Start Preparing For The Change - You will be called upon :)


Hero Member
May 27, 2009
Southern Ontario
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Tesoro Outlaw w/Garrett pinpointer

past machines - Minelab Explorer SE Pro/ Garrett GTI 2500 /Garrett GTAx1000


Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
For those of us unsure of what this post is all about, I refer you to COBRA:

Who is Cobra?

Cobra is a codename for the writer of this blog. Cobra’s identity must remain veiled for now for various reasons. Cobra is not associated with military or Drake, although he/she perceives Drake as the most reliable messenger for the Plan. Cobra may or may not be part of the Resistance Movement.

What is Cobra?

COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.

The surface is thus subjected to the pressure of Light and dark forces of the Cabal have nowhere to hide. They can not escape via wormholes, stargates or teleportation chambers into space. They can not use space vehicles of any official or secret space program. They can not dig holes and bunkers deep underground and hide there. They can not even hide on lower astral plane anymore.

Resistance movement


In 1975, a certain intelligence agent under codename Michael was running for his life from Illuminati that were chasing him. He gathered around him a group of 12 operatives in order to protect himself. While on the run and in hiding, they discovered a maze of tunnels below the New York underground subway system. They entered the tunnels, disappeared from the surface and regrouped down there. So the Organization was born, having its main command center under the subway system of New York. Through the vast spy network that Michael still had on the surface, they have contacted many operatives that fought against the Illuminati and many of them went underground and joined the Organization.

Their main objective was to overthrow the rule of the Illuminati and give advanced technologies to humanity. Personal computers that we know now were developed with assistance of Organization and I have personally seen a room full with rows of computers as they were being developed in their main underground command center back in 1977. The Organization had contact with the positive civilization of Agartha that existed in subterannean caverns for millennia. They had contact with positive Andromedans already in 1977 if not before, as I have seen a sleek silver Andromedan cigar shaped craft in their underground hangar as well.

In early 1990s, they had some influence in assuring that internet expanded from military ARPANET into public domain.

The Illuminati and off-planet dark forces launched an offensive in 1996 to destroy the Organization and there were severe physical battles in underground tunnels and caverns that almost destroyed the Organization and also nearly wiped out Agartha.

In the hour of need, a plan was devised to counteract this. In early December 1999, Pleiadians have contacted the Resistance Movement on planet X and ignited a massive uprising against Illuminati there. The Illuminati were overthrown in about three weeks and they had to flee to their bases on Mars and the Moon. At that time, many Resistance Movement freedom fighters have entered the underground tunnel systems on Earth to join the Organization in their fight. The two forces integrated and emerged as one and are now called Resistance Movement.

Their increased joint force has turned the course of events and now the dark forces were in retreat. In 2000 and 2001 the Illuminati has lost their bases on Mars and the Moon and elsewhere in the solar system. With the assistance of the Pleiadians and other Galactic Confederation forces all remaining Reptilian, Draconian and Reticulan forces were cleared out of the solar system also in the same time frame. This set the dark ones into panic mode and they have staged 9-11 to preserve their last stronghold - planet Earth.

Portal 2012

This blog was created under instructions from the Resistance Movement with the purpose of instructing the surface population about certain developments in 2012. Many surface operatives of the Resistance Movement read this blog as it contains some coded communications for them. Internet is the easiest way to give them certain not very sensitive intel, at least that part which can be safely transmitted through this public channel. In the future, the Resistance Movement may decide to give some communications to general public and then this blog will become an official communication channel for the Resistance Movement on the surface of this planet.

Posted by Cobra at 2:12 PM

Rather than belabor and rehash the familiar wrong doings of the cabal. Start with the original COBRA blog in April 2012. Some is written in code for security. Overall you should understand the scope of what is happening. Mostly after the fact but it reads like a sci-fi novel but is real. As COBRA presents results of the Resistance Movement you can usually fact check. Read through the double talk in the news, but there is no doubt the event or action occurred.

As I expect our internet to be shut down or unavailable, I use a PDF download software to preserve web pages for my own history. This is what we will be retelling our grandchildren while talking about the old days. The battle of good against evil. Of which everyone of us played part. But first we must survive.

It is no secret the cabals ultimate plan was to murder over Six Billion Humans on the planet and enslave the rest. There is a great Universe out there teeming with civilizations more advanced than ours. We are the last Planet in our Galaxy to be freed. They are our friends.

