Shiny Silver Rock Found At The Beach


May 31, 2017
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello my name is Tomer, I'm new to the site and I'm in need of your help.

My sister found this strange rock at the beach (in Israel) and ever since we've been intrigued about it.
It's a shiny silver rock and we don't know much about it, we just know that it melts cold ice cubes as you put them on the rock (see video) and we tested it with an Avometer and it shows that it has a certain current and a magnetic field.
We sent it to some professors and science research institutes and none of them had a clear answer about what it is exactly.

Thanks :)


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---- "We sent it to some professors and science research institutes and none of them had a clear answer about what it is exactly."

Well good luck here then.

Hope ya find out.

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Will a knife scratch it? What color do you get from a steaktest? Is it magnetic?
Moesia has a thread on Mineral ID some time back, use the search function if any of the above is unclear.

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Will a knife scratch it? What color do you get from a steaktest? Is it magnetic?
Moesia has a thread on Mineral ID some time back, use the search function if any of the above is unclear.

Thanks for the answer.
We did what you asked and a knife does not scratch it, its not magnetic (but as I wrote before it does has a current and a magnetic field when we checked it with an Avometer) and about the streaktest we didn't do it yet because we dont have a piece of unglazed porcelan but I'll try to get one and write it down here as soon as I can.

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Thanks for the answer.
We did what you asked and a knife does not scratch it, its not magnetic (but as I wrote before it does has a current and a magnetic field when we checked it with an Avometer) and about the streaktest we didn't do it yet because we dont have a piece of unglazed porcelan but I'll try to get one and write it down here as soon as I can.

You can often find the unglazed porcelain at older style electric fuses, sometimes the backside of coffee mugs, plates and the likes.
If its not shiny - it's typically unglazed.

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looks like graphite, but a knife would definitely scratch it if it was so I have no idea.

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I have no idea either, wish I could help.

If you do find out could you please come back here and let us know what it is.

Also if you hair starts falling out rather fast, or if you notice TV and Radios change channel as you walk by let us know too.

Nope.. no one gave us a clear answer no professor and no nothing.

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Id expect a visit from the men in black.
Seriously that is really weird. Did you and see if it is emitting radiation?

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Couple things come to mind...

First, have you looked at it under a black light?

More importantly, you know that object is emitting some type
of radiation, as that is what is melting the ice. Have you had
it tested to see just what it is emitting?

Point being, it may not be safe to handle without some level
of protective equipment.

Seriously, I'd get it tested for radiation ASAP.

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Possibly some kind of uranium? I agree with dizzydigger stop touching it get it away from people...test with blacklight if you thonk you can do it safely.

Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk

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Couple things come to mind...

First, have you looked at it under a black light?

More importantly, you know that object is emitting some type
of radiation, as that is what is melting the ice. Have you had
it tested to see just what it is emitting?

Point being, it may not be safe to handle without some level
of protective equipment.

Seriously, I'd get it tested for radiation ASAP.

Well We didn't really thought about a radiation test or that it is perhaps emitting something.. I'll try to ask some people I know for a UV and Radiation test and update what happens, might take a few days since it's weekend. Any other general thoughts about what it is maybe?

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Possibly some kind of uranium? I agree with dizzydigger stop touching it get it away from people...test with blacklight if you thonk you can do it safely.

Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk

Umm uranium? I don't know... Why would a piece of uranium end up in a beach near my house? Interesting...

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Someone dropped the R Bomb (radiation); now how many where thinking that and did not say it?

Uranium washing up on a beach; I would start with blaming Turkey, we know how they are about not declaring thing with customs.

But to answer that, who knows why that would wash up, I have a beach house in Italy and we too have some odd stuff wash up, especially during our winter months. Way down south they keep having an issue with Africans washing up by the boat load. In summer months the number one thing that washes up at our beach house are tenders like dingy boats Zodiac or Bombard, those people with the small boats just tug them behind, no idea why the wash up right in front of my house though.

Tell me something, now keep in mind I am only asking because to me you have already done some things with a stone I would have never thought of doing. How does it taste?

You know, if you where from where I am from, then you would have drilled a hole through it already and hung from your review mirror, naturally passing it down to your kids later on.

How much does it weigh, does it weight to size seem about right or just off in either direction. Specific Gravity test maybe.

Just spit balling really.

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