So... Please tell me Why does a metal detector cost $2499 again?

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Harleys are outdated and over priced technology, and look how popular they are.
There exists a whole entire Harley culture

Harleys are outdated and over priced technology, and look how popular they are.

That's a good point! But harley is about a Brand, a culture. Just like Apple. Same thing, they are a brand. It goes to show how important it is to have a strong brand. Its not all about speeds/feeds/specs that sell a product.

There seems to exist a whole metal detecting culture too.

The perceived value that Harley Davidson's customers get from the products they buy might even be higher than what this particular culture perceives as value.
Either way it's all relative, unless the analyzers have access to the actual uncontrived, unspun accounting.

By the way, I hope you don't think I was holding back on the executed portion of that financing addendum

Sure we all have Corvettes... anything is possible on the internet! :laughing7:

As far as it costing GM over 50 grand to produce a new Corvette, I posted a statement from Mark Reuss that contradicts your opinion. But hey what would the president of General Motors know about Corvettes.

SO where do you suggest I "look it up"? All I can find to support your opinion is rumor and assumptions on other forums.

The only vehicle GM currently loses money on is the Chevy Volt... Look it up!

Back in 2012 they were third in profit per car, back in 2006 they lost money on every car they produced. This was due to retirement and pensions... not the cost of production.

GM did not lose profits because it cost so much to produce a car... they lost profits due to the Corporate buyout of several other car manufacturers. They inherited thousands of workers along with thousands of retirement packages. Currently GM turns a profit and this is very easy to prove, just look up their quarterly reports.

Unless you can post a link from a credible source I call bull on the opinion it cost over 50 grand to produce a Vette.

I looked it up and found the exact opposite!
"...the Corvette turns a healthy profit by itself, according to President of GM North America Mark Reuss. The Corvette makes as much money as any of the top-profit models in our company, Reuss said.”

Don't get me STARTED on GM... I worked for this company for 31 years. 25 years as an assembler and the last 6 as an engineer changing their assembly processes learned from personal assembly work. Rest assured GM will NEVER produce a Corvette from the Bowling Green Assembly for a lost. I was in and out of this plant many times improving the assembly process.

GM Authority is a PRIVATLY owned web site with absolutely no ties to GM what so ever. Whatever they post, say or predict is NOT from GENERAL MOTORS... but Alex's (founder) personal views.

I believe the UAW squeezed and squeezed and then more from a then GREAT company which I worked for. Then they went beyond greedy. And then for the UNITED STATES GOVERTMENT to step in to SAVE GM is a disgrace to the America public (taxpayer). I'm ashamed I ever worked for them and they way they assembled vehicles... No wonder recalls for them and OTHERS are happening everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know TH.... become a Charter member. Go ahead and delete... Sorry.

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LT, I don't see a reason to delete....

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

I have a Corvette, it actually cost General Motors much more than $50,000 to make one.
Yeah, look it up.
I'm not hating on anyone.

We all have different expectations and reasons for what we do.
Does your metal detector fit in your car?

Where in the hell do YOU get the idea this is true....? Are you saying GM will produce an American icon car like the Corvette for a lost for the American public/world to buy? I worked there/GM for 31 years. I know the business inside and out.. and it's UGLY!

To say "Look it up"... what source would YOU recommend to see what it cost any manufacturer to produce a vehicle? I'd really like to see this.

You want pictures of me with all the metal detectors.and cars.?
The apartment buildings too?
How about the two strip centers in Texas?
The beautiful ranch in San Diego County?
My oceanfront home in Mexico 40 minutes south of the border?
You should see the girl I'm dating........
Sometimes I reflect, and yes, I could see how it sounds like a dream...
I just worked real hard and one day not too long ago there was more money at the end of the month then there was at the beginning, that's all.

My reality is something that most working class people will never ever achieve, and believe me, I am grateful every day.

