
OK Ive had quite a few experiences over the years mostly when i was younger, Ive seen a couple of ghost over the years , one night when i was growing up in my folks house (i thank i was about 17) it was late ,maybe 1am in the morning .and i woke up and was just starting to come out of my sleep ,for some reason i decided to set up , well I'm sitting there and all of a Sudan i saw a young man walk through my door ,no i don,t mean ,i was a young man open the door and come in , i mean i saw a young man walk through the door. walk over to me and sit on the edge of my bed and look at me ,or more like he looked though me like he did,nt see me ,after about 10 sacond he got up and walked through my wall , it,s funny but i remember know being overly concerned over it happening ,i did,nt go back to sleep but i shure was,nt shaking eather, i expected to see him again but it never happened again ,another time i had just lost a dog i had had for years (i had to put him down because of saver health reasons ) any way that night a ghost of that dog came to visit me , it was kind of like he was trying to tell me it,s OK i forgive you for killing me . (Ive always been extra close with my dogs ,actual all animals but especially dogs ) and the best way to tell if your in the presents of evil that i know of is if your ever in a dark room and you feel like a darkness falls over the room thats even darker then the darkness that was originally there. thats evil.

Just the other day I was an old mining town I have gotten to know the owner of the store there, we were talking about how rough the miners had it and all the other stuff about the town.
anyway he has about 6+ acres in the back goes down to 2 creeks he says I should checkout that area for nuggets, well hay! who am I to say no.
went down and its only about 3 feet to the bottom of the creek and its dry, ok I'm walking along and you know how the rocks sound when they hit each other kind of a hollow sound well thats what I heard from behind me turned and looked could see down the creek for about 100 feet or so, nothing ok was getting to the end where it starts going up hill, hear it again look nothing this sounded closer then the last one. well I'm not sure if the old miners where telling me to get off there claim or what I got out.
The owner said I was the second one to tell him that the other guy was panning he said it sounded like they were throwing the rocks.
I'm going back but not by myself.


i do believe in ghost i know sounds stupid or weird but i do the house i use to live in was built back in the 1880's from wut i was told so i found proof that it was. well in 1972 there was this family that lived there with 2 or 3 daughters if im right dont know about sons but in 1972 this family lived there and my mom was friends with one of the daughters. well when the kids were out playing it was only the mother and father home well the father went crazy or something and killed the mother and then he commited suicide. well then it 1985 my parents moved into that house. when i was 12 i was sleeping my room was right above the room where the murder suicide took place. well like i said i was 12 and i was sleeping in my room and late that night i heard a faint sound. sounded like someone saying help me well i woke up and there was this figure of a lady at the end of my bed. well a couple weeks later it happened again but this time my brother saw it to. well about a yr ago i met the daughter who's father killed her mother then him self in that house. i told her wut i saw long blonde curly hair about 5'4" and 5'6" and an average build and she said that fiot the discription of her mother and she told me her mother was murdered in that house and that i just met her mother. so after speaking to one of the daughters of the victim i would have to say i saw a ghost and boy did i freak out that night.

another one is one night i was sleeping i was about 16 well i was in my room watching tv at about 12:30am and my dog was downstairs and all of a sudden he started barking like crazy well i went to see wut he was barking at i figured he was barking at the cat only problem is we had 3 cat 2 were in my room one was in my parents room which both room were on the 2nd floor and he waas barking like crazy on the first floor so i went to see wut he was barking at when i saw him he was barking and growling at something. i dont know ut it was but he was in a stance where he was about to attack something so i grab my knife that i hid in the coutch and walked over by him and i looked towards the kitchen and i saw wut appeared to be eyes and something like a shadow well i turned a light on and it was gone i dont know wut it was but the dog went crazy and was ready to attack wutever it was

ivan salis said:
any thing written on the back dates or names?--- her maiden name was stanley --first name ---loretha---she came from tampa area in fla.---think the women might be old kinfolk--- looks just like her ---Very odd---Ivan

No it's a Negative

possably 35MM

ANY of these names mean anything to you ?
From an 2002 OBIT

Elizabeth A. Szerba, 85, of 49 Cherry Valley died Thursday at Ashland Regional Medical Center, Fountain Springs.
Born in Philadelphia, Feb. 5, 1916, she was a daughter of the late John and Bridget Burns Hope.

Her husband, William, died in 1999.

Surviving are a niece, Alyce Hope Quinn, Pequea; an aunt, Elizabeth Adams, Heckscherville.

