silver plating recovery


Silver Member
Nov 5, 2007
somewhere between here and there, south of over th
Detector(s) used
titan 3000xd/seahunter mk ll/Ace 250/whites 6000XL Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I belong to a number of refining forums, and the general consensus is that there is no economically viable method of removing silver plating from any material.

You mention acid and bleach. The only practical acid and bleach combination I can think of in refining is hydrochloric acid and bleach for the purposes of dissolving gold foils. There are other uses for this combination, but I do not recall any truly practical applications.

The best advice I can give you, other than suggesting that you ask your question at the various refining and plating forums is to ignore YouTube on anything to do with recovery and refining of precious metals. While there are some good, well made videos out there, most are lacking in every aspect. Some to the point of being dangerous.

Time for more coffee.

Silver plate is usually over copper. Copper is the more reactive metal of the two which makes it hard to separate the two in any economically viable method. While you may be able to separate them, it will cost you more than its worth in chemicals, electricity and / or time. I have hundreds of lbs of X ray film containing silver that is much easier to separate than plating but unless silver goes to $30 / oz its just going to gather dust. If silver ever gets up $ again I will take it to a refinery in PA rather than mess with a large backyard ecotastrophe. As Galenrog hints, refining PMs in a residential setting is reserved for idiots on Youtube.

thank you for the input. Last thing I need to do is cause problems for myself or any one else for a few pennies.
Again, Thank you.

closing the thread now.

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