LOL, Of course anything is possible on the Internet, what I write just happens to also be true
It's not that big a deal to own a Corvette, but you are right, all things considered, it's still an impressive beautifull car.
Interestingly enough I didn't finance it though, I actually paid cash for it new.
That's definitely not something I would do today, but I've always been very satisfied with it.
I have enjoyed it for over 14 years, I think I mentioned it earlier in the thread.

I am going to leave all the research and Internet scouring to you.
Don't forget to look in Wikipedia.
Keep looking, tell us what you find.

Oh, and don't get married until you are in a position to benefit tremendously.

Save the pictures, I can just Google my own! :wink: ::) :laughing7:

Wikipedia... Excuse me but I'm not the one regurgitating hyperbole and rumor, and I never posted any links from Wikipedia.

Have you provided a source to verify your statement? Can you please give an exact price or even an estimate as to what it actually costs GM to produce a 2015 Corvette? Please provide a link!

I didn't have to "scour" the internet, that rumor is just another internet/Facebook conspiracy. It sounds good so people repeat over and over. The problem is when confronted with the actual facts, some people are too arrogant or ignorant to accept the actual truth.

GM expects new Corvette to help shift Chevy into higher gear - Los Angeles Times
Profitable niche

But the economy is on the mend, and whatever the Corvette does for the larger Chevrolet and GM brands, the car will turn a substantial profit on its own, Reuss assured.
"This makes as much money as any of the top-profit models in our company," Reuss said. "That is why we do it."
Mark Reuss ? GM Corporate Officers |
Mark Reuss, Executive Vice President, Global Product Development, Purchasing and Supply Chain.

From 2009-2013, Reuss was President of General Motors North America. Under Reuss’ watch, GM’s North America region produced consistent profits and improved margins during a product renaissance that included the launch of award-winning vehicles such as the Chevrolet Corvette...

"You want pictures of me with all the metal detectors and cars.? The apartment buildings too? How about the two strip centers in Texas? The beautiful ranch in San Diego County? My oceanfront home in Mexico? It's not that big a deal to own a Corvette, I actually paid cash for it new."

It seems to me a guy with all that going for them would hardly care about a measly $2500.00 for a metal detector.

Brand new out of the box these things should cost $225 or $300, (Still sounds expensive doesn't it?) For $1000, $1500 or $2500 they should be housed in carbon fiber....

I'm guessing you made your fortune in the music industry... because you're very talented at tooting your own horn! :icon_thumleft: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

el pardon said:
My reality is something that most working class people will never ever achieve.
You should see the girl I'm dating........
Unreported banner: 3 (maybe 4)

Don't get me STARTED on GM... I worked for this company for 31 years. 25 years as an assembler and the last 6 as an engineer changing their assembly processes learned from personal assembly work. Rest assured GM will NEVER produce a Corvette from the Bowling Green Assembly for a lost. I was in and out of this plant many times improving the assembly process.

GM Authority is a PRIVATLY owned web site with absolutely no ties to GM what so ever. Whatever they post, say or predict is NOT from GENERAL MOTORS... but Alex's (founder) personal views.

I believe the UAW squeezed and squeezed and then more from a then GREAT company which I worked for. Then they went beyond greedy. And then for the UNITED STATES GOVERTMENT to step in to SAVE GM is a disgrace to the America public (taxpayer). I'm ashamed I ever worked for them and they way they assembled vehicles... No wonder recalls for them and OTHERS are happening everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know TH.... become a Charter member. Go ahead and delete... Sorry.

I know GM Authority is a not part of GM, they do publish current events and news releases from GM there though. I offered the same information from the LA Times in my last post.

I would hardly consider either of those sources as directly from the horses mouth. But they both are quoting Mark Ruess on the Corvette from the 2013 Detroit Auto Show.

I agree on the Unions and the bailout.

We both know GM wouldn't produce the Vette if they lost money on it, we both know the actual productions costs are not publically listed, and we both know el pardon has no source to justify his claims.

I'm not trying to debate GM auto unions or the bailouts, I'm just returning the challenge.

I posted that is doesn't cost 50 grand to produce a Vette, padron claims it cost more than that, but has yet to provide one shred of proof to verify that claim.

