Strange bullet and other smashed led help! Champion toy gun!


Full Member
Feb 13, 2013
Oregon City, OR
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro,Ace 250, Garrett Pro-pointer
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting

Had a great day yesturday, I got as close to Fort Vancouver, WA as I dared.

Found amazing things here is a couple. Another person said the smashed led was civil war era fired bullet, but what do you guys think. I also found a zippo, a 1950 license plate (it's soaking right now) a couple buttons, here is another button I need help identifying

HH my friends..

Actually the first one is a 7.62 NATO blank. Which is equivalent to a .308. The headstamp means, Lake City Arsenal 1976. 30-06 had been phased out of military use with the withdrawal of the M1 Garand from service, except for some limited use in Springfield rifles.....

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Designed to cycle in a machine gun.

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Wow, no one hardly responds anymore. I thought this was a community. Thank you to the ones who actually took the time, I appreciate it

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John, I don't know what other help anyone can give here. I don't think people aren't interested in helping, but that chunk of lead is pretty much unidentifiable, the button looks old, but without more info (type of construction, backmark if any) there's not much to go on. People here want to help and will, but they need as much info as you can give them to make an ID.

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I wasn't complaining or *****ing about it not being identified Nola, I was simply asking about the button and the bullet casing, and sharing what else i found. i know a hunk of led has no chance. I was stating that no one replies like they use too. Before when I posted everyone discussed. As time went on that stopped. My opinion..

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Hey JohnChase1989! Your pistol appears to be a S&W .32 caliber break open!! If you look on the side of the barrel facing you, the manufactures name and caliber should be printed there!! Great Finds!! GOOD HUNTING!! CONGRATS!! VERDE!!

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It does seem to be pretty slow all around lately, I'd like to be able to help with the button though. Is it marked on the back?

No it has nothing, it's strange the back had two metal triangles identically the same feel and look as the button they each had the point going to the middle >< like that.
The one upside down is the back of the button from my original post

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