Survey-Who out there is unemployed?

deepskyal said:

So which looks better to the average Joe in the U.S. 18% or 8% ?

So based on that...guess what the true unemployment rate would be right now without the fancy footwork calculations of our government?


The numbers are cooked. They who are doing the cooking know it. We who see the numbers understand "they" are cooking the numbers. Soo ... why is it being done? We peons out here in dumbsville are smart enough to see it is done to create a perception "America is doing OK; businesses are doing OK". That's what it says on the teleprompter at least. Must be so.

Leaders are fiddling, Rome is burning, the peons are gasping for breath. The "Hope - Change" bumper stickers are quietly disappearing.

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I wonder sometimes....when we stood in lines to get our unemployment, it was very obvious when every day there were lines half way or all the way up a block to see how bad it was. And once inside the building there would be 6 or 8 rows of people standing in individual lines waiting to sign for their check.

Was it to streamline operations to make it more functional or were they actually trying to hide all the unemployed? You know...out of sight, out of mind???

This recession they had to hire hundreds of people to process claims it was so overwhelming. I was laid off briefly but you could spend hours on the phone waiting to talk to someone. Imagine if we still had lines.


ivan salis said:
terry - if the va 100% disabled you --it supposed to be a automatic approval by the SS no questions asked --since agencys both "work for the govt" - its like have having one part of the govt go "yes" and another part say "no" -- you need to have your lawyers ASK THE JUDGE to stop the govt FROM BSing around stalling your payment (uh that is what trhey are getting PAID FOR OUT OF YOUR MONEY to get you your money quickly) --- and I WOULD BE SURE TO ASK THE JUDGE ask for "back interest" since its clearly just a stall tactic being used in bad faith by the govt to prevent you being paid whats owed to you in a timely manner , which is in their own fiscal interest as a "forced loan" by not paying you what your owed in a prompt manner ( remember JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.)

What I think is funny is all the hard work we have to go through to get what is rightful to us. I do agree the investigation cause we don't want people who don't need it to get it, but having the proof like I did, after my surgeries, and reports an waiting 3 years after been denied wasn't fun.

I don't understand, cause I was denied for my SSD but they wanted to give me SSI which was way less money than I should had received. Who can live with 500$ per month haha.

What I think the government should do, is to get all this young people out of SSI who have luxury apartments, cars and jewelry out of it, so serious injured people like us can obtain what's rightfully ours after our hard working years.

I have never been unemployed for a long time in my life.
But I am working today for the pay I made in 1976. The job I have today pays so little, in 20 months I will retire and it is pretty sad when my first social security will be larger than the check I work for now.

Moonrover, "I just knew when I saw the title of this thread that if I read it, I would get in a funk."

That's why it took me so long to post the thread. I apologize if I brought anyone down. I didn't want pity from others for me or whoever might be unemployed, I just wanted to see who else was out there and give them a chance to vent and know that there were others just like them out there (and treasure hunting : )

Catobra said:
Moonrover, "I just knew when I saw the title of this thread that if I read it, I would get in a funk."

That's why it took me so long to post the thread. I apologize if I brought anyone down. I didn't want pity from others for me or whoever might be unemployed, I just wanted to see who else was out there and give them a chance to vent and know that there were others just like them out there (and treasure hunting : )

You did good. It is a subject that should be discussed. Ideas of how we are coping with the economic situation may help others. I have a niece that lost her job in accounting due to "downsizing". She started knocking on doors (an upscale neighborhood) to ask for work as a weekly house cleaner. Works hard at it now with another gal that was laid off. A far cry from the social status of her accounting job, but she tells me her income now is approaching what it was "in the office".

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You did good. It is a subject that should be discussed. Ideas of how we are coping with the economic situation may help others. I have a niece that lost her job in accounting due to "downsizing". She started knocking on doors (an upscale neighborhood) to ask for work as a weekly house cleaner. Works hard at it now with another gal that was laid off. A far cry from the social status of her accounting job, but she tells me her income now is approaching what it was "in the office".