I posted quotes from the former President of GM to verify my claims, and then was indirectly insulted and talked down to by padron who seems to be suffering from delusions of grandeur.

Where in the hell do YOU get the idea this is true....? Are you saying GM will produce an American icon car like the Corvette for a lost for the American public/world to buy? I worked there/GM for 31 years. I know the business inside and out.. and it's UGLY!

To say "Look it up"... what source would YOU recommend to see what it cost any manufacturer to produce a vehicle? I'd really like to see this.


General Motors has to portray itself as a quality provider of World class automobiles.
In the past it failed to do so and the results were catastrophic.

The way it bolsters its image is by offering the Chevrolet Corvette at its current price thresholds, which are amongst the absolute lowest in the world amongst other premium sports vehicles with similar capabilities.

So it also produces Chevy Chevettes. (Do they still make Chevettes?).
It sells lots and lots of Chevettes and the like to working class folks such as yourself.
A Chevette is a Tin cart coupled with a (95 HP?) four cylinder front wheel drive engine and a computer.

GM knows that it greatly behooves the company to represent its entire line up as extremely well built and inovated.
Thus, the development budgets for the company are basically entirely spent on innovating the high end.
Everything else trickles down.

So a stock modern Corvette has to produce (450? ) stock horsepower out of a standard V8 block.
It has to stay cool enough to continue running like a production car even though it is putting out race standard performance day in and day out.
Race cars get broken down after every race.
Corvettes have to put out 170MPH performance on Sunday and then go on grocery runs on Moday.

The transmission has to stay together like a standard production car, all the while being subject to the stresses of a race car.

It has to be really light.
So the body is crafted out of fiberglass and the floor panels are made out of composite materials.

There is traction control that senses the inexperienced drivers have failed to properly negotiate blind curves, causing sensors to cut just the right amount of power at the exact millisecond that will correct an inadvertent loss of traction.
The driver often doesn't even know it happens.

Their huge disc breaks feel effortless. They are made to convey the illusion that 165 MPH to 0 in 12 seconds is really not much of a feat at all.

The stock Goodyear flat run tires cost $480 each. If you lose the air out of one at 170MPH it will keep its form and you will stay alive.
You will not even know you had a flat tire until after you stop.
A sensor on your panel will inform AFTER YOU STOP, so as not to distract you while you are driving.

There are so many more systems that I wont go into.
If it was a Ferrari. a stock Corvette would have to sell for over $150,000. Maybe much more

Yeah, we will never know how much of GM's Billion dollar R&D budget went into innovating the Corvette and other related modern GM miracle supercar technology.

One thing is for sure.
The entire inventory relates from being associated with it.

They would never admit in a million years that virtually all that money went into developing such a small segment of their entire inventory.

They now present their entire product line as quality built world class innovation.

Every industry has its dirty little secrets, and realistically no other GM vehicle comes close in comparison.

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May I be the first to point out how weird this thread has become. Yet its getting a lot comments and views

May I be the first to point out how weird this thread has become. Yet its getting a lot comments and views

The truth really hurts. The original point has been made and acknowledged.

You want pictures of me with all the metal detectors.and cars.?

Funny when this thread started you had a Minelab SGT, had only been detecting with for two years and considered buying a AT Pro. Now you have a arsenal of metal detectors? :laughing7:

Ive been detecting with an SGT for two years and enjoy the hobby a lot....
I originally paid about $950 for my detector, (Minelab SGT) and in about a year after I got accustomed to using it, I recovered my cost. I often wonder if an ACE 250 would have yielded the same results. So look at an AT pro for instance... This thing is an extremely popular well loved machine, I might even get one for its waterproof capability, but have you ever held one?

I think it's time to break out the waders... cause it's getting deep!

For somebody who leads such an extravagant life, you seem to be draw the line at metal detectors.

