The deceitfulness of the LRLs

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EE THr said:
EddieR said:
"Never ask questions about the documented proof that people post" (your words). I have questioned nearly everything you have posted as "proof" because it is all second hand (you know this, of course).

You have come up with nothing on your own. No tests, nada, zilch.

The questions you won't answer have nothing to do with topic. The reason you won't answer is because you have nothing to fall back on, because most of what you offer is only your opinion.

When you post about my supposed "claims", and I ask you what those "claims" are that you are referring to, but you REFUSE to answer....that is not an off topic question when it is in relation to your post.

Get over yourself and start telling the will be much more credible.

No, Eddie, you haven't asked questions about documented proof that anyone has posted, but you have insulted me for nearly everything I have posted.

Because I posted SWR's find of that DOJ document, your only lame complaint is that it's "second hand." It is what it is. Of course it's second hand, because I am not the DOJ. Get it now?

It's a DOJ publication, how could that possibly be my "opinion"?

I have already explained to you, twice, that any testing I might have done, would be of no real value in posting because it would be merely anectdotal. Just like the fish stories that you boys like to ridiculously claim as "proof."

And I have also explained your "claims" to you, twice. By your attacking only those who post verifiable facts about LRL fraud, you are exposing yourself as an LRL promoter, no matter what you claim to be. It's your obvious actions, Eddie, not your obviously misleading words.

I don't need credibility, because I'm not making any claims about the topic. I'm just posting documented fraud from verifiable sources. And sometimes I make statements about electronics, and those can be verified by just about anyone who knows how to search the Internet, and takes a little time to read what they find there.

So basically it goes like this: You post personal insults, Art posts fish stories and personal insults, while I post verifiable facts. Anyone reading this Section can soon verify that as true. The more you try to deny it, the more obvious your real intentions are. So you are your own best debunker. Keep up the good work!


The fist part that I emphasized in bold is a blatant lie.

Now you consider when I question your "proof" to be an "attack"....good grief. You really are further gone than I thought.

As long as you make up your lies about others, go on your little whining rampages about others staying on topic (and then turning around and doing the same yourself, as I pointed out in another thread that you evidently are afraid to respond to because you know you got caught), and not even knowing firsthand about anything you are debating, you aren't really debate worthy. Actually, with all those attributes, you should go into politics.

Now I'm sure the tears are beginning to flow because you feel insulted. But this is not intended as an insult, just an observation of facts. You did state one time that a fact was not an insult.

After all, it is what it is.

By the way...."verifiable facts" don't really count for much anymore, unless you can personally verify it. Printed documents can be made by anybody, and who knows what their agenda may be?

And you really rally around any government documents, don't you? Yeah, we ALL know they tell the truth all the time, don't we? :laughing7:

And no, you never told me what my "claims" are. You sidestepped the question....several times. So again....What are my claims? Not your interpretation, I want you to post what my claims concerning LRL's are.

I posted the most up to date version. It shows LRLs and MFDs to be fraudulent. How is the fact that it has been updated, make it relevant to the illegitimacy of fake devices? Once again you are posting irrelevant questions, in an attempt to divert off topic with a Strawman.

And you don’t think that the section about LRL’s is strange when put into a official DOJ document about how to test for explosives? You do not think that it is strange that an official document would be changed 3 times in the first month it was posted here?
How would whether or not it's my opinion, change the illegitimacy of fraudulent devices? And again you post irrelevant Strawman questions

First off it is just your opinion that they are fraudulent devices.
And again you are trying to say that the DOJ document which shows LRLs and MFDs to be fraudulent, is my claim, when it's actually the proof which you have been asking for. First you mistakingly think that your claims can substitute for proof. And now you are saying that real proof is only my claim. You are either confused, or a steadfast con artist.

We have determined that the document may be fraudulent

I'm not the one in the corner, Art. You have painted yourself into your own corner!
What corner are you now claim that I have myself into?

