Swine Flu?

When Vice President Joe Biden suggested we shouldn't be flying because a sneeze or cough in a confined place like an airplane could be deadly, he was shut down by the airline industry lobby.

I don't think we can trust the authorities to do the right thing, either because of their own self interests or fear of causing the populace to panic.

Be smart and don't take any chances until this disease is under control, and a vaccine has been developed and proven safe and effective.


sad thing is biden is correct...i was reading a study on contagions on aircraft...seven rows forward, several rows back is contamination area...
FAA recommended airlines install higher quality filters on the recycled air...not many have.

As of today, Swine Flu has killed more people than Global Warming.
Which is ....lets see......ummmmm......more than none ;D


some people are so invested in their superiority, reality is not welcome.

Montezuma's Revenge aka: Traveler's Diarrhea

Traveler's diarrhea describes diarrhea that frequently attacks those visiting third-world or developing countries. Traveler's diarrhea diet refers to the appropriate food and fluids to consume if you develop traveler's diarrhea.

Bacteria and the toxins that cause traveler's diarrhea occur in areas with contaminated water supplies, poor sewage systems, or inadequate food handling. People living in these areas often don't get sick because their bodies have developed some degree of immunity.

Traveler's diarrhea is rarely life-threatening for adults. It is more serious in children as it can frequently lead to dehydration. You can decrease your risk of developing traveler's diarrhea by avoiding water and food that may be contaminated. The goal of traveler's diarrhea diet is to minimize the impact of this illness and avoid severe dehydration.

Common related or mistaken diagnosis:

e coli

Food poisoning




Heat Stroke



MI MONTY Buddy: You posted-->

'Hey Real de, have you ever had burro flu? M nty"
No monty, none of mine ever flew?

Don Jose de La Mancha (el chaste Saint) ()&%&*&%$#$ IT !!

P.S.. How about loaning me yer stool Monty? Oops Blushing !

Re: Swine Flu? a Flying Burro?

Is this a Burro Launch?



Well has the sky fallen in yet? Addressed to those "sky is falling in group". :thumbsup: At least the swine flu is an interesting topic for those that can stay on the topic. Thanks for posting rmptr.


I believe ever since 9/11, our U.S. news had made us fear everything. What happened when the news showed us happy things like teens getting scholorships or old people living past 100? I have noticed a lot of death and tradegy on the news lately. It is very sad. :( I don't think the swine flu is a big deal. As long as you wash your hands, then you should be ok.

they closed three schools in tampa for this coming week! a few kids have the swine flu!

Several have closed here in the DFW area. It makes sense to close the schools...better safe than sorry. Unfortunately, some parents are realizing that the reason the schools are closed are the same reasons the daycare centers etc SHOULD be closed.

This will blow over, but it is not going to be as terrible as everyone is afraid. I am just exasperated with the tinfoil hat nutjobs who think this is an Al Qaeda plot, or somehow the presidents fault, since there was also swine flu during Jimmy Carter.

When they 1st started to close some school they realized it had the opposite effect they wanted everybody was getting to gather outside of school (where the weather was good) out in the parks ect. sooooo.......
Tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo


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cinco de mayo is not a major mexican holiday as the propaganda suggests...
it is a southwestern adaptation celebrating the win over the french at Puebla...

we have hanta virus and bubonic plague...swine flu is just a sniffle.

pippinwhitepaws said:
cinco de mayo is not a major mexican holiday as the propaganda suggests...
it is a southwestern adaptation celebrating the win over the french at Puebla...

we have hanta virus and bubonic plague...swine flu is just a sniffle.

And you have yourself, that's enough to make anybody deathly ill. :P
We can call it pimple flu. :D :D :D


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so...are you a liar or ignoring me.
i distinctly recall you and the rest of the racists were ignoring me... :icon_sunny:

and you believe making fun of my dogs name is insulting? only to yourself.



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