OKM eXp 5000 Basic Metal Detectors For Sale - Kellyco
Minelab GPX 5000 Metal Detectors For Sale - Kellyco
Minelab GPX 4800 Metal Detectors For Sale - Kellyco

Anytime you want to put a $70.00 Walmart Bounty Hunter up against my $700.00 White's I will gladly make a wager and give you the same 10 to 1 odds! :headbang:

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Funny when this thread started you had a Minelab SGT, had only been detecting with for two years and considered buying a AT Pro. Now you have a arsenal of metal detectors? :laughing7:

I originally paid about $950 for my detector, (Minelab SGT) and in about a year after I got accustomed to using it, I recovered my cost. I often wonder if an ACE 250 would have yielded the same results. So look at an AT pro for instance... This thing is an extremely popular well loved machine, I might even get one for its waterproof capability, but have you ever held one?

I think it's time to break out the waders... cause it's getting deep!

For somebody who leads such an extravagant life, you seem to be draw the line at metal detectors.

OKM eXp 5000 Basic Metal Detectors For Sale - Kellyco
Minelab GPX 5000 Metal Detectors For Sale - Kellyco
Minelab GPX 4800 Metal Detectors For Sale - Kellyco

Anytime you want to put a $70.00 Walmart Bounty Hunter up against my $700.00 White's I will gladly make a wager and give you the same 10 to 1 odds! :headbang:

I can always use a laborer. Do you need a job?


General Motors has to portray itself as a quality provider of World class automobiles.
In the past it failed to do so and the results were catastrophic.

The way it bolsters its image is by offering the Chevrolet Corvette at its current price thresholds, which are amongst the absolute lowest in the world amongst other premium sports vehicles with similar capabilities.

So it also produces Chevy Chevettes. (Do they still make Chevettes?).
It sells lots and lots of Chevettes and the like to working class folks such as yourself.
A Chevette is a Tin cart coupled with a (95 HP?) four cylinder front wheel drive engine and a computer.

GM knows that it greatly behooves the company to represent its entire line up as extremely well built and inovated.
Thus, the development budgets for the company are basically entirely spent on innovating the high end.
Everything else trickles down.

So a stock modern Corvette has to produce (450? ) stock horsepower out of a standard V8 block.
It has to stay cool enough to continue running like a production car even though it is putting out race standard performance day in and day out.
Race cars get broken down after every race.
Corvettes have to put out 170MPH performance on Sunday and then go on grocery runs on Moday.

The transmission has to stay together like a standard production car, all the while being subject to the stresses of a race car.

It has to be really light.
So the body is crafted out of fiberglass and the floor panels are made out of composite materials.

There is traction control that senses the inexperienced drivers have failed to properly negotiate blind curves, causing sensors to cut just the right amount of power at the exact millisecond that will correct an inadvertent loss of traction.
The driver often doesn't even know it happens.

Their huge disc breaks feel effortless. They are made to convey the illusion that 165 MPH to 0 in 12 seconds is really not much of a feat at all.

The stock Goodyear flat run tires cost $480 each. If you lose the air out of one at 170MPH it will keep its form and you will stay alive.
You will not even know you had a flat tire until after you stop.
A sensor on your panel will inform AFTER YOU STOP, so as not to distract you while you are driving.

There are so many more systems that I wont go into.
If it was a Ferrari. a stock Corvette would have to sell for over $150,000. Maybe much more

Yeah, we will never know how much of GM's Billion dollar R&D budget went into innovating the Corvette and other related modern GM miracle supercar technology.

One thing is for sure.
The entire inventory relates from being associated with it.

They would never admit in a million years that virtually all that money went into developing such a small segment of their entire inventory.

They now present their entire product line as quality built world class innovation.

Every industry has its dirty little secrets, and realistically no other GM vehicle comes close in comparison.

In that over the top long winded post you failed to provide a source and a link supporting your statement.

Please can you provide any proof that GM loses money on the production of Corvettes.

You are absolutely totally sure it cost more than $50,000 to produce one, even belittled me for challenging such a wild statement. Now I expect some sort of proof or at least a source where these wild "facts" are originating from.

You have continued to offer your opinion and toot your horn, but haven't backed up squat so far.

Where's the link? I provided my source... now it's your turn!

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