I have only said that it's your responsibility to prove your claims that LRLs and MFDs really work. So far you have refused to even try to do that. I have made no claims, but only posted documented proof. Do you get it now?

I have posted Photo’s of finds both old and new..I have made 3 or 4 movies of how one of my devices work..One was a movie of a real find.,305970.0.html
Yes I get it ...No amount of proof will ever be enough for a skeptic

I'm not the one in the corner, Art. You have painted yourself into your own corner!
And again you make that statement

I have only said that it's your responsibility to prove your claims that LRLs and MFDs really work. So far you have refused to even try to do that. I have made no claims, but only posted documented proof. Do you get it now
When are you going to put any believable documented proof on this board?

Yes. I'll bet they were attempts at creating a Strawman diversion away from the documented facts which show that LRLs and MFDs don't work!
Yes you are very good at creating Strawman diversions away from the truth..Art

EddieR said:
The fist part that I emphasized in bold is a blatant lie.

Now you consider when I question your "proof" to be an "attack"....good grief. You really are further gone than I thought.

As long as you make up your lies about others, go on your little whining rampages about others staying on topic (and then turning around and doing the same yourself, as I pointed out in another thread that you evidently are afraid to respond to because you know you got caught), and not even knowing firsthand about anything you are debating, you aren't really debate worthy. Actually, with all those attributes, you should go into politics.

Now I'm sure the tears are beginning to flow because you feel insulted. But this is not intended as an insult, just an observation of facts. You did state one time that a fact was not an insult.

After all, it is what it is.

By the way...."verifiable facts" don't really count for much anymore, unless you can personally verify it. Printed documents can be made by anybody, and who knows what their agenda may be?

And you really rally around any government documents, don't you? Yeah, we ALL know they tell the truth all the time, don't we? :laughing7:

And no, you never told me what my "claims" are. You sidestepped the question....several times. So again....What are my claims? Not your interpretation, I want you to post what my claims concerning LRL's are.

Show one single time that you asked about something in any document of proof. If you can show anything of the sort, I will apologize for saying that you didn't.

You are really twisting things, Eddie. Which shows that you are resorting to fabricating. I didn't say that your questioning was an attack, as you know, I said that you don't question documents of proof, but that your insults were attacks. That right there in print, by the way, not my opinion.

This isn't a debate, Eddie. It's a discussion forum. The fact that you think it's a debate shows your hostile attitude. But it's already obvious in your personal attacks, anyway. Are you going to try and deny that, too? :laughing7:

Tears flowing? OMG, you really do have an imagination! Is that your goal? Just to upset anyone who posts the real facts about fake LRLs? Don't bother to answer that, Eddie, because it's obvious that it is. It's your way of trying to make Reality go away---just harshly attack anyone who posts the truth, so they won't spoin your profitable fantasy. :nono:

No, Eddie, not tears, except maybe from laughing too hard. And I actually have a little sympathy for you. Not a lot, though. :laughing7:

"Personally" verify? What do you think "verify means"? Of course you can personally verify lots of stuff. You can follow provided links to the DOJ Website, and verify it as a real DOJ document. Or are you so paranoid that you think it's a phony Website? Wow, you are skeptical of that, yet you expect everyone to beliece in LRLs and MFDs simply because of some fish stories and fake pictures? It looks like it is you who are hypocricical.

And now you are saying that the DOJ report is false. I suppose the courts are wrong, also. And any Electrical Engineer you show the schematics and advertising photos to. :laughing7:

I've now explained the issue about your "claims" to you three times. It's this: When you consistantly attack anyone who posts documented facts which show LRLs and MFD to be fake, you are promoting LRLs and MFDs. Do you get it now?

Above and beyond all of that, you and Art have turned this entire thread into an off-topic subject, which is me. This, in an effort to divert attention away from the fact that no LRL or MFD has ever passed an actual Scientific test, and that recognized Scientific organizations have shown LRLs and MFDs to be fake devices which are fraudulently sold to the public in ongoing scams. But I guess, in light of all that, you are still undecided as to whether they really work or not, and are "just interested in the phenomenon." You don't need to build a swimming pool to know that bowling balls don't float, Eddie. That could only mean that you are either mentally challenged, or an outright shill.

ref: Terminology.


