Spanish gold trail markers/monuments pictures


  • owl2.JPG
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Hi TT!
How are you tonight? Did you see the face, the X, the buffalo skull and the dog's head too? Shades of Jocko here!

T :-*

Two meanings for owl, Twilla,
1. Someone is watching - guarding the area, so check for a trap below, and
2. Knowledge. According to this, there might be a kind of map below or around, but be carefull.


Hi Dig,
By "below", do you mean the map may be below the owl? Or on the boulder comprising the owl at the bottom? It's looking pretty bleak for our getting out there again real soon so I don't know when I'll be able to look things over. Thanks for your input!


I found some monuments in the Superstitions a few years ago and have finally followed them to some interesting dead ends. I am curious if anyone has run onto anything like them and what they might mean? These monuments are not interpretive as far as I can tell.

There are three large stones on a ledge about 12 feet above the floor of a north trending canyon. On the west wall, the bottom stone points to the opposite wall, with two additional stones ontop laying at 90 degrees to the bottom one. The stones are oblong and weigh about 500-1000 pounds each. Very large stones. I went down the canyon in the direction they pointed 200 varas, turned right and looked 100 varas toward the east canyon wall. 15 feet up on top of a small ledge was a perfectly round stone ball (5-6 feet in diameter), same type of rock as the three stacked but not the same as surronding rock. A hundred feet up the wall was a mine shaft that had been sealed but weathered open. There were signs of considerable ancient mining activity in the area.

In the same area I also found a large notch cut the rim of the canyon just above a long built up road to get down in the canyon. The notch was 15 feet high by 15 wide. It was a very clean job. Standing in the notch I could see what appeared to be two large sealed caves. I haven't tried to open them, yet.

Any thoughts or comments??


azmula said:
I found some monuments in the Superstitions a few years ago and have finally followed them to some interesting dead ends. I am curious if anyone has run onto anything like them and what they might mean? These monuments are not interpretive as far as I can tell.

There are three large stones on a ledge about 12 feet above the floor of a north trending canyon. On the west wall, the bottom stone points to the opposite wall, with two additional stones ontop laying at 90 degrees to the bottom one. The stones are oblong and weigh about 500-1000 pounds each. Very large stones. I went down the canyon in the direction they pointed 200 varas, turned right and looked 100 varas toward the east canyon wall. 15 feet up on top of a small ledge was a perfectly round stone ball (5-6 feet in diameter), same type of rock as the three stacked but not the same as surronding rock. A hundred feet up the wall was a mine shaft that had been sealed but weathered open. There were signs of considerable ancient mining activity in the area.

In the same area I also found a large notch cut the rim of the canyon just above a long built up road to get down in the canyon. The notch was 15 feet high by 15 wide. It was a very clean job. Standing in the notch I could see what appeared to be two large sealed caves. I haven't tried to open them, yet.

Any thoughts or comments??


Oh, I don't know.......OPEN THEM!



gollum said:
azmula said:
I found some monuments in the Superstitions a few years ago and have finally followed them to some interesting dead ends. I am curious if anyone has run onto anything like them and what they might mean? These monuments are not interpretive as far as I can tell.

There are three large stones on a ledge about 12 feet above the floor of a north trending canyon. On the west wall, the bottom stone points to the opposite wall, with two additional stones ontop laying at 90 degrees to the bottom one. The stones are oblong and weigh about 500-1000 pounds each. Very large stones. I went down the canyon in the direction they pointed 200 varas, turned right and looked 100 varas toward the east canyon wall. 15 feet up on top of a small ledge was a perfectly round stone ball (5-6 feet in diameter), same type of rock as the three stacked but not the same as surronding rock. A hundred feet up the wall was a mine shaft that had been sealed but weathered open. There were signs of considerable ancient mining activity in the area.