Requiem Divine liturgy will be celebrated at 10 a.m. in St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church


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tenbears said:
Does anyone go to a spot to detect and get that creepy feeling that someone is watching you but no one is there? One spot where there is a old foundation surronded by pines and spruces just really unerves me! Now i'm no scardy cat actaully dont beleive in the spooks,but for some reason this place gets to me,literly makes the hairs on my neck stand up! :o :o
Remember that movie from 1999..The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis?
Cole Sear: You ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck?
Malcolm Crowe: Yes.
Cole Sear: And the tiny hairs on your arm, you know when they stand up? That's them. When they get mad... it gets cold.
I love that movie...

jeff of pa said:
ivan salis said:
any thing written on the back dates or names?--- her maiden name was stanley --first name ---loretha---she came from tampa area in fla.---think the women might be old kinfolk--- looks just like her ---Very odd---Ivan

No it's a Negative

possably 35MM

ANY of these names mean anything to you ?
From an 2002 OBIT

Elizabeth A. Szerba, 85, of 49 Cherry Valley died Thursday at Ashland Regional Medical Center, Fountain Springs.
Born in Philadelphia, Feb. 5, 1916, she was a daughter of the late John and Bridget Burns Hope.

Her husband, William, died in 1999.

Surviving are a niece, Alyce Hope Quinn, Pequea; an aunt, Elizabeth Adams, Heckscherville.

Requiem Divine liturgy will be celebrated at 10 a.m. in St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church
Elizabeth A. Szerba buried St. Nick's cemetery in Minersville . Buried next to William "Wassy " Szerba B 1920 D 1999

Once. When I slept over at my grandmother's house (built around 1910) when I was about 12. On the way home after my parents picked me up the next day, my father then told me this:

When he was 7-years old, he was jumping on to one the side ladders of a slow-moving freight train behind his house. While doing this, he fell under one of the wheels of the train and lost his right arm. It wasn't until he was about 20 years old that my grandmother told him that the night before he lost his arm in the train accident, she was awakened in the middle of the night by the presence of a large, dark shape that was standing at the foot of her bed. After a minute or so, she finally sat up in bed and yelled, "Who are you?" The dark shape moved across to the other side of her bedroom and then disappeared.


Come on now some of you have a very vivid imagination. But I know for a fact the ghost of my old dearly departed pu$$y cat still scurries about my house. Every now and then one of us will catch just a movement out ot the corner of our eyes and just barely get a glimpse of her scurrying around a corner or through a doorway. We had her for 18 years and she wasn't a people kitty and just liked me mostly. At night at bedtime or when I took an afternoon nap she would jump up on my bed and get up close to me and either lay on my feet or in the crook of my back if I was on my side. Many times I have just got into bed and can feel her jump up onto the bed. It is so real I usually raise up and look to see if it's her but she's never there that I can see. A couple of times, not that many, when I felt her jump onto my bed and didn't look I could feel the heat from her body against my back. It's so real I actually reach back and feel, fully expecting to feel her there with my hand. I thought it was just my imagination until my wife and daughter both at seperate times asked me if I saw her or felt her jump up onto the bed, etc. Now we just take it for granted when one of us gets a glimpse of her or feel her jump up onto the bed. Many times one of us will comment, "There goes Schmitty"! (her nicname). Even further proof is that we recently got a little house dog. Schmitty never liked other pets in "her" house and had a special spot behind the magazine rack by the fireplace that she would go to hide and pout if another animal invaded her space. Several times when we are playing "fetch" with our new little dog the ball will accidentally go behind the magazine rack. If it does the dog won't go back there and get it. She will stand back and look at it and even make an attentive try to stretch way out and reach it but she always pulls back in alarm as if something is scaring her. If you give the dog a command to go and get the ball she will look at it and whine but won't go back there ever. That old cat use to hiss and growl if another animal got near her hidey hole and I think that new pup is "seeing" and hearing her and is afraid to go back there. They say animals have a special talent for sensing extraordinary things and this is obviously an example of that. We've never felt that old Schmitty was a threat or anything but she just wasn't ready to leave the security of her home when she shuffled off. Now that is a true animal ghost story and not a pigment of my imagination! M :o nty

On Jeff's picture: Couldn't it be dated to possibly the 50's or later by the style of glasses worn by the lady on the right and the 35 mm film used. When was it first popular?

My Hubby is "Sensitive" also. He has had to learn to supress his talent due to it driving him crazy. Anyway, he was staying at an RV park near the Rogue River a couple of years ago. Every night he would have a "cat" come and jump on the bed and "sleep" with him. Sometimes he even heard the purring. Said it was very comforting not being alone.
Ivan you are an amazing person being able to cope with your talent. Hubby couldn't, especially when he was on submarines, emotions drove him up the curved wall.