Above and beyond all of that, you and Art have turned this entire thread into an off-topic subject, which is me
Claim #1
This, in an effort to divert attention away from the fact that no LRL or MFD has ever passed an actual Scientific test, and that recognized Scientific organizations have shown LRLs and MFDs to be fake devices which are fraudulently sold to the public in ongoing scams.
Claim #2
But I guess, in light of all that, you are still undecided as to whether they really work or not, and are "just interested in the phenomenon."
Claim # 3
You don't need to build a swimming pool to know that bowling balls don't float, Eddie. That could only mean that you are either mentally challenged, or an outright shill.
Then the insults...Par 3 on this one...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Above and beyond all of that, you and Art have turned this entire thread into an off-topic subject, which is me
Claim #1
This, in an effort to divert attention away from the fact that no LRL or MFD has ever passed an actual Scientific test, and that recognized Scientific organizations have shown LRLs and MFDs to be fake devices which are fraudulently sold to the public in ongoing scams.
Claim #2
But I guess, in light of all that, you are still undecided as to whether they really work or not, and are "just interested in the phenomenon."
Claim # 3
You don't need to build a swimming pool to know that bowling balls don't float, Eddie. That could only mean that you are either mentally challenged, or an outright shill.
Then the insults...Par 3 on this one...Art

Once again you claim that facts are insults.

But you can't ever provide real proof that LRLs or MFDs work. And you ignore documented facts which prove that they don't. Something ain't right there, Art.

The fact that you think that fish stories qualify as "proof," makes it look like you are lacking.

And the fact that all you can do is insult people, confirms that.


Once again you claim that facts are insults.

But you can't ever provide real proof that LRLs or MFDs work. And you ignore documented facts which prove that they don't. Something ain't right there, Art.

The fact that you think that fish stories qualify as "proof," makes it look like you are lacking.

And the fact that all you can do is infult people, confirms that.
I don’t see anything about your 3 claims...Was that considered as a “Fish Story”?

EE THr said:
EddieR said:
The fist part that I emphasized in bold is a blatant lie.

Now you consider when I question your "proof" to be an "attack"....good grief. You really are further gone than I thought.

As long as you make up your lies about others, go on your little whining rampages about others staying on topic (and then turning around and doing the same yourself, as I pointed out in another thread that you evidently are afraid to respond to because you know you got caught), and not even knowing firsthand about anything you are debating, you aren't really debate worthy. Actually, with all those attributes, you should go into politics.

Now I'm sure the tears are beginning to flow because you feel insulted. But this is not intended as an insult, just an observation of facts. You did state one time that a fact was not an insult.

After all, it is what it is.

By the way...."verifiable facts" don't really count for much anymore, unless you can personally verify it. Printed documents can be made by anybody, and who knows what their agenda may be?

And you really rally around any government documents, don't you? Yeah, we ALL know they tell the truth all the time, don't we? :laughing7:

And no, you never told me what my "claims" are. You sidestepped the question....several times. So again....What are my claims? Not your interpretation, I want you to post what my claims concerning LRL's are.

Show one single time that you asked about something in any document of proof. If you can show anything of the sort, I will apologize for saying that you didn't.

You are really twisting things, Eddie. Which shows that you are resorting to fabricating. I didn't say that your questioning was an attack, as you know, I said that you don't question documents of proof, but that your insults were attacks. That right there in print, by the way, not my opinion.

