
Jr. Member
Nov 15, 2007
I got my first 2 boxes today of halves , i was so excited because ive been reading all the stories about how you guys hit silver CHR and i couldnt wait to open my box . I went through the first box .......nothing , only a lot of marked coins and in one roll almost all were 71'. Okay so maybe the next box will surely give me at least one measly 40% kennedy ....well guess what nothing at all . I am very discouraged to continue with the halfs but i ordered 2 more boxes when i was picking my 2 boxes first so i guess ill go through those and hopefully i dont get skunked yet again.Now i have to dump a 1000$ worth of halves .....some poor teller will me really pissed off

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It's all part of the game. I've had 16 skunk boxes in a row. I've never had a "Dream Box" or anything close to the finds LJ and some others have had but I've had enough good boxes to stay motivated. I also try to mix in some bank hunting with the boxes. I've had some good luck buying bags out of counting machines. Just keep plugging away and you'll find silver.

Just a hint........please dont dump at the bank you buy from.........makes it harder for the rest of us

Its going to get harder and harder as new people come in. Just less for the rest the more that comes in, and There will be many stories like this since most of the silver is gone. So much hunting over the last couple years has really weeded a lot of it out. Of course there will be pockets and the occasional score when someone gets lucky. But CRH is hitting a saturation point.

That's so sad. I have given up on CRH too. Its just no fun anymore and I can no longer make any profits!

willypurdue said:
That's so sad. I have given up on CRH too. Its just no fun anymore and I can no longer make any profits!
Profit is for working. CRHing is a hobby. Hobby's are supposed to be fun.

marshal said:
I got my first 2 boxes today of halves , i was so excited because ive been reading all the stories about how you guys hit silver CHR and i couldnt wait to open my box . I went through the first box .......nothing , only a lot of marked coins and in one roll almost all were 71'. Okay so maybe the next box will surely give me at least one measly 40% kennedy ....well guess what nothing at all . I am very discouraged to continue with the halfs but i ordered 2 more boxes when i was picking my 2 boxes first so i guess ill go through those and hopefully i dont get skunked yet again.Now i have to dump a 1000$ worth of halves .....some poor teller will me really pissed off
I normally don't post in this section, but have been hunting for a while. I get quite a few skunk boxes, but still keep going. Heck your not out anything except a little time. Keep going you will find silver. Ignore the negative comments on here. For some reason they think they will talk people out of hunting. Good luck and I will be looking forward to seeing your finds.

lucky1777 said:
marshal said:
I got my first 2 boxes today of halves , i was so excited because ive been reading all the stories about how you guys hit silver CHR and i couldnt wait to open my box . I went through the first box .......nothing , only a lot of marked coins and in one roll almost all were 71'. Okay so maybe the next box will surely give me at least one measly 40% kennedy ....well guess what nothing at all . I am very discouraged to continue with the halfs but i ordered 2 more boxes when i was picking my 2 boxes first so i guess ill go through those and hopefully i dont get skunked yet again.Now i have to dump a 1000$ worth of halves .....some poor teller will me really pissed off
I normally don't post in this section, but have been hunting for a while. I get quite a few skunk boxes, but still keep going. Heck your not out anything except a little time. Keep going you will find silver. Ignore the negative comments on here. For some reason they think they will talk people out of hunting. Good luck and I will be looking forward to seeing your finds.

Thanks lucky ....ive noticed that some people are always trying to cut down the competition by posting negative things. I had good luck with pennies i even found an indian head in a roll 1893 but i will go up to 10 boxes max and if im not finding at least one 40% then i just might order ikes or switch to a diffrent denomination but for now i will get rid of the halves i have right now and obviously i wont be returning them to the same bank i got it from , when i told the teller this the other day she was so happy . The thing gets me mad the most is that about 10% of the coins i went through were marked and the other 40% were all 1971 which just aggrevates me but oh well i will keep trying to find some silver. My main goal is to find at least one walker and ben but from the looks of it i shouldnt expect it to happen anytime soon......Anyways Goood Luck to everyone out there hopefully you are having better luck then some of us.

Your boxes sound kinda funny. Sounds like they were maybe a persons dump. Weird that one roll was almost all 1971's.... what are the odds of that happening in a machine rolled roll? I've heard of a entire roll being one date before but not almost all. Were they sealed boxes? Were they all machine rolled?

lucky1777 said:
Ignore the negative comments on here. For some reason they think they will talk people out of hunting.
marshal said:
Thanks lucky ....Ive noticed that some people are always trying to cut down the competition by posting negative things.
I don't think people are posting negative comments, some people are just posting the truth. You won't see everyone posting all the dumps and skunk boxes they get. Most everyone just posts all the great finds. Newbies see all the "great finds posts" and think that they will find tons of silver in every box or hand roll. It just isn't like that. I've been through 85K in halves with a 1% return. You do the math. That's a lot of non silver I have plowed through to find some silver. Keep plugging away but don't cry when you don't find any. Skunks happen to us all.