In the same area I also found a large notch cut the rim of the canyon just above a long built up road to get down in the canyon. The notch was 15 feet high by 15 wide. It was a very clean job. Standing in the notch I could see what appeared to be two large sealed caves. I haven't tried to open them, yet.

Any thoughts or comments??

Yes I know CALL CAPTBILL I am sure that he will know

Oh, I don't know.......OPEN THEM!



azmula said:
I found some monuments in the Superstitions a few years ago and have finally followed them to some interesting dead ends. I am curious if anyone has run onto anything like them and what they might mean? These monuments are not interpretive as far as I can tell.

There are three large stones on a ledge about 12 feet above the floor of a north trending canyon. On the west wall, the bottom stone points to the opposite wall, with two additional stones ontop laying at 90 degrees to the bottom one. The stones are oblong and weigh about 500-1000 pounds each. Very large stones. I went down the canyon in the direction they pointed 200 varas, turned right and looked 100 varas toward the east canyon wall. 15 feet up on top of a small ledge was a perfectly round stone ball (5-6 feet in diameter), same type of rock as the three stacked but not the same as surronding rock. A hundred feet up the wall was a mine shaft that had been sealed but weathered open. There were signs of considerable ancient mining activity in the area.

In the same area I also found a large notch cut the rim of the canyon just above a long built up road to get down in the canyon. The notch was 15 feet high by 15 wide. It was a very clean job. Standing in the notch I could see what appeared to be two large sealed caves. I haven't tried to open them, yet.

Any thoughts or comments??


Also, pictures would help very much! But not in this thread. Begin a new thread about your find, so people don't get your's and Twilla's mixed up.



Twilla... update? How come you can't drag your husband to find this!!!! You said something about the Pozo hole?

My husband is busy running the ranch so he doesn't have a lot of free time. My friend's husband is busy on their ranch and we both have to help the guys out so that shortens our time too. Anyway, we haven't been back up there for awhile now but we're both hoping and aiming for the 15th to go back up. I'll update as soon as I can get up there and thanks for your interest! I'll check out the possible location for that pozo hole while we're there. Lately, every time we've been able to go we have been digging under that boulder with the upraised cross on it so we haven't been looking around much.


Generally an X means you are on the trail not that this is the spot. Especially when you have an X this large. The Spanish weren't as dumb as many people think. Probably there are markers behind it.

If you are adamant to keep digging where you think a boulder might fall on top of you why not put a rope on it and tie it off so that it can't fall on you until you can get out from under it when it acts like it wants to fall?

Don't forget that if you get hurt how far it is to get help back to you once you get trapped. Then again it will only take a couple of shovels of dirt to finish the job. Play it smart!

We haven't been diggin at the the X boulder, we're digging at the upraised cross one and we took some good advice and are digging at it from an angle AWAY from where it could get us. We're trying to play it smart and still get the job done. If everybody was scared away from the possiblity of injury without even trying an alternate route, none of us would find anything. Anyway, we don't want to get hurt any more than the next guy so we are being careful and thank you for your concern.
We won't be able to go up to our site tomorrow after all guys. My partner has some business she and her husband have to take care of tomorrow, and then my husband and I will be gone for two weeks so it looks like awhile longer. I'm more disappointed than you can imagine! I swear though, I'll update as soon as I can!


Hi TT!
Well a big one right back atcha!!! You said you have found yours, do you mean you found a mine or a cache? Wonderful! I wish I could talk to someone who has found either a mine or a cache so I could get all hyped up about it and turn into wonder woman or something and get those lousy boulders out of the way. They're a chore to say the least.


Hi guys!
YES! I have returned at long last! I want to let everybody know that I haven't been trying to be lax in letting you all know what is going on at our site, we just haven't been able to get to the site for two is that there are tourists everywhere! The other is that I have wiped my knee out and won't be going much of anywhere for the rest of the season. Sorry! Please keep me up on how you are all doing. I miss hearing from everyone.
Good luck on your hunts!


I was wondering what was going on!

Hope your knee gets better soon.



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