This isn't a debate, Eddie. It's a discussion forum. The fact that you think it's a debate shows your hostile attitude. But it's already obvious in your personal attacks, anyway. Are you going to try and deny that, too? :laughing7:

Tears flowing? OMG, you really do have an imagination! Is that your goal? Just to upset anyone who posts the real facts about fake LRLs? Don't bother to answer that, Eddie, because it's obvious that it is. It's your way of trying to make Reality go away---just harshly attack anyone who posts the truth, so they won't spoin your profitable fantasy. :nono:

No, Eddie, not tears, except maybe from laughing too hard. And I actually have a little sympathy for you. Not a lot, though. :laughing7:

"Personally" verify? What do you think "verify means"? Of course you can personally verify lots of stuff. You can follow provided links to the DOJ Website, and verify it as a real DOJ document. Or are you so paranoid that you think it's a phony Website? Wow, you are skeptical of that, yet you expect everyone to beliece in LRLs and MFDs simply because of some fish stories and fake pictures? It looks like it is you who are hypocricical.

And now you are saying that the DOJ report is false. I suppose the courts are wrong, also. And any Electrical Engineer you show the schematics and advertising photos to. :laughing7:

I've now explained the issue about your "claims" to you three times. It's this: When you consistantly attack anyone who posts documented facts which show LRLs and MFD to be fake, you are promoting LRLs and MFDs. Do you get it now?

Above and beyond all of that, you and Art have turned this entire thread into an off-topic subject, which is me. This, in an effort to divert attention away from the fact that no LRL or MFD has ever passed an actual Scientific test, and that recognized Scientific organizations have shown LRLs and MFDs to be fake devices which are fraudulently sold to the public in ongoing scams. But I guess, in light of all that, you are still undecided as to whether they really work or not, and are "just interested in the phenomenon." You don't need to build a swimming pool to know that bowling balls don't float, Eddie. That could only mean that you are either mentally challenged, or an outright shill.

ref: Terminology.


Go look it up yourself. It will be in the posts/threads that predate you, more than likely, because you turned everything into a circus. Why do you think all the members have dropped away from posting since you came on? I know that Af, SWR, and Carl had some good stuff back then. When they were talking about a device being tested by a third party (not sure of the device or who posted about it) I posted that I would like to see the results of said test, as it sounded fair. I also said that I thought Carl's test is fair.

Now, about these "claims" you are clamoring about: When you call me a "LRL Promoter", that is YOUR claim, not mine. Geez....

Here, I'll make things easy for you. Here are the claims I have made: (1) I used a LRL to find my ring. (2) When asked what LRL a person should buy, I told them that they should go try one out in person, using their own test, not a manufacturers "test garden", to see if the device is what they were wanting. I never tried to convince anybody to buy one, as you have alluded to. (3) When offered further opportunity to test the LRL I used to find my ring, based on tests suggested by skeptics on here (skeptic being a catch-all word here, not derogatory), and some other tests that I came up with, I announced that the LRL did not work as advertised and was just a dowsing device. (4) I have claimed that I am not qualified to say whether any other LRL works or not, as I have not used any other.

Now, what kind of proof do you need about my claims?

Bowling balls don't float, nope. But a ship will.

By the way, where in my post did I say the DOJ document is false? There you go with your lies again. Do you honestly think that everyone else can't read? Just because you can't comprehend what others say doesn't mean that everyone else has trouble.

signal_line said:
I just figured out somebody is on meds and can't think straight. Reminds me of that Anna Nicole. No joke.

Are you referring to me or someone else?

If you are on meds and can't think straight you sure hide it well. Someone else ain't so good at hiding it.

signal_line said:
If you are on meds and can't think straight you sure hide it well. Someone else ain't so good at hiding it.

;D :icon_thumleft:

"What we got here is...failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach..."

EddieR said:
I posted that I would like to see the results of said test, as it sounded fair. I also said that I thought Carl's test is fair.

You have said a lot of things, but your actions contradict your claims of being unbiased.

And none of that explains your obsession about me.

I've been posting here for a couple years. So you haven't posted about LRLs in that long? Why is that not believable?

Those who promote LRLs and MFDs are deceitful, because it's been fully proven that they can't locate anything at all
Claim #5 and #6
You have said a lot of things, but your actions contradict your claims of being unbiased.
Looks like random junk so needs no answer...Art

EE THr said:
Those who promote LRLs and MFDs are deceitful, because it's been fully proven that they can't locate anything at all.