The network news would like to show what a bad guy Nixon was. Watergate was the topic this morning. Smoke and mirrors to distract us from the truth. The truth being spread thinly by good people like us. On T-Net and other sites before they're shut down. YouTube is not your friend. I like "Video Capture" software to record whatever is on your monitor. It's worth the $40 to document stuff as it happens. YouTube censors stuff a lot. Google searches are suspect and track your every search. Try "DuckDuckGo" as a search engine.

We are so far into our battle that the history is not important. Don't dwell on why. The truth will come out. The cabals "new society" will be an attempt to bribe us into submission. Our real New World is the one we will create ourselves. Elect who we want. Build governments that we choose. Spread the untold gazillions of wealth to everyone. That's why we're here. Throw out the trash and start fresh! :)



Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
"Whole Planet Ascension Assured"
What good news. Whether some of us care or not, the entire Planet will be trancending. If you're not on board now, best keep a low profile. Heavy hands are removing obstacles to the change.

[h=2]Progress on all dimensional levels has been made during the recent moments[/h] 22 Aug Progress on all dimensional levels has been made during the recent moments and allows substantial High Energetic Upgrades in all Gaia inhabitants, Hue-Being and human.

At this moment Gaia recognizes not the term “human”, as all inhabitants of Gaia are now upgraded sufficiently towards the “Hue-Man” levels.

Potential for “Whole Planet Ascension” has now reached critical mass point, so such is assured.

All former paradigms of operation upon Gaia are now closed. Those attempting to operate via those paradigms will be “stonewalled”, as some might say. [Eireport note: presumably this means "stopped", as if running into a stone wall].

The “flights of fancy” (paradigms lacking Higher Intent) are also closed.

Gaia has spoken, gently but strongly. Hue-Manity has listened… humanity must follow… Else the stone wall will be felt… Strongly.


Gold Member
Feb 23, 2011
S. Fl.
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Minelab Excal II, Garrett, Tesoro
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All Treasure Hunting
but when I use my own words, people scream at me...:dontknow:
Well, I find that rude and would never scream at you, unless it was to get you out the way of danger, SNAKE! FIRE!, something along that line,
you know..... :laughing7:


Gold Member
Dec 9, 2012
Concrete, WA
Detector(s) used
Nokta FoRs Gold, a Gold Cube, 2 Keene Sluices and Lord only knows how many pans....not to mention a load of other gear my wife still doesn't know about!
Primary Interest:
The Illuminati and off-planet dark forces launched an offensive in 1996 to destroy the
Organization and there were severe physical battles in underground tunnels and caverns that
almost destroyed the Organization and also nearly wiped out Agartha.

BB, if these battles took place on Earth, physically, then there is PHYSICAL
evidence remaining. Ever seen any?

BTW, Andromeda is a galaxy, not a planet, and it sits a bit over 2.5 MILLION
light years from Earth.

In the hour of need, a plan was devised to counteract this. In early December 1999,
Pleiadians have contacted the Resistance Movement on planet X and ignited a massive uprising
against Illuminati there. The Illuminati were overthrown in about three weeks and they had to
flee to their bases on Mars and the Moon. At that time, many Resistance Movement freedom
fighters have entered the underground tunnel systems on Earth to join the Organization in their
fight. The two forces integrated and emerged as one and are now called Resistance Movement.

The Pleiades are the most beautiful group of stars in the visible universe, IMO. They're a bit
closer than Andromeda, and are generally considered to be about 425 light years from Earth.

All kinds of secrecy, espionage, multiple sub-plots going on simultaneously and hidden agenda's
should make anyone skeptical. Cobra's tried awful hard to create mystery and suspense by
bringing in the Illuminati and using designations that people are familiar with, such as the
Andromedians and the Pleiadeians.

BB: When the "End" is near, the message will be a very simple one, as 6 Billion people need to hear,
and fully comprehend that message in order to even have a chance at eternity. The story
Cobra is telling has so many "rabbit holes" that must be fully understood in order to even
be comprehended, and the story does not stand up to scrutiny. It might make a great sci-fi
novel, but I can't imagine trying to weave all those sub-plots together into something
that made even a lick of sense.

The message being sent should be everyone from the naked tribes living
in the Amazon Rainforest to the Rhodes Scholar can understand.

Simple in "God so loved the world...".

Simple as it gets; all said in a single sentence that leaves nothing to secrecy or
the reader confused.

Peyton Manning

Gold Member
Dec 19, 2012
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Metal Detecting
boy I bet the NSA guys have fun with this thread



Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
boy I bet the NSA guys have fun with this thread

NSA had gone Rogue years ago. No oversite by anyone except the bad guys. I believe the CIA has a short leash now. That leaves military/law enforcement bad eggs. At least one attempted coup has failed and unless they can start WW3, which will never be allowed to happen, they will have to decide. Which side is most likely to kill them when they are no longer useful? They have been sold a bill of goods that will never happen. They are cannon fodder. And they know it.

