawn my conclusions and developed the truth about dowsing. If doctorate degrees were awarded for the amount of practical experience, study and knowledge I have on the subject of dowsing, and it's related topics, ...I would already have been awarded that degree.

The one thing I am not going to do, is to expend the time and resources necessary to transcribe any or a portion of my material to a forum on the Internet. That would simply be an exercise in futility, and would violate the copyrights.

I'll let my knowledge come through in the few postings that I make where I impart the truth about dowsing. Based on your continual name-calling and childish 7th-grade antics, you obviously find this action to be the most detrimental to your scam LRL business, so that is where I will continue to concentrate my efforts.



Hero Member
Apr 19, 2005
land of the free-taxed to death
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Whites M6
Nokta Fors CoRe
Hey Jblack, I am confused on your stand about dowsing. Are you opposed to dowsing in general, or just LRL proponents. You seem very knowledgable on the subject, but refuse to share your examples. I am not a dowser but am interested in any tool or method to find treasure. Please share your experiences with dowsing and let individuals decide whether or not it works for them.



Dell Winders said:
... it is my opinion that you should resign your presense from the TNET Dowsing ?forum...


And it is my opinion that you (Dell Winders) should resign your presence and FREE advertising from the Tnet Dowsing Forum. When you're gone then I'll think about leaving.... not until.




gregl01 said:
I am not a dowser but am interested in any tool or method to find treasure.

If you are not currently a dowser, but are interested in finding treasure, I would recommend you stick with conventional instrumentation, such as metal detectors and other related devices. You'll have a lot more time to spend on actual treasure hunting, will not have wasted any money on scam dowsing contraptions and will be as successful or MORE SO than if you'd have dived head first into dowsing. It is an occult practice that yields results that are completely comparable to those you could experience by Chance Guessing.

There! I've shared information and knowledge with you. Is that what you wanted to hear?



Hero Member
Apr 19, 2005
land of the free-taxed to death
Detector(s) used
Whites M6
Nokta Fors CoRe
Thanks Joe, I appreciate the info. I am not interested in buying equipment other than a coat hanger or two!!! Some of these guys claim thats all you need and that is all I am willing to invest. The procedures of how these work is more interesting to me.



gregl01 said:
Thanks Joe, I appreciate the info. I am not interested in buying equipment other than a coat hanger or two!!! Some of these guys claim thats all you need and that is all I am willing to invest. The procedures of how these work is more interesting to me.

A coat hanger unfolded and bent to the desired dimensions is a great starting place. It's also an excellent finishing place. I guarantee you will find just as much with the coat hanger L-rod as you would with something costing $695 and sold to you with a "belief system" and a black box that must be plugged into the ground like a worm shocker. The ONLY people that find any treasure with the black-box-worm-shocker devices are the Wallet Miners that sell them and take your hard-earned greenbacks. They laugh all the way to the bank, and are known as scam artists.

Desired dimensions:
Make the top portion of the L-rod 17 inches in length, and the handle portion 7 to 8 inches in length. Hold the handle loosely in your dominant hand, or if you prefer, slip it into a 6-inch length of 1/4" copper or plastic tubing.

That's all there is to it. Go out and dowse.



Dell Winders said:
And it is my opinion that you (Dell Winders) should resign your presence and FREE advertising from the Tnet Dowsing Forum.? When you're gone then I'll think about leaving.... not until

I made that offer to you before.? Been there, done that. You still.... ? Dell

Other baloney snipped to save bandwidth.....

Blah... blah.... blah... cry... and complain.

Is that all you do, sit here day in and day out watching for my postings?

You are one pitiful excuse for a human being.

Think about it folks, if Dell's Dowsing Contraptions actually worked half as good as he claims, he would NOT have ANY extra time to sit here and do word battles with me. He would be out cleaning up all the lost treasures, just along the Florida coast line.

The fact is, his expensive ripoff dowsing contraptions work exactly like a bent coat hanger, and his biggest problem right now is that I and a couple of others have blown the whistle on him, and he's all POed about it.​

ps: How do I have time to play Dell's game? Because I'm self-employed, work at one or more computers during the day, and it only takes me a few seconds to compose a posting to Dell, whereas it takes him sometimes a whole day (with Trudy's help).