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Whew! Thanks : ) Good for her-I have thought about joining a friend of mine who cleans offices. It is good, honest work and I am surprised that she is bringing in a good wage (usually good, honest work doesn't pay : ) I just need to stop analyzing, go with my gut and pick a direction-too bad my gut usually leads me in the wrong direction (cakes, pies, Doritos.... : )

Thank you for your posts!

I retired three years ago. I am not hurting, but IM scared as hell. I see no future for my sons and grandkids. The politicians have sold this country to China.

I was laid off for 10 months. Just started a new job 2 months ago at half what I was making. I had just topped out in pay where I was at. It's been really tough. Get out and vote them out in November~!

Beware of this guy he is a huge Libtard and Obama supporter....

Yeah Davest i remember you from the political forum...

You are definately scamming some type of government funds..How else would you be a full time treasure hunter..

The Patriot


Warning on attacking members and keep the politics out of the forum.....

Yeah i remember you too...

Big bad moderator now..

I don't care what you think of me, you have been warned to stop attacking any members as well as keep the politics off the forums...........

I just browsed this forum and 75% of the replies mention politics..

Obviously you have a personal grudge against me and i ws waiting for you to say something since i noticed you were a bigshot moderator now..

This forum is about Politics

I just browsed this forum and 75% of the replies mention politics..

Obviously you have a personal grudge against me and i ws waiting for you to say something since i noticed you were a bigshot moderator now..

This forum is about Politics

This forum is not about politics, it is about treasure hunting.......I have no grudge against you, you were attacking a member here and brought politics into the thread both of which are against Treasurenet rules......

“You may not.... Start a thread to specifically promote or discuss politics or religion or respond in a political or religious fashion to a post if it's not somehow tied to treasure hunting.”

Take the time to read our rules and please obey them as well.......
TreasureNet - Rules

Has anyone checked into what is happening in western ND. Halliburton and mnay other companies hiring like crazy. Those with cdl in high demand. Kids getting out of high school making over 100 grand a year on drilling rigs common. Unemployment numbers very low.

All I know is, it's not getting any better. I don't care what kind of picture "they" are trying to paint during this election year. China owns us. Once you take the manufacturing out of the country, the country will cease to exist. There is no such thing as a "blue collar city" anymore in this country. Once upon a time there were plenty of jobs to go around at the nearest factory. All one had to do was roll up his sleeves and put in an honest days work to put food on the table and pay his bills. Look at all the old manufacturing towns like Detroit, Cleveland, Gary, Flint and Camden just to name a few. These are examples of what the rest of America will look like soon. The problems are so vast and widespread that it would take decades to fix it, if someone actually had a viable plan (which they don't). I'm not trying to sound pessimistic, but the truth is reality and reality is staring us straight in the face. It'll get worse before it ever gets better.

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Has anyone checked into what is happening in western ND. Halliburton and mnay other companies hiring like crazy. Those with cdl in high demand. Kids getting out of high school making over 100 grand a year on drilling rigs common. Unemployment numbers very low.

Hope they save thier money, ever hear of the Oil Boom in Oklahoma. The Oil Companies Headquarters are still here like Cheasapeake, Devon, and Sand Ridge but there are not many if any active Oil Rigs. Once the pumps are in place the jobs go away.

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Beans ND boomed once before in the eighties also, this time is supposed to be different. Check out Bakken feild. There building houses and selling as fast as can be built. The Canadian pipe line when built will go through aerea also. I was there until recently will return soon,wife got sick. Every bussiness there has help wanted sign. Housing is expensive. Outfit I was working for built 8 bed room houses a prfabed 4 bedroom modular on a full basement and rent for 10 grand a month as fast as can be put up. Your right it will end sometime but most say its going to be awhile there going to drill west way in to the eastern front of rockies.

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