We have all read about reptilian-humans. Last week two million or so of them had a chance to survive. Join the Light, help Humanity and you will survive. Or return to the Central Sun to be disassembled and their energy directed towards other things. Never again on earth or other life forms. Not even slime. I have been told that one million have come over to the light and the rest destroyed. By their individual choices. All underground dark forces have been cleared. And recently all on the surface except the cabal. So they are without funds, friends protectors or shelter. The news-cabal still beats the war drum. Israel is a broken record no one listens to anymore. The sooner they give it up the better for them. Those that survive will go on trial. Crimes against Humanity. That's what bothers them most. NO way out.

90% of the world's nukes are inoperable. Smaller ones like the one Israel used a couple months ago are still around but will never start WW3. Just digs their hole deeper.

Probably arrests have been made but not usually publicized for a few months. The COBRA "L2 Failure" referred to the cabals second attempt to escape earth. I was not surprised to hear about some keepers-o-the-gold for Humanity sold out last year. Traitors to their Countries. For money. Hope they live long and die poor and alone.

So it continues. All this is beyond human understanding. We are at the beginning of awakening. :)


Peyton Manning

Gold Member
Dec 19, 2012
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Metal Detecting
ok BB I am on a nice beach vacation, can you wait to call me until I'm back at work?



Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
ok BB I am on a nice beach vacation, can you wait to call me until I'm back at work?

J E F F ........ J E F F Can You Hear me??

Do Not Go Back To Work.
Your Job Is Here On The Beach.
Sun...Swim...Fish and Detect!

This is your mission Jeff, should you choose to except it.
Or not..up to you. Enjoy your day...


Gold Member
Dec 9, 2012
Concrete, WA
Detector(s) used
Nokta FoRs Gold, a Gold Cube, 2 Keene Sluices and Lord only knows how many pans....not to mention a load of other gear my wife still doesn't know about!
Primary Interest:

You seem to completely ignore common sense, logic and empirical facts in your
pursuit of more fodder to feed this mysterious, mind-boggling science fiction
of a plot.

There have been cults and secret societies preaching some cataclysmic end to the
Earth and humanity since long before the Egyptians, The Mayan Calender, and many
other theories were even thought of. In all cases there seems to be a very, very small
bit of actual fact, and from that comes a massive pile of presumption and innuendo
based on a single bit of possibly erroneous information to begin with.

It's mystical, mysterious and in many ways exciting to many people. That does not
make a shred of it true. It's Sci-Fi Bob, and it's coming from minds that are so far
removed from the human consciousness that they no longer can embrace logic
and empirical reality.

Although I've quoted a couple small bits from the Bible, don't think I'm trying
to "convert" you to nothing could be further from the truth. I've
spent many hours on this site simply trying to show you that there are many,
many alternative viewpoints on how the "end of mankind" will come about.
The Christians call this "Eschatology", or the Study of End Times". The Bible
gets pretty specific about how things will go, as do many other "end of the world"

I don't believe ANY of them. The Earth is a small, rocky planet circling an average
sized Star in the Milky Way of many HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS throughout
the universe. We are a living specie on this planet, however the total population
of humanity pales in comparison to some other species. It is factual that at any
given moment there are roughly some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000)
individual insects alive, some on the increase, others on the decrease.

Why would the "Keepers of the Universe" (whoever or whatever they may be)
create some massively confusing, nefarious plot to end human life when all they
need to do is send a decent sized asteroid into the planet and ...POOF!
..........humanity and 80%-100% of all life on the planet is history.

Ya need to wake up and "smell the outhouse" Bob, and realize that our lifetimes are
short, and we have only so many days to enjoy the WONDERS of this planet. Spending
(wasting) time pursuing mysteries is interesting, BUT, when they become real to us
it's time to take a long, long break and come back to reality.

I won't be spending any more of my remaining hours trying to reach you, as that
can never happen until you are willing to consider that your "prophets" are full of all
manner of interesting plots to rule the world and/or bring an end to humanity.

Life is meant to be lived live it and leave the rest for the gods (or God)
to work out. When your dead, your dead, and then, and only then will anyone
ever know the TRUTH. Either we lay there (complete) and rot, or we have a Spirit
that will live on...but there's only one way to find out. I'm comfortable knowing
that, some day, I will know the truth, but for now I'm going to live every hour
of every day to the absolute fullest, and when I do die my hopes are for the
most incredible adventure ever to just be beginning.