The above is correct. Great finds prompt posts. Years of accumulation can be wiped out by one of us searching though 10 to 15k a week. In Colorado there were at least 4 CRHers over the last 6 months each going though anywhere from 2 to 10k a week each, that is upwards of 50k in halfs a week being cleaned and dumped back into the system.
If anyone in the Co fed district wonders why boxes are so bad of late. this is why. Some are still searching though upwards of 10k a week. Is silver found....yes, but as often and frequent as it quarters at the moment. Will more get into the system. Of course, Is there some scattered in the dumps, Of course it gets mixed in. Just not much.
The days of bonanza finds in each box are just gone. Could it happen again. Maybe, if people quite CRH for a few years and let it pile up.

Think of it this way. Imagine CRHs are a heard of pigs, they want as much as they can get. Imagine a field of new baby veggies, Do the pigs wait until fall to harvest them? or do they go in and eat it all up right away and all summer for the meager amounts. When fall comes, the scrapings are just as good as when they were just sprouting and trying to grow. So the pigs will starve.
Same thing with CRH, All the publicity and new entries have done a similar thing. now EVERYONE wants to find the silver. get 50 to 100 people in a state where there were just say 5 and each one doing 1 to 2k a week...If you cant figure out what is going to happen...well. your wasting your time. Everyone cycles though there own dumps over and over and the best hope is that people give up. Because no one is going to sit and let it grow again or accumulate. you cant control who is hunting and not. Its just how it is.

With how many billions of silver coins have been produced before 1970, there is plenty of silver to go around. And like the one guy said, all you are out is time because you take the coins back. There is also more than just silver. There's errors too. Halves are easy to inspect because of their size. Go to the book store and get the "red book" and it tells you what errors to look for. Double dies, rotated dies, mistrikes, etc. You can even find proofs and uncirculated coins as well. Don't get discouraged. Skunks are part of the game and if you have enough patience, you are sure to find some good coins. Hell you might even be a pioneer in coin collecting hobby. I know a guy that goes by the name of Chicago Ron who was one of the first to find the Washington $ coin errors with no edge writing. The hobby is what you make of it. Have fun and enjoy the journey.

Remember, like the one guy said, don't take your coins back to the bank you got em at. I usually got 3-4 boxes a week at one bank and split the dumps between 3 others. This was the bank you buy at doesn't get mad for recounting all the ones you got from them and the others are ok with counting $500 or $600 rather than $1500 or $2000. They tend to get a little cranky when you bring them so many coins that they have to change the bag 3 or 4 times.

If you have any questions, read this forum. I just started here last week and there is a ton of info to help out the newbies. Again... ENJOY!

Another option is to mix other denomination in there. Some people also do dimes, and do relatively well. I personally don't, last 4 boxes of dimes for me were skunks. I also check nickels, and the last 6 boxes for me each produced a war nickel. Not stellar finds, but silver is silver. I am looking to complete my first roll of war nicks, and only have 5 to go. As some folks say, its the thrill of the hunt.

Whyme said:
Your boxes sound kinda funny. Sounds like they were maybe a persons dump. Weird that one roll was almost all 1971's.... what are the odds of that happening in a machine rolled roll? I've heard of a entire roll being one date before but not almost all. Were they sealed boxes? Were they all machine rolled?

Thats the thing they were sealed and in yellow fed rolls so my guess is that someone else in the area is doing the same thing although some of the marked coins had diffrent colours of markers on them and the signs were diffrent so probably there is more than 3 people in my area doing this , i mean its not a big secret or anything that the halves are silver up to 1970. I had better luck finding silver when i asked tellers for any halfs that they might have laying around and out of $230 i found 6 40% .I think i just hit someones dumps but how is that possible if i ordered the boxes and they were in fed rolls and the box was sealed? Next tuesday ill get another 1k in halves and if the thing happens again ill open an account at a diffrent bank and order from the just to see if their halves are marked too.

Oink Oink. I like that.

Ok, so now we have a new phrase. nothing in the box is a skunk, we know that one already!

A good box is a pig box! I will take a pig box any day!!!

one thing to note about sealed fed boxes is that the rolls inside may have been in different boxes. Some of us when we get a box weigh each roll on a scale and there is another little secrete test that can tell you if there is silver in there with out opening the roll. It works every time.
however, What do you do with all the unopened skunk rolls? Well i take em to a dump bank in the boxes.

Here is the thing about dump banks, even if they are rolled or partial boxes, They sometimes send em back, The bank has to balance is cash vs coin so when they get 8k to 10k per week in rolled halves, Guess where they end up going back too?
Yep, the fed, and when they get em, guess what they do with em....yep, repacks.
So yes you can easily get a box of skunks that are repacks if someone else has figured out my little trick.

I also dont mark my rolls. No need too, if its a skunk box, why bother marking has always been my policy. I can rip though a box in about 10 min skunk or not.
ya may have gotten some of my dumps. Where do you live?

i live in NY upstate and when i say upstate i mean close to the americn/canadian border

marshal said:
i live in NY upstate and when i say upstate i mean close to the americn/canadian border

Anywhere near Potsdam?
I went to Clarkson.
That weather is too cold for silver. It all moved down here to Texas and Louisiaina.

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