If it's been fully proven, then why ya gotta try so hard to make people believe you?

EddieR said:
EE THr said:
Those who promote LRLs and MFDs are deceitful, because it's been fully proven that they can't locate anything at all.

If it's been fully proven, then why ya gotta try so hard to make people believe you?

Why do you try so hard to make merely posting documented facts seem evil?

People who see the real facts, and personally verify them using the references provided, don't need "convincing." They can think for themselves.

It's the fantasy scam people who have the need to "convince" people into "believing."

The more you post, the bigger self-debunker you become. So keep up the good work!


Why do you try so hard to make merely posting documented facts seem evil?

Where have we said that posting documenting facts is evil...We only have questioned what you have posted as documented facts as being fake.

People who see the real facts, and personally verify them using the references provided, don't need "convincing." They can think for themselves.

Yes we have saw that over the past 40 years..the industry has been expanded to over 100 brand names..I see that the skeptic clan has had very little influence on the sale and productions of LRL’s and MFD...It seems that most people can think for themselves despite all the false claims the skeptics make...

It's the fantasy scam people who have the need to "convince" people into "believing."

You seem to see a scam hiding behind every tree..The only problem you have is there are no trees.

The more you post, the bigger self-debunker you become. So keep up the good work!

Yes..this claim #18...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Why do you try so hard to make merely posting documented facts seem evil?

Where have we said that posting documenting facts is evil...We only have questioned what you have posted as documented facts as being fake.

People who see the real facts, and personally verify them using the references provided, don't need "convincing." They can think for themselves.

Yes we have saw that over the past 40 years..the industry has been expanded to over 100 brand names..I see that the skeptic clan has had very little influence on the sale and productions of LRL’s and MFD...It seems that most people can think for themselves despite all the false claims the skeptics make...

It's the fantasy scam people who have the need to "convince" people into "believing."

You seem to see a scam hiding behind every tree..The only problem you have is there are no trees.

The more you post, the bigger self-debunker you become. So keep up the good work!

Yes..this claim #18...Art

More argumentative chatter, as usual. Your absolute refusal to even attempt to provide legitimate evidence that your imaginary devices actually work, is your downfall. But you can't help that, because it's already been proven that they don't. So you're stuck with jibberish as your only support, and that's obviously just a wet noodle. Sorry. But it was your choice, to promote phony devices. So you'll just have to live with it.


EE THr said:
EddieR said:
EE THr said:
Those who promote LRLs and MFDs are deceitful, because it's been fully proven that they can't locate anything at all.

If it's been fully proven, then why ya gotta try so hard to make people believe you?

Why do you try so hard to make merely posting documented facts seem evil?

People who see the real facts, and personally verify them using the references provided, don't need "convincing." They can think for themselves.

It's the fantasy scam people who have the need to "convince" people into "believing."

The more you post, the bigger self-debunker you become. So keep up the good work!


More argumentative chatter, as usual. :laughing9:

You are the one bringing up the word "evil". Remember that.

And I agree with you about "convincing" people into "believing". So now we know why you try so hard to "convince" others into "believing".

I would say "keep up the good work", but...well...ya aint so swift at it yet.

More argumentative chatter, as usual.

Welcome to the world of internet posting

Your absolute refusal to even attempt to provide legitimate evidence that your imaginary devices actually work, is your downfall
I don’t see it that way...As you have refused to back up your Claims or even offer an explanation of them have cause treasure hunters and other skeptics to disappear.

But you can't help that, because it's already been proven that they don't.
What are you talking about now?

So you're stuck with jibberish as your only support, and that's obviously just a wet noodle.
How does that work?..I have never used gibberish or a wet noodle to hunt for treasure.

Sorry. But it was your choice, to promote phony devices. So you'll just have to live with it.
Wow..Is this Claim # 20?...Art

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