I wish you well, and if I can ever be of any service, please don't hesitate to
contact me.

Last edited:


Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting

You seem to completely ignore common sense, logic and empirical facts in your
pursuit of more fodder to feed this mysterious, mind-boggling science fiction
of a plot.

Diz I appreciate your genuine concern about my beliefs, thank you for trying. :)
In my mind everything I've been taught in schools and elsewhere have been built on lies. IMHO the real truth is the exact opposite of what we've been taught. How did science become a popularity contest of which theory do you believe is correct instead of actual proofs. As the scientific community and popular news "decided" by 9 to 1 vote about the causes of climate change. How about the sun changing. Getting hotter. Is that my fault also?

All of us have been brain washed from day one. Follow the crowd, learn this stuff this way and you will be accepted. Stray off the common sense path and you will be judged. You will have shame fallen on you. Cast out from your friends. Come on. WHO are THEY to claim control of any part of you. Who made them Gods. Actually we did. By agreeing with them and feeding them our money, time and resources.

That includes me. A lifetime of hard work followed by smarter-hard work followed by smarter-hard-work-70-hour weeks. It truly nearly killed me. After a couple years of retirement trying to get some sort of life back, I began researching why this happened to me. And why was everyone I knew in that same boat. Lose your crummy job then your house then your family. F E A R

Mike I like you because I read the truth in your words. I discovered most of my true beliefs were actually lies. Intentional lies by the people and institutions I respected most. Intentional lies are the worst.. Betrayal is the worst sin in my book. I believed. I paid-my-dues. I puckered up but never got kissed. When I was no longer useful to my business I became cannon fodder.

The people and beliefs I support are all about love. Love first for yourself, forgive yourself as there is no judgement. No judgement day. That's the greatest lie to keep us all afraid. You are here same as the rest of us. We are meant to be here for whatever reason. This is all way above our pay grade. Beyond our understanding. WE are Loved. Even my butt-head exbro-in-law which says a lot. :)

<font size="3">[video=youtube;Ix-dvPLZngo][/video]

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Peyton Manning

Gold Member
Dec 19, 2012
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Metal Detecting

J E F F ........ J E F F Can You Hear me??

Do Not Go Back To Work.
Your Job Is Here On The Beach.
Sun...Swim...Fish and Detect!

This is your mission Jeff, should you choose to except it.
Or not..up to you. Enjoy your day...

Finally you are making sense to me. I see my mission (donations should be in cash or silver morgans and sent to po box 666 surfside beach SC)

Peyton Manning

Gold Member
Dec 19, 2012
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Metal Detecting
and I assume you will make it ok with the condo people??


Hero Member
May 27, 2009
Southern Ontario
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Outlaw w/Garrett pinpointer

past machines - Minelab Explorer SE Pro/ Garrett GTI 2500 /Garrett GTAx1000
That guy in that video is a freak, nutjob. How do I know?
Ask me after Sept. 28th when he's proven a fraud or is the date already pushed back again.
He'd fit right in with the sciencetology, creativity movement, thee temple ov psychick youth, nation of Yahweh, universe people/cosmic people of light powers, the church of the subgenius, & west baptist bozo's.



Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
That guy in that video is a freak, nutjob. How do I know?
Ask me after Sept. 28th when he's proven a fraud or is the date already pushed back again.
He'd fit right in with the sciencetology, creativity movement, thee temple ov psychick youth, nation of Yahweh, universe people/cosmic people of light powers, the church of the subgenius, & west baptist bozo's.

Well I'd like to say I feel your anger but I do not. There is no date. Regarding the Scientology remark there is no charge for this ride. No dues to pay. No in-depth consultations. This is a freebie for everyone so you should not feel you didn't get your money's worth. What you get is up to you. No one is begging you. I don't understand your anger.

This man Vossa is an enlightened Human being. He is not a televangelist or church selling indulgences. You have no understanding of what is going on because you have closed your mind. But in a way that is OK. There are many good people who have damaged souls through religion they believed. Or families with good intentions but misguided instruction. Maybe you are stirring a positive reaction from a good person on the cusp. Want to do the right thing but are hesitant. Ronzie we are all in this together. We are sharing the load (whatever it may be). You not alone. You have strong emotions which makes you a strong human being. No one is or will judge you. There is no hell or temporary quarters while your "case" is being reviewed. You are here because you are wanted and needed. That's all. :)

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