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey Greg101.. Black is right. Give it a try. If you don't have any metal coat hangers go to a auto repair shop or any place where they wear uniforms and they will be glad to give you some coat hangers. I suggest that you start with two rods. Then go to the thread Want to try Dowsing and try it. Those are the instructions on how it works for me. The instructions may not all work the same for you but it is a starting point. It sounds like Black wants you to use one rod but I caution you as that is the way most mental dowsers that I know prefer.

After you have learned to dowse you can decide for yourself how you want to peruse this hobby...Art

PS...The length of the handles has no bearing on how the rods preform. Only the length of the long side will change any thing in dowsing.



aarthrj3811 said:
PS...The length of the handles has no bearing on how the rods preform. Only the length of the long side will change any thing in dowsing.

The length of the long side ONLY has significance IF the "belief system" you establish allows it to have significance. There is NOTHING physical going on between the L-rod and the sought after target, so lengthening or shortening it ONLY has to do with the balance of the rod in your hand. The more "beliefs" and odd rules you can eliminate from your own personal "belief system" --the better off you'll be. As you can see... some of the dowsers here have a whole catalog of rules and stipulations that make up their personal "belief system". They restrict themselves by their own "belief system", or the "system" they purchased from the scam LRL salesman they bought their contraptions from.

One rod or two rods... makes no difference, it's whatever you get comfortable with using, and how you establish your response rules.

The length of 17 inches I gave you has been proven to be a good length for optimum balance and quick response. After all, an L-rod is merely an indicator of the force of Gravity, and you must hold it in balance until the ideomotor effect happens and throws the rod out of balance and it "swings" or "locks". It's that simple... don't make it any more complicated.



Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
black, while my posts might be a little predictable, at least i can prove every one of them concerning dowsing, and back them up with factual evidence,,,something you will never be able to do until you accept the truth as it is, not as you see it......predictable only because it is so easy to help people see you and your posts for their true value,,,,,,, absolutely nothing...............................gldhntr


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
hey greg101,,,, i second what art said above,,,,,go into it with a positive outlook and chances are you will succeed............just ignore the negative aspects of dowsing= {blacks bull posts}.........gldhntr



Turn your head to the truth about dowsing... if it makes you feel better.

But that will not make it go away, or negate it in any way shape or form.

The truth about dowsing will always be there, with or without me verbalizing it... because it is immutable.




This thread would be very boring without JBLACK! His being here, has given the topic extra drawing power. I for one always like to check the dowsing thead. Thank you all!



ZumbroKid said:
This thread would be very boring without JBLACK! His being here, has given the topic extra drawing power. I for one always like to check the dowsing thead. Thank you all!

Thanks for your vote of confidence.

I try to inject input that is strategically directed towards maintaining a balance of sanity; ---in an otherwise very one-sided and esoteric thread, fed mainly by those who have been completely confounded by the results of an unconscious mechanism known as the ideomotor effect.

The forces of evil lurking in the very depths of the black regions of the occult are constantly teaming up with the perpetrators of pseudoscientific beliefs in order to make my job as difficult as possible. But, alas... Super Joe Black, armed only with his L-shaped piece of coat hanger AND the truth about dowsing, stands tall, defiant and always on the defense of those who might stumble into the clutches of the Evil Wallet Miners, or the Terminally Techno-Challenged.

Stay tuned boys and girls... when in our next episode Dell says; "JBlack if you are not going to follow the rules, I'm going to sit right down and cry my eyes out." To which, JBlack counters with; "Dell - Get a life, grow up and try to find some legitimate work."

....and don't forget to drink your Ovaltine!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



Dell Winders said:

Were any of you readers surprised by Dell's latest and greatest BS and rhetoric? I know I wasn't. I wonder if paranoia runs in his family, or he is the only one afflicted?

His truth is a bigger joke than his BS. If you'll notice, none of what he claims is buried in the ground has EVER been dug up and verified. Plus, we've all seen a bevy of strange rock formations that we've stumbled on while walking in the wilderness. I suppose we could say we dowsed their location before finding them, but who's to know if you did or you didn't. Anecdotal accountings don't mean diddly squat, and never will.

Any one of us could claim that we've located underground tunnels, buried treasure, old auto bodies and yes, even a sunken wreck. But until you unearth what you claimed to have found ---in the presence of credible witnesses... then all you have is a bunch of BS repeated over and over to bolster the sale of his scam LRL contraptions.

Have you ever noticed that the most valuable treasures, containing the biggest quantity of gold and silver, lie just inside of a 30 foot chain link fence belonging to the US Government?

What a laugh!


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