OH by the way, several of my family members have had bigfoot encounters, trust me, there are more things out there than we are aware of. I personally havn't had any encounters or seen things that arn't to be there, but I trust the people who have that I know. Just look in their eyes and you see they are telling the truth.

Leeame in So Oregon

ok as stated above still a non-believer but thought I'd share some experiences. (or coincedences ;))

back in PA in our house which was built in 1917 or so, I had 2 notable experiences both of which physical things happened.

My sons had just been put to bed and I heard giggling coming from their room. I went to investigate and they were both sound asleep (probably just laughing in their sleep). I went back downstairs and continued working on the computer when one of their toys, a train that plays "its a small world" starts motoring around its track playing its music. Checked the switch and could not find an explination as to why it went on. the switch was a firm click on and off (must have been the batteries causing the problem). Snapped some pics in the house at that time too see if I could catch anything but just got a nice bright orb over the spot I was working (must have been a dust ball)

same house. Was sleeping one night and awoke about 1:00am with a feeling of someone standing next to the bed next to me. Sat up and had the feeling that whatever it was quickly moved through the doorway and through the bathroom. At the same instant a cup in the bathroom on the counter got knocked over and went clanking into the sink (must have been the wind thought I :) )


as you know subbers are checked out to vey high standards both phyically and mentally ---they have to be "strong and in A1 shape" to work on the boomers----all vol---tough to get into---hard duty---27 year merchant seaman myself----and yes dealing with "it" is tough but by understanding some what what "it" is---- I have learned to cope with "it"---the little bit my grandmother on my fathers side (who was a full blood native american) taught me on the "sly" (against my parents wishes) has helped me deal with "it" alot. Ivan

I live in RI. There is some history here in Exeter (where I grew up) of a vampire grave. A woman named Mercy Brown (heres a quick link for the story -http://riroads.com/archive/rihorror.htm ) was supposedly a vampire, etc. The grave is a popular attraction for high school kids looking for something to do. Supposedly, the grave itself glows.

So... I was a junior in HS, October 1990, Halloween. A bunch of us had the great idea to play with a OUIJI board after trick or treating, and then go out to the "Vampire grave". I drove. I had a 1989 toyota 4-runner that was mechanically perfect... never had a problem. We pull up to the cemetery, and I was driving. I actually pulled into the cemetery so I could turn around. As soon as I crossed into the cemetery from the street, my truck stalled. My friends started ribbing me - asking when I learned to drive a standard, etc. They all thought it was hysterical until I couldn't restart the truck.

I truned it over, and over and it wouldn't fire up. I couldn't get it started. 2 guys decided to go and see if they could find the headstone. Me and another guy (he was good with cars) got out and started fiddling with the truck... couldn't get it started. After about 2 mins, the two guys came running back to the truck. They looked extremely freaked out. Said it felt like someone was watching them. They never made it to the grave, they were so freaked out.

I said, lets roll the truck into the street, maybe I can pop it started. So we rolled it out into the street. They were just about to start pushing the truck when I figured I would try the key one more time. I turned the ignition, and IT FIRED UP RIGHT AWAY. It completely freaked me out. Everyone piled in and I tore off down the street. To this day, the guys I was with think i was just screwing with them. I wasn't. I have never gone back, and every time I drive near the cemetery, I get goosebumps.

I have them right now, writing this.


be careful somethings aren't for playing with----cuz they play back--and their idea of "fun" can be rather nasty-- powerful spirits esp. evil ones are best left alone ---mocking or "playing" with them or their resting place may be seen as a "challange" to fight to them---and you really would not want to do that now do you? ---playing with ghost and spirits is great fun and games till you find out their real and that you've went and made them pissed off at you. then its not so fun anymore----spirits have been known"lock on to" and "torment" folks for years because of stuff like this---you got off very lightly I'd say --don't push your luck by going back there--Ivan

I was the typicall non-believer until that happened. I was the typicall young dumb high school kid. Not that I believe that Parker Brothers has the corner on the spiritual market, but some stuff happened that night with the OUIJI board as well. I'm 32 now (be 33 in july), but since that night, when someone even mentions breaking out the ouiji board, I tell my story, then leave if they bring it out.

There's way too much in the world that I can't explain.


I didn't know so many had the dredded spooks! :o ;D ;D


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This is prolly going a little off topic but I had to ask,Anyone ever wake up in the middle of the night scared stiff,almost literally.. you try to scream or yell for help and nothing comes out. You try to get up and can't.. Happened to me a few times.. eeeerrrrriiiieeeee... Usually the next day that feeling is still with me..

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