Will I get less for clean yellow brass fittings if they have Teflon tape on them?


Silver Member
Sep 24, 2013
Scituate, RI
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I've got about 15 pounds of clean yellow brass fittings to scrap. I removed all the rubber washers, but removing the Teflon tape on the threads is a pain! Will the scrap yard pay me less if I leave the tape on? If so, does anyone have a good method to remove the tape? Thanks in advance for your input.

Yes they will dock you. Clean is clean and should also be bright. Shiny like new is also a different price. Try a large wire brush. If you have a grinder Put a wire wheel on it and it will come right off

Yup, I had a feeling they'd dock me for the tape. I'll give the wire brush a shot. Thanks for the tip!

Depends on the scrapyard. My preferred yard considers pays clean brass if it has Teflon tape, but the yard 40 minutes up the road will pay less.

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