Signs and symbols software help


Aug 16, 2008
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Tesoro Cibola
Hi all - I'm thinking of building a database of signs and symbols, and wondering which software package would be best. I'm guessing I'd have to draw each individual symbol freehand (Photoshop?) and then link to another document with the description. Would it be possible to create True Type Fonts so I could use the symbols in Office? Is the project even do-able? I ain't no programmer. Thanks!

As a non-programmer, I think you should check into picassa by google. It is free and is a photo (jpg) organizer. You can add searchable keywords (tags) and some what lengthy captions or descriptions to each image.

So you can build a searchable data base and the software is free to dowload and runs on your pc. Save your drawings and jpg and you will be good to go.

If you want to learn programming, use php and a mysql database.

I'm already doing this, and if you REALLY want to do it right, you need to use as powerful a software program as you can find.

Some of the best database programs for your money are MS Access and Filemaker 9. You need your software to be searchable in many methods.

Not using a database, you could make it in Adobe Acrobat as a searchable .pdf file.

Good Luck-Mike

Very good info guys. Thanks for your responses. Access for Dummies is my next step! :icon_pirat:


If I am using a program called PAINT to draw on photos--can you tell me step by step how to crop a photo?

Also is there a way to get a mirror image of a photo?

[email protected]

Thank you. Barton


If I am using a program called PAINT to draw on photos--can you tell me step by step how to crop a photo?

Also is there a way to get a mirror image of a photo?

[email protected]

Thank you. Barton

Choose (click on) the "Selection" tool found here:

selec t.jpg

Place the selection by locating the cursor where you want one corner of your final image, hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor to the opposite corner (opposite both horizontally and vertically).

Next click on the "Crop" tool found here:


You will have cropped your image. Now, save it with a different name than the original or you will lose everything you cropped out of the photo.

To make a "left right" mirror, right click on the image. This will bring up a dialogue box. Scroll down to the selection called "Rotate".


Now, move your mouse to the new dialog box and choose "Flip Horizontally".


Better choice, if you are strapped for funds, GIMP is free and a quality image editor.

If you have a few dollars, PaintShop Pro X9 Ultimate (what I use) is about $50 right now at


Thank you for your assistance--you taught me exactly what I needed to know.

You're very welcome.

Just keeping a promise to a friend from years ago. He agreed to show me, if I promised to show others who needed assistance.

I'm a web designer. If you sent me all of the symbols in a zip file it would be easy enough to create a nice looking website to categorize and display them!

I'm a web designer. If you sent me all of the symbols in a zip file it would be easy enough to create a nice looking website to categorize and display them!

Probably won't happen.

If they were my symbols, it definitely wouldn't happen.

That isn't about you but about my keeping